Those who do not believe in personal influence should go into a house which uninvited and undesired guests have regretfully left.
Just why the eating of our bread and salt by some undesired guest should exert any particular charm of immunity, has long been an open question, but the Law remains.
The entries farther on were full of "trouble," being minute and intimate portrayals of the emotions of one roused from sleep at three in the morning to admit undesired guests, interlarded with pardonable profanity.
Utterly unaware that she had a zealous, but an undesired defender, Katherine returned to her classes after a two weeks' absence apparently in good trim.
The signs of such undesired action may develop slowly, as suggested by the symptoms just enumerated, or they may develop suddenly.
The treatment of such an undesired behavior of digitalis is, of course, to stop the drug immediately, give saline laxatives, hot sponging or hot baths, nitroglycerin and perhaps alcohol.
We are not, indeed, without some light from external sources, but this light leads us in an unexpected and undesired direction.
The occasion, not undesired by David, came from without, from Ammon.
They were disguises whereby to deceive the ghosts, so that they might not recognise and pester with their undesired attentions the relatives who live.
But the living men and women are not at all eager to receive the ghosts into the family circle, and they accordingly adopt all kinds of "dodges," expedients to prevent the departed from making these irksome and undesired visits.
And as he passed beneath the shadow of the high blank wall he glanced up and became aware that his hunting had had undesired witnesses.
To these he knew quite well, was due the undesired intensification of the very mood, the very emotions, the very thoughts he had come out on purpose to escape.
Crossing a little bay, he spurted, hoping to reach the other point before his undesired and undesirable attendant.
If there was an awkward remark to be made at an inconvenient moment before undesired listeners, Joan invariably made it, and when the occasion did not present itself she was usually capable of creating it.
The visit to Torywood was a misfortune; it might just turn the balance in the undesired direction.
Every drug exerts undesired side actions, and it is the aim of the modern physician to try to select the one which will have a maximum of therapeutic with a minimum of undesired actions.
Even the most active of hypnotics are worse than useless if they are inferior to other readily available hypnotics, or if they have undesired side-actions that outweigh any advantages that they might otherwise have.
When a complex mixture is employed, it is obvious that only the best is utilized, whereas all the undesired side actions come into play.
In the fermentative industries they occasionally cause an improper sort of fermentation to occur unless care is taken to prevent undesired species of bacteria from being present.
Some species are found to produce good results with desired flavours, while others, under identical conditions, produce decidedly poor results with undesired flavours.
In Dolores King, the unfortunate and undesired offspring of a loveless marriage fletrie avant sa naissance.
Chapter 49 The Undesired That evening about seven o'clock, whilst Easton was down-town seeing the last of the election, Ruth's child was born.
The Wall Street Farmer glared apoplectically at his host, who was already sorry that the sneer at Lad and the killing of his wife's pet had made him speak so to a guest--even to a self-invited and undesired guest.
Nor did he thrust his undesired presence on them during their woodland rambles.
The unloved, undesired child which she had lost was a warning guidepost pointing its finger away from a continuance of marital relations.
Duty pointed sternly to theundesired task, and duty was writ large on the pages of Lizzie Farnshaw's monotonous life.
The first issue was made at the rate of one helmet per fire bay, the honour of wearing it falling to the man on sentry duty for the time being, and most remarkably disinclined the men were to assume this undesired badge of office.
An Undesired Introduction=, if made, compels the one to whom it is the most unwelcome, to treat the other with marked coldness, or to continue an acquaintance that is distasteful.
He shows that it is a regular practice to utilise the existence of certain punishments as a means of getting undesired persons out of the way, by bringing false accusations against them.
Thou art allied to long-hair'd cherubim, And I a something undesired of these, With woesome lips and eyes for ever dim.
The horror of having been brought into the world undesired and unloved, stamped its indelible mark on August Strindberg.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "undesired" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.