Nay when my fortune faylls me at a pynche I will thynke blasphemy a deede of merrytt.
Come, Ile make Thee greater then all Fraunce, above the peres, The proudest he that breathes shall thynke hym blest To do thee servyce, and esteeme it heaven To be thyne ape in imytatyon.
Nowe courtyers flatterye cannot keepe my sence From knowinge what I feele, for I am weake: Tys all my comfort nowe to thynke on thee Who bryngst my captive soule to libertie.
Thoughe I neare knew thee muche opprest with witt, I did not thynke thee such a foe to sence To speake with suche a daringe impudence.
Chuse then a fytt rewarde, examyne all, All my domynions and authoryties; Thynke what may please thee, make a full request Or I shall growe a burthen to thy favors.
Fyrst Ile dare All pangs make men thynke of mortallytie, But I will love hym; yes, I will love hym styll And so be servd both in my lust and will.
You mistake me, sweete: I am all yours and what you shall thynke fytt Ile cease to questyon, yet my contyence calls It a disloyall and a monstrous fact.
But stay, Let all sweete rest preserve hym: I will thynke Howe reelinge in the anguyshe of hys wounds I would not heare hym when a was about To teache repentance, and that onlye thought Shall melt me into cynders.
Althoughe I thynke thys fellowe meanes no good We may dyscover & prevent hys ill: Pray leave us, sir.
Wayte with a trencher, goe learne policye; A servingman at dynner tyme will teach thee To give attendance on the full-fedd gueste, Not on the hungry sharke; and yet you thynke To feede on larke by serving my poore father!
Thynke you that she that was caried awaye of a yonge man / and hote in loue / was restored agayn a mayde?
I wolde nat that any of you shulde thynke that I am now come amonge you nat remembrynge my condicion and state / but the como[n] ieopardy that we be all now in / wyll compell euery man to open and [D.
Fyrste, I thynke it expedyent to speke of the nature & kynde of this warre / and after that of the greatnes thereof / and than to shewe how an hede or chiefe capy- tayne of any army shulde be chosen.
But yet let nat the reder deceyue hym selfe / and thynke that the very perfyte knowlege is shewyd hym all here.
Than sayde Ennius: what, manne, thynke you that I knowe not your voyce?
Otherwhyle sayth Quintus Curtius, the couetousnes of glory and insaciable desire of fame causeth, that we thynke nothing ouermoche or ouer hard.
To whome the good holy man sayde: Go to, saye one Pater noster to the ende, and thynke on none other thinge, and I wyll gyue the myn horse.
Wherfore he plucked vp herbes, and beganne to throwe them at the boye, wherat the boye laughed hartelye, and thought that the olde man hadde ben mad, to thynke to driue him out of the tree with casting of herbes.
For I thynke Makeshift came not againe to agree them.
Paysant) "thynke you that thys poore Coate and simple lodging be not able to apprehend the Preceptes of Vertue?
Now being so affectionate to the king as I am, thynke whyther hys householde Seruauntes haue power to commaund me, and whither my willing mynde be prest to doe them good or not.
Thynke (deare Sister) what determinate aunswere you wyll make me, and consider if my request be meete to be denyed.
For those that be blinded in that passion, thynke them selues to be perfecte Seers, and yet be the first that commit most filthy faultes.
And simple Wyghtes ought not to bee afrayde, and thynke amyss if Fryendes doe flee away, sith Prynces and great Lords incurre sutch hap and Fortune.
Sir John Fastolf must be pleyntyf als weel as I my self, and so he may not be commyssioner; and as for alle the remenant, I can thynke them indifferent inow in the matier, except my Lord Scales, whos wyff is aunte to the Lady Moleyns.
What is the best to be don in this matier my seid Lady, your wyf, kan not thynke with owt your advis and counseile.
In good feyth, good Sir, thynke on all these maters; meche more I hadde to wryte on to yow, yf I kowde a remembryd me, but I hadde no leyser be my fyth.
If some wold do it by there owne fre wyll, of a certene affectyõ of holynes, I thynkethey were whorthy of pardon.
Verely I thynke that your howshold as well shold haue prosperd, in case you had not salutyd hym at all.
But in ye meanseson me thynke you regard naturall phylosophye but litle.
Then sayd Gratiã: I thynke that affection and good mynd in him not to be chaungyde, but that it is now moche better.
I thynke nat, althoghe he had redde hys bokes, how he came by thaym I cannat tell.
But I pray you what araye is this that you be in, me thynke that you be clothyd with cokle schelles, and be || ladê on euery syde with bruches of lead and tynne.
But and Ruty knewe that he and the woman be in hold, and hathe told talis, I thynke it wyll cause Rutty to shewe the pleynesse.
I shall thynkemyself halfe a wedow, because ye shal not be at home, &c.
I besech you that I may knowe my Lordis plesur in that be halfe, for els I thynke the baly of the franches will have all, for Testyrton is in the Dowchy.
So I wolde not ye schulde be to ferre undyr them; wherfor I thynke best that ye purvey yow so as and ye schulde goo forthe yor selfe, for I can perseve non othyr wyse.
Ye may veryly thynke he ys your speciall god lord, and that ye shall knowe in tyme comyng.
For I thynkeveryly that ye wulde be dysposyd here aftyr to selle or sette to morgage the lond that ye xulde have after me yowyr modyr as gladdly and rathyr than that lyfe lood that ye have after yowyr fadyr.
I thynke it is to moche, where as I felt by yow ye sholde have with the gentylwoman but iiij^c [400]; neverthelesse I agree.
Item, I praye yow schewe, or rede to my moodre suche thynges as ye thynke is for her to know, afftre yowr dyscression; and to late hyr undrestond off the article off the trete between Syr Wylliam Yelverton and me.
Ther is nowther ye ner none with yow, but and he knewe what is generally reportyd of hym, he or ye, and God fortewne yow wele, may thynke hym iiij.
I beleve hyr; for I thynke sche hathe the lyffe that sche can holde hyr content with; I trowe she woll be a sore laboryng woman this ij.
I thynke ze sette butte lytyl be myn blessyng, and yf ye dede, ye wulde a desyyrd yt in yowyr wrytyng to me.
Yt grevyth me to thynke upon yowyr gydeyng after the greet good that ze have had in yowyr rewle sythyn yowyr fadyr deyyd, whom God assoyle, and soo symply spendyt as yt hath ben.
But, cosyn, I trust zowe so meche that I wold thynke her wele besett on zowe, and ze were worthe meche more.
Itt is so that thys daye I heer grett liklyhood, that my Lorde Hastyngs shall hastely goo to Caleys with greet company; iff I thynke it be for yow to be on [one], I shall nott fforgeet yow.
Neverthelle[ss] in tyme passyd I proposyd that the master of the colegg scholde have hadd it, and so er longe to I hope he schall, wherfor I thynke he most take possession, and that is the cawse of hys comyng.
I thynke it wisdome, syns no man forbad it, 135 With thys to spare a better--yf I had it!
And, of two sortes, yf the tone shold be conserved, I thynke yt mete the moste nomber be served.
On my fayth I thynke the moone be at the full, 605 For frantyke fansyes be then most plentefull.
Father And ferder to yeve vnto hym some other Rewarde hereafter as you shallthynke in consciens mete for hym [826] c.
Thomas sighede, and sayd allas, Me thynkethis a dullfull syght, That thou art fadyd in the face, Before you shone as son so bryzt.
I thynke of every day a wyke tyl ye be content, and I thanke God I owe not al the world so myche as I do you.
Wherfor as ye thynke ye may fynde the meane to speke with hyr yowr selfe, for with owt that, in myn conceyt, it wyl not be.
I can thynke he come not up to London tyll Michelmes.
Please it you to wyte that I was at Haylesden uppon Thersday laste passyd, and sey the place ther, and in gode feyth ther wyll no cryatur thynke how fowle and orubelly it ys arayed but yf they sey it.
And therfore at the reverence of God take som appoyntement with Master Yelverton, suche as ye thynke schuld most hurt.
Than thynke in thyself what thynge sholde cause the to do euyll / or what thynge sholde drawe the fro god.
Whan [thou] hast ony trouble / thynke that they [that] ben in paradyse shall neuer haue suche trouble.
Also whan there falleth ony fest of ony saynt thynke on h[ym] what payne he suffred here for goddes sake & how shorte his payne was.
Thynke the moost vylest of all other / & so pronoûce thyself.
But euer thynke [that] the trompe of the last daye of Iugement soundeth in your eeres / and calleth you sayenge.
And soo thou mayst thynke that the trybulacion or tourmentynge of the good men is soone gone.
Than thynke how greate Ioye he hath in heuen for that whiche is euerlastynge.
And whan [thou] hast ony spirytuell consolacyon or comforte / thynke [that] they that ben in helle shall euer lacke that.
But of thys sorte as I doubte not to fynde manye, so perhaps there wyll be other, whiche moued with the noueltye thereof, wyll thynke it worthye to be looked vpon, and se what is contained therin.
For if y^u wylt compare ryches wyth vertue, thou shalte scarse thynkethem meete to be called ryches, whych ar but hãdmaydens to vertue.
There is no science, but he hathe learned it thorowly, and so learned it, that you wolde thynke he had labored onely in it.
Casus pro casu, when one case is putte for another, as me thynke it is so.
Take then of me if it please you sutch vengance as you thynke meete for myne offence.
He will taxe all degrees & thynke that that Keepes hym secure from all taxation.
Yet ar ther fibicches in forceres Of fele mennes makyng, Experimentz of alkenamye The peple to deceyve; If thow thynke to do-wel, Deel therwith nevere.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thynke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.