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Example sentences for "undetected"

Lexicographically close words:
undesirability; undesirable; undesirables; undesired; undetectable; undetermined; undeterred; undeveloped; undeviating; undeviatingly
  1. There, wholly undetected by the very man who had said some women were too feminine and she was one, she had played her sex against his with an energy veiled only by its intellectual nimbleness and its utterly dispassionate design.

  2. She watched the day increase and noon soar up and sink away while the legions of Hardee, Bragg, Polk and Breckinridge slowly writhed out of their perplexed folds and set themselves, still undetected in their three successive lines of battle.

  3. They had noticed the scuttle, and the possibility that it might be unfastened led one of them to climb undetected to the roof to make sure about it.

  4. He had managed to climb undetected to his perch for the purpose of setting fire to the building, and not only that, but he had succeeded in his design.

  5. They got back about half-past four, and climbed in unheard and undetected through the window pane.

  6. The House-Surgeon, speaking professionally, spoke also hopefully of undetected complications in the background.

  7. Gwen, entering unheard, was glad she could dry her eyes undetected by those sightless ones that she knew showed nothing to the singer--nothing but a black void.

  8. His wife, moreover, inveighed in the bitterest terms against the undetected thief.

  9. Could I here abandon the search, and leave the poor lady's crime a mystery, or an undetected fact?

  10. Again Lanyard was confronted with the alternatives of incontinent flight or attempting to remain undetected through the adoption of an expedient of the most desperate audacity.

  11. If he had staked his whole fortune on a rubber at whist, and an undetected glance at his adversary's hand would have made the difference between loss and gain, he would have turned away his head and said, "Hold up your cards.

  12. The Comedian stood beside the dog, whose movements he directed with undetected skill, while appearing only to fix his eyes on the ground in conscious abasement.

  13. Undetected criminals are fortunately a very small minority as compared with honest people; and we must consequently regard every man who is placed on his trial as innocent until the contrary has been proved.

  14. That I escaped undetected was more than miraculous; I could not believe it myself.

  15. Such manifestations of undetected mental disorder may be seen associated with intellectual and moral qualities of the highest order.

  16. On the battlefield, spies could pass undetected from one army to the other.

  17. The very fact of Jaffir having managed to swim off undetected proved that much.

  18. All this Hassim saw and then retreated undetected to that part of the shore where Immada waited for him, keeping the canoe afloat.

  19. In Sweden the ravens, which scream by midnight in forest swamps and wild moors, are held to be the ghosts of murdered men, whose bodies have been hidden in those spots by their undetected murderers, and not had Christian burial.

  20. Many curious stories are on record of persons having been informed by ghosts of the whereabouts of hidden money, and of their having been directed to the spot where the hoarded treasure has lain for years secreted in its undetected recess.

  21. Swedish folk-lore tells us that the ravens which scream by night in forest swamps and wild moors are the ghosts of murdered men whose bodies have been hidden by their undetected murderers, and not had Christian burial.

  22. Such deception may be long undetected when it is no one's business to expose it.

  23. If, however, I could come undetected there, and so give myself up, why, the voluntary relinquishment of life might haply be taken as a guarantee and surety for my word.

  24. Once upon the hillside, it would be strange, I thought, if we did not contrive to come undetected to Ravenglass.

  25. But the very fact of their remaining undetected is a proof that they are not directly connected with intoxication, for it shows that they are for the most part agrarian.

  26. All this, it may be said, simply shows that there must be a great deal of undetected crime in Ireland.

  27. What shall he profit, if his injustice be undetected and unpunished?

  28. Even this profession if undetected has advantages, though they are not to be compared with those of which I was just now speaking.

  29. The two philosophers had more in common than they were conscious of; and probably some elements of Plato remain still undetected in Aristotle.

  30. The disguises might have been good enough, he thought, to permit them to remain undetected in Draise itself.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "undetected" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    invisible; undisclosed; undiscovered; unexplained; unexplored; unexposed; unperceived; unrevealed; unseen