He met with marked success before the unprejudiced hearers of Vienna, Prague, St. Petersburg, and Moscow.
It bears the imprint of an unprejudiced judgment, which may err, but not blindly, and a scholarly mind.
At last they prevailed upon the king, to whom this had been foolsplay, to listen at least to whatunprejudiced men would tell him of public opinion in Bavaria.
But it was precisely a time when nothing was so difficult as the unprejudiced settlement of a question of administration.
With an unprejudiced treatment of the matter it was not difficult to make a fitting choice.
Tecumah showed by his questions and replies how completely he understood it, and how his pure unprejudiced mind revolted against the falsehoods of Rome, while it quickly embraced the truth of the Gospel.
Such a ruling cannot but shock the moral sense of all right-minded, unprejudiced men.
How can you get anunprejudiced jury if the prisoner starts by telling them theyre all rotten?
I examined every religious teaching with a calm andunprejudiced attention.
No sensible, no reasonable, no unprejudiced man can so pretend.
In all sincerity, may I not ask every unprejudiced mind:--has not the whole World every reason to be much elated at witnessing the beneficent results of the triumph of the American Federalists?
And here it may be remarked, once for all, that no man who has subscribed to creeds and formulas, whether in theology or philosophy, can be an unbiased investigator of the truth or an unprejudiced judge of the opinions of others.
Mr. Ellis, an unprejudiced witness, declares that the original house seemed to him commodious and well furnished.
To these arguments, an unprejudiced eye could scarcely see any answer; yet the popular party endeavoured to found a pleading against the second restoration of Louis, upon the declaration of the allies.
We, the undersigned, in conformity to the above appointment, beg leave to present to the public, in a calm and unprejudiced manner, our reasons for opposing the scheme of African colonization.
Indeed I never saw a moreunprejudiced audience, nor more attention.
Then bring your evidence into a court of law and let unprejudiced men judge its value," Judge Harlin roared back.
The proof is as clear as anyunprejudiced person need want.
But I think I have said enough to satisfy all unprejudiced people that the charge is absurdly false.
Unprejudiced and uninterested spectators, however, had but one opinion as to the chances of the Briton's success.
No unprejudiced historian can but honor Leisler, the lover of union, and the champion of the people’s rights.
The picture is presented in the uncolored official statements of unprejudiced observers.
But then, when of his own accord he expressed his regret on a public occasion at the rupture between us, and spoke of me with unprejudiced comprehension and good-will, I seized with warmth and gratitude the hand stretched out to me.
We can only here appeal to the decision of unprejudiced men of experience, who will, we are sure, assent to what we have said, and answer for us to such of our readers as do not know War from their own experience.
If we take an unprejudiced glance at military history, we shall find that the instances in which mistakes in such a calculation have proved the cause of serious losses are very rare, at least in Strategy.
If we study the world unprejudiced by the naturalistic interpretation, or having shaken ourselves free from it, we are most powerfully impressed by one fundamental phenomenon in all existence: it is the fact of evolution.
To reach a more unprejudiced attitude towards the customary anthropomorphisation of animals, it is profitable to study Wundt's lectures on "The Human and the Animal Mind" (see especially Lecture XX.
The unprejudiced seeker after truth will insist on a demonstration based on incontrovertible facts.
On an unprejudicedcomparison between the civilized educated white man and the civilized educated Indian, all this theory of an organic constitutional difference between the European and the native Indian vanishes.
It is rather long for a quotation, but it cannot be tedious, and I am certain, that every unprejudiced reader will be gratified with the perusal of it.
I feel certain that an unprejudiced judgment can see neither crime nor shame in that act.