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Example sentences for "tardiness"

Lexicographically close words:
tard; tarda; tarde; tardi; tardily; tardy; tare; tared; tares; targe
  1. Ruth herself had not thought of Mrs. Hallowell until that instant, and she made up for her tardiness by speaking very earnestly.

  2. Horace arrived some fifteen minutes after Peggy's departure, and his apologies to his great-aunt were more profuse than his slight tardiness called for.

  3. But the tardiness with which such works proceed, may render it doubtful whether I shall live to see it go into action.

  4. This tardiness and pride cost them many misfortunes, either by absolute defeat in battle, or the theft of glorious opportunities for victory through procrastination.

  5. Tardiness of Congress in supplying Men and Munitions 133St. Clair was an officer of acknowledged bravery and prudence, yet he was far from being an expert and skillful military leader.

  6. The tardiness of the progress of civilisation in Japanese history may, perhaps, be partly attributed to this fact.

  7. That portrait-painting remained thus long in an undeveloped stage cannot be explained away simply by the tardiness of the progress of arts in general.

  8. The only thing to lament was our tardiness in reaching you, and I ran myself quite out of breath.

  9. But the tardiness and inefficiency of the Chinese army prolonged the struggle, and covered the reputation of Hoeitsong and his troops with ignominy.

  10. A further delay was caused by the tardiness of the French, and July had begun before the expedition reached the Gulf of Pechihli.

  11. Supper was early at Mrs. Paynter's, as though to atone for the tardiness of yesterday.

  12. Her heart smote her for the tardiness of her reparation; but stronger than this was her fear of striking and missing fire.

  13. The tardiness with which intelligence arrived from the seat of war had long been matter of complaint.

  14. It was probably the speed of the express as compared with the tardiness of the post which induced the wealthy, about the middle of the last century, largely to employ this mode of conveyance for their letters.

  15. They became impatient at the tardiness of this battle of artillery.

  16. Seeming to revert to more encouraging ideas, he recollected what had been told him of the tardiness and carelessness of Kutusof, and expressed his surprise that Beningsen had not been preferred to him.

  17. Loud were the public outcries at the transport break-down and the tardiness of operations.

  18. There can be no doubt whatever that during April, May, and June, there was a very dissatisfied feeling in the colonies, as well as at home, with regard to the exceeding tardiness of operations.

  19. Friends regretfully and foes despairingly sometimes speak of the tardiness of his progress.

  20. Now, it is a peculiarity of the uneducated, when, puzzled for the moment, by the tardiness of an idea, to scratch the head.

  21. Our tardiness in protecting the labor of women and children is certainly responsible for a share of dependency.

  22. Always repeating the same arguments of the grandfather, in order to explain his tardiness about the payment.

  23. The same tardiness was noticeable in the Friday evening meetings; and, odd to say, a certain spirit of indolence seemed to creep over the services themselves.

  24. I have been pained to notice," he said gravely, "the tardiness with which we begin our meetings.

  25. Still, the habitual tardiness of Lacedæmonian habits prevented any immediate or separate movement.

  26. Proceedings of the restored Argeian Demos: tardiness of Sparta.

  27. There was an innocent gayety on her face like a child's, and an entire confidence in good will and loving charity for her tardiness which disarmed all.

  28. Paula, indeed, didn't know that she had fled at all, for Maxfield Ware's tardiness about coming back the second time supplied her with a pretext.

  29. It was nearly six before she got back to the cottage, but the contented lazy tone in which Paula from up-stairs answered her hail, made it plain that her tardiness had not been remarked.

  30. Among them was a prominent official of one of the rebel military companies, then located about Pensacola, who was quite disgusted at the tardiness of their "Government" in not moving at once on Fort Pickens.

  31. The criticism or demonstration which seemed to be most general among citizens as well as the military was, that the tardiness or delay in ordering the assault, upon the part of the Montgomery officials, was "outrageous.

  32. Maybe I spoke too harshly, but this last week he has been eating his heart out for the sight of you, and your tardiness plagued me.

  33. I was, in truth, infinitely more distressed by the tardiness of our voyage, for towards sunrise the wind died utterly away, and during the next two days we lay becalmed, rocking lazily upon the swell.

  34. The tardiness and apparent difficulty in rising from the ground which these birds exhibit is well expressed in their Spanish name Avetarda,[8] and is recognized in their scientific cognomen of Otis tarda.

  35. The tardiness of the Horse-Guards is to be moved by nothing but an invasion; and it would be almost as rational to wait the growth of an oak, as to wait the signing of your commission; but it shall be done in my own way.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tardiness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    anticipation; earliness; lateness; tardiness; unpreparedness