I could better eat with one who did not respect the truth or the laws than with a sloven and unpresentable person.
But the house was undergoing renovations which made it as unpresentable as a moulting fowl.
He spoke slowly, for indeed it was this action of words that was beginning to make clear to himself his own impression, so vague and so unpresentable before.
Mother and son--those unpresentablefeatures of a former occasion--now appeared as immaculate cook and page at the top of the area steps and on the lighted threshold respectively.
The reverse process of the production of motion by consciousness is equally unpresentable to the mind.
Indeed, Gerald Leigh was in as unpresentable trim as when years ago he first met Miss Herbert.
Poor Abraham Leigh was much mortified at the unpresentable state in which his son showed himself.
These men were capable of better things than they had done or would ever do; in each case their failure to fulfil youthful promise was largely explained by the unpresentable wife.
The mention of people living narrowly brought to his mind his own early life in a farmhouse, and reminded him of his amiable but socially unpresentable aunt, whom he was wont faithfully to visit on one Sunday afternoon in every month.
And in the meantime,' pouted Ning, 'I shall have partaken of the wedding-cake of the utterly unpresentable Li Ting.
Can it indeed be an uncontroversial fact that so learned and ornamental a person as the renowned Controller of Unsolicited Degrees stands beneath this inelegant person's utterly unpresentable roof!
By no means," exclaimed Wang, when he at length understood the full meaning of the project; "it would be a most unpresentable action for this commonplace person to interfere in so honourable an undertaking.
As the reward of a tael cannot be unwelcome to a person of your inferior appearance and unpresentable garments, take up your box without delay, and follow the one who is now before you.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unpresentable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.