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Example sentences for "unprecedentedly"

Lexicographically close words:
unpowdered; unpractical; unpracticed; unpractised; unprecedented; unpredictable; unprejudiced; unpremeditated; unprepared; unpreparedness
  1. It is unprecedentedly communistic in production, and unprecedentedly individualistic in distribution.

  2. Thus ended an expedition unprecedentedly fatal to the British arms.

  3. On the contrary he had been unprecedentedly supported by them--had received a larger popular vote than ever had been given to any President before!

  4. Congress had been in session nine months--an unprecedentedly long session, and that following immediately on the heels of an extra session of three months and a half.

  5. Grant had not reached Lee's flank at any point, and his casualties from first to last had been unprecedentedly heavy, but "hammering" was steadily prevailing where skill and valour had failed.

  6. After clearing the gate, the enemy must have become paralysed, and both town and citadel were gained with an unprecedentedly trifling loss.

  7. The number of tributaries even to Rangoon is unprecedentedly small: this tends to increase the astonishment with which one regards this magnificent river.

  8. Enough was done to demonstrate, first, that an iron of unprecedentedly good qualities was attainable from common pig; and second, that the cost of its manufacture would not exceed that of Bessemer steel.

  9. In spite of the very inopportune change in the direction of the wind, we had had an unprecedentedly quick passage.

  10. Our passage had been unprecedentedly quick; the sailors declared that a favourable gale was to be preferred even to steam, and that on our present voyage we should certainly have left every steamer in our wake.

  11. And yet in three months she could hardly have changed; the change was in Rowland's own vision of her, which that last interview, on the eve of her marriage, had made unprecedentedly tender.

  12. It was moreover as if, thus unprecedentedly positive, his child had an effect upon him that Mr. Verver really felt as a new thing.

  13. They atone for the great want of good roads, and even make the absence of railroads less perceptible in a country where the value of labour is so unprecedentedly low.

  14. The least successful voyage was liberally remunerating to the owner--the most successful, unprecedentedly so.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unprecedentedly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.