Certain obsessive ideas and idiosyncracies of his, closely bordering upon phobia, would seem to indicate grave psychic disorder.
Throughout his literary activity it has an obsessive hold on his mind.
Nietzsche's prime concern, contrarily, is with internal self-liberation from the obsessive desire for personal happiness in any accepted connotation of the term; such happiness to him does not constitute the chief object of life.
But the important thing about them both was the destruction of the end by the means; the problem of getting and keeping power despite the people was so obsessive that propaganda became all-important.
For an army of hungry men who knew that their homeland starved behind them, the enumeration of things to eat had obsessive value.
There was, in short, no labyrinthine lesion, but merely an obsessive mental phenomenon.
A son of an insane person was subject to what may be called a phobic or obsessive fugue.
In the differential diagnosis, alcoholism, cyclothymia, obsessive psychosis and occasionally systematized delusional psychosis may be considered.
Now and then there is an obsessive disorder dubbed tremophobia by Meige, which produces a vicious circle.
In short as the first phase of diffuse over-emotionality had been succeeded by a second of obsessions, so the obsessive phase was succeeded by a third phase of mild loss of the feeling of reality.
However, Verne gives his hero's brilliance and benevolence a dark underside--the man's obsessive hate for his old enemy.
After changing clothes, I climbed onto the platform, and in the grip of dreadfully obsessive thoughts, I sat next to the beacon.
It is a relentless pursuit, an obsessive hunt, a ruthless and unscrupulous chase.
There is an urgent and obsessive need to maintain control, never to be "out of control.
It is not difficult to think of other problems, sometimes of a handicapping kind, that, because of their obsessive or compulsive nature, interfere with normal living.
They are rigid, uptight, and inclined to be obsessive perfectionists.
The obsessive who is able to alter his ideals and systematically pursue the line of thought here sketched will himself find other directions in which control can be exercised.
Retrospective worry can be absolutely eliminated from the most obsessivemind by the practice of the veteran's philosophy.
Not infrequently the obsessive diner so long hesitates before giving his final order that the waiter brings the wrong dish.
Such maxims are quite as worthy of consideration by the obsessive as any of those previously cited.
Soukanhoff was right in warning the obsessive to beware of pedantry.
The obsessive individual resists this tendency; he starts with the fixed idea that he cannot stand the annoyance, his resentment increases, and his sensations become more, instead of less, acute.
This brings us to a form of insanity which the obsessive may well bear in mind, namely, that known as manic-depressive.
The tendency of the average American in this bustling age, whether he is obsessive or not, is to live at least several hours in advance.
A great fear, or an obsessive moral struggle (as when one fights hopelessly against temptation), has the same effect.
Often one experience of this kind builds up an obsessive fear; the associations left by the experience give the fear an open pathway to consciousness, without any inhibiting power.
There have always been young men with obsessive interests in these topics.
There is always more or less of this ambivalence in everybody's disposition; normally it is not strong enough to give rise to the obsessive reproaches we have described.
The primary obsessive actions of these neurotics are really altogether of a magical nature.
Through the analytical study of the symptoms, especially the compulsive actions, the defence reactions and the obsessive commands.
The most common of these obsessive acts is washing with water (washing obsession).
We have ascertained that these obsessive reproaches are in a certain sense justified and therefore are immune to refutation or objections.
It is a law of neurotic diseases that these obsessive acts serve the impulse more and more and come nearer and nearer to the original and forbidden act.
Henceforth she was full of sorrow, moody, tormented her husband with this obsessive idea, and renounced all joy and happiness.
Adolescence will be peaceful, calm, semi-conscious, or disturbing, revolutionary and obsessive according to the reaction of the other endocrines to the rise of the ovaries.
Cold hands and feet plague him, cold feet psychically as well as physically, for a chronic and obsessive indecision is one of his most prominent complaints.
Cross-pollination among disciplines traditionally kept in isolation will definitely enhance creativity by doing away with the obsessivechanneling practiced nowadays.
The obsessive acts really represent the conflict between impulses of opposite instincts, love and hate, which are usually of equal value.
If tics are of sexual derivation, as the Freudians here openly maintain, then it must follow that those familiar examples of compulsion, such as the obsessive impulse to touch every other post, etc.
A series of secondary defense mechanisms are now brought in and these may enable the obsessive person to get square in a limited way (as religious practices enable many to do).
In this connection I must again mention that the Freudians include tics under their obsessive (obsessional) neuroses.
In all such obsessive neurotics the transformed reproaches which have escaped repressions are always connected with some pleasurably accomplished sexual act of childhood but may be almost entirely lost.
Some special adaptation is required sooner or later, and the individual, having used up all the helps, then falls back upon the different forms of obsessive acts and thinking.
It is these latter glaring faults and trends that make for the character defects, and these really break down the final effort at adaptations and adjustments producing the tic or obsessive disorder.
The mental state often pari passu takes up obsessive thinking and various physical acts and thoughts are formed as defense mechanisms, born of conscious guilt.
If I could but harness the energy begotten of my anger towards self-obsessive persons, I could heat the house for a month.
Through observation and extensive thought, I have reached the conclusion that any obsessive self-indulgence or selfishness is merely a hollow attempt by the individual thus incensed to fill an emotional void.
Had she thought less of herself and allowed him the freedom to breathe, the obsessive guilt she strove to plant would never have taken root in his mind.
In severe cases, he may hear voices or experience other hallucinations which are symbolic of the obsessive ideas.
I'd take high ground, standing on a bench or hopping up on a fence, and do a visual reccy of all the queues in sight, try to spot prevailing currents in the flow of the crowd, generally having a high old obsessive time.
Totally obsessivefans are a good measure of a ride's popularity, but they're kind of a pain in the ass, too.
The obsessive dreams were wish-fulfilment dreams, showing him how to dodge life's duties through his sickness which was a convenient, though painful, unconscious excuse and how to solve his life problems by getting out of reality.
In fact, a remembered dream is as important as an obsessive idea and has the same meaning.
Obsessive fear which is at the bottom of every worry is due to certain complexes, at times apparently unrelated to the actual disturbance, and which cannot be unearthed and uprooted except by a thoroughgoing psychological analysis.