Many a one may see and be convinced that he is sincere, and yet have little comfort in it, through a sad or distempered state of mind or body, and unpreparedness for joy; or through some expectations of enthusiastic comforts.
If there was one thing that showed our unpreparedness for war on a large scale, it was the neglect to anticipate accommodation for wounded.
Academic inquiry into our unpreparedness and the causes of the shortage of supplies was of little value to the soldiers trying to defeat the enemy.
In the old British way, we were paying for unpreparedness with the flesh and blood of our willing young men.
There is no attempt "to hide incompetency and unpreparedness under the platitude that 'was is war.
The utter unpreparedness of the Allies was the dominant note of the new situation, and its manifestations were countless and disastrous.
Their state of unpreparedness is amazing, if less desperate than ours.
The machinery of the government will always move in emergencies more quickly than that of any European country; and unpreparedness becomes a vastly less serious matter.
To this condition of unpreparedness the horrible disaster of Schenectady may be distinctly attributed, and probably those at Salmon Falls and Casco Bay as well.
It is nevertheless true that, if his object had been to strike at a moment of unpreparedness and weakness, he could not have timed his operations better.
The triumph of the French Republic and its transformation into a military Empire cannot be understood until we probe the inner weakness of the First Coalition and realize the unpreparedness of Great Britain.
Two features of the conference were the reading of a letter to Hudson Maxim from ex-President Theodore Roosevelt and a speech on naval unpreparedness by George von L.
Innumerable notices of Russia's alleged mobilization appeared and, probably with a view to encouraging Germans to stand fast, ghastly pictures of the weakness and unpreparedness of the Russian army, in a word Russian rottenness and corruption.
Before the war German newspapers abounded in reports of French unpreparedness and chaos.
A kindred contributory cause was the equal unpreparedness of the American mind for any interference with the ascendancy of the United States in the New World (compare Secretary Olney's declaration in this chapter, ยง 6).
But the early handicaps of unpreparedness and overwhelming numbers of patients had been overcome to a large extent.
The price of our unpreparedness for World War II was staggering to the imagination.
The price of unpreparedness for a World War III would be death to millions of us, and the disappearance from the earth of its greatest nation.
England, The military unpreparedness of, 185; ignorance of the situation in S.
My often Messages for Peace shewed, that I delighted not in Warre; as my former Concessions sufficiently testified, how willingly I would have prevented it; and My totall unpreparedness for it, how little I intended it.
I believe my innocency andunpreparedness to assert my Rights and Honour, makes me the more guilty in their esteems; who would not so easily have declared a War against me, if I had first assaulted them.
For this unpreparedness many must bear the blame, but President Jefferson has become the scapegoat.
Was he aware of the woeful state of unpreparedness everywhere apparent and was he therefore desirous of delay?
We had the lesson of unpreparednessillustrated so that we all can understand it.
Indeed, we were to blame for conditions, and such of us as were fortunate enough to see service in Europe had the sins of our unpreparedness brought before us in the most glaring light.
So much for the lesson of unpreparedness and what I believe we should do to remedy it.
In the two great struggles of the early twentieth century, in South Africa and the Far East, it had before its eyes examples of the peril which comes from unpreparedness and from haphazard government.
But there was the same cry of unpreparedness everywhere.
We should use every endeavour to prevent the feeling of anxiety as to our unpreparednessfrom cooling down.
He had pointed out to the London Chamber of Commerce in December 1905 that it was most important that our present unpreparedness for war should not be allowed to continue.
This was due partly to the political unpreparedness of the officers, partly to the instinctive fear felt by the old regime of introducing "politics" into barracks, even with a view to criticising subversive doctrines.