Happily my homestead is not comprised within the limits of the colony, and the sentence of banishment is complied with, Philip being here.
I do begin to consider my banishment as no misfortune," said the soldier, whose confidence in himself was now restored.
In the Baltic provinces the banishment of the old settlers was repealed, while in the Great Russian governments it was postponed for a year or two.
They realized that the pitiless banishment of thousands of families from home and hearth was not altogether compatible with "benevolent intentions.
During the period which immediately followed the banishment of the Protestants, Bohemia scarcely produced one man who became eminent in any branch of learning.
At Presburg Gabriel was, with imposing ceremonies, proclaimed King of Hungary, and a decree of proscription and banishment was issued against all the adherents of Ferdinand.
This last settlement of saints and scholars was founded by Molaise,--he who had pronounced sentence of exile on Colum of the Churches, the banishment that was the beginning of grace for the northern Picts.
At the last moment, and in the midst of almost universal silence, the banishment of the regicides was alone inscribed upon the act.
At that time the Lutherans thought that Catholicism was at its last gasp, and they eagerly anticipated the banishment of the Jesuits.
These were the chief motives for the arrest andbanishment of our archbishop; for, the same persons [i.
Before the said governor arrived, the bishop of Troya published a document with the title, "Advice to those who come newly to these islands, that they may not err in judgment regarding the banishment of the archbishop.
To this, banishment from Oxford was immediately added, and, in many cases, imprisonment.
Constantia answered, that Isabel saw nothing infamous in banishment or poverty, but much in breaking her early vows to a man whose misfortunes were his praise.
He had borne a long banishment with melancholy patience, disdaining to complain, and affecting resignation, but he was then an unconnected man, and his fate was of small importance.
It was not long before the landowners, who deemed him a Jacobin, and the friends of the French, who called him a madman, had the satisfaction of seeing the Minister sent into banishment by order of Napoleon himself (Dec.
Some cried out for death, others for banishmentto Cayenne.
Yahuar-huaccac did not believe the story, and ordered his son to return to his banishment in the pastures of Chita.
Suzuki the plebeian merely suffered stripes and banishment from Edo.
Once he had looked upon banishment from Edo as the limit of his punishment.
This was done permanently in regard of two men who were then hanging from the boughs of a sycamore in the gulch, and temporarily in the banishment of certain other objectionable characters.
Young Rainer had been threatened with a disease of the lungs which, according to the highest authorities, made banishment to Arizona or New Mexico inevitable.
The penalty for violating this decree of banishment was death.
A very earnest petition was sent at this time to the Government, numerously signed by Frenchmen, praying that the decree of banishment against the Bonaparte family might be annulled.
Ostracism at Athens wasbanishment for ten years; petalism at Syracuse was banishment for five years.
Longchamp (William, bishop of Ely), constitutional precedent established by the banishment of, ii.
But when this, after many delays, was about to take place at Coventry, Richard interfered and settled the dispute by condemning Hereford to banishment for ten years and Norfolk for life.
But the banishment of his accuser was wholly unjustifiable by any motives that we can discover.
A gentler iudgement vanisht from his lips, Not bodies death, but bodies banishment Rom.
For exile hath more terror in his looke, Much more then death: do not say banishment Fri.
Persuade him to annul the order of banishment or render it ineffective.
The earl of Warwick, who was also convicted of high treason, was, on account of his submissive behavior, pardoned as to his life, but doomed to perpetualbanishment in the Isle of Man.
They required the banishment of Gavaston, imposed an oath on him never to return, and engaged the bishops, who never failed to interpose in all civil concerns, to pronounce him excommunicated if he remained any longer in the kingdom.
Two years after he was restored to liberty, and submitted to a voluntary banishment in France; where, without making any further attempts for the recovery of his royalty, he died in a private station.
It is to be remarked, that the duke of Lancaster always concurred with the rest in all their proceedings, even in the banishment of his son, which was afterwards so much complained of.
All the Athenians, therefore, gathered together in the market place, where they were to vote for or against the banishment of one of the leaders.
The misfortunes of Thebes had not come to an end with the banishment of OEdipus, and fate was still against the unhappy city.
All in favor of banishment wrote upon their shells the name of the man they wished to exile.
On the banishment of the Parliaments and the suppression of the Court of Aids, Malesherbes was exiled to his country-seat.
It is also admitted that "others of the same description (as those who had been sent prisoners to Connecticut) were instigated by revenge against the Americans, from whom some of them had suffered banishment and loss of property.
The Georgia Assembly, in meeting at Augusta, chose John Martin as Governor, and passed a law of confiscation and banishment very similar to that of South Carolina.