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Example sentences for "undetectable"

Lexicographically close words:
undesigning; undesirability; undesirable; undesirables; undesired; undetected; undetermined; undeterred; undeveloped; undeviating
  1. He felt so secure and undetectable in that regard that he had taken to wearing no hat, and was soon about to say that his hair was growing more thickly than ever in consequence.

  2. Some of the members or the elder races have speculated on a sort of second-order telepathy, undetectable to the normal telepath, but capable of noting normal radiation.

  3. They would be undetectable by normal telepathic means, you know.

  4. The bluff commander, reactionary and of the old school as was his breed, was furious--baffled, raging inwardly to come to grips with the invisible and undetectable foe.

  5. It is undetectable and invisible--your detectors do not touch it and light-waves are bent around it without loss or distortion.

  6. Undoubtedly, the Kerothi position had been relayed to the Earth commander by their own advance scouts buzzing about in tiny, one-man shells just small enough to be undetectable at normal range.

  7. Who ever heard of a battleship that was undetectable at a distance of less than half a million miles?

  8. Monday morning Tom buckled down seriously to the job of designing an undetectable sub.

  9. Those enemies of ours are clever, but if they can produce an undetectable sub, there's no reason why I can't do the same.

  10. In a news announcement released less than half an hour ago, they stated that their Navy has perfected an undetectable submarine!

  11. Zimby Cox related that a man had transferred from the undetectable submarine to the one they had been following.

  12. We'll need an undetectable sub to test my analyzer," he mused.

  13. He had tried several different experimental attacks on the problem of an undetectable submarine.

  14. Murder mysteries have never been to my taste, and I don't know that I exactly approve of the hero's killing his benefactress with an undetectable poison, and then inheriting her fortune and marrying her niece.

  15. At five-second intervals they were projected outward, invisible globes of concentrated magnetic energy, undetectable in space.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "undetectable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.