Blessyd Ihesu cryst our lorde god & sauyour whiche I knowe well come in to this worlde not for them that were Iuste & ryghtfull / but for synners to redeme them by thy deth & shedyng of thy precyous blood.
And how prouffytable [thou] haste spende thy tyme / the whiche was gyuen the to spende it vertuously / to obteyne euerlastynge lyf.
For to the is oonly appropered to be mercyfull / without whiche no creature may be saued.
Gyue praysynge to god / whiche is euer pyteous & mercyfull in worlde withouten ende Amen.
Now for a conclusyon / ymagyne in thy mynde two cytees / one full of trouble & mysery whiche is helle / an other full of Ioye and comforte whiche is paradyse.
And also beware to mayntene or botrace suthe lyes whiche is abhomynable in the syght of god.
Par force sanz reson ie ay pryse ceste beste, and with his one hande makynge a countenaunce of throwynge of mirrours at the great tigre, the whiche helde this reason, Gile de mirrour ma fete distour.
Within there were foure seates whiche went rounde about, and one vnder an other, and close knitte togither, wroght with Iasper and Calcedony stone, in all kinde of colours.
And Amella or Bawme Gentill, all whiche grew very neare togither and not farre distant, whiche shee fauourably offered vnto mee saying, of these whiche I haue made choyse of take, and for my freedome taste.
Alas my desire, euen by the deitie which you serue, I beseech you put not Flaxe and Rosin to the fire, whicheburneth mee out of all measure.
Ouer the whiche did extende a streight beame with grauen lineamentes fitting the same.
Rounde about the steale whiche helde vp the vessell, foure Harpies of Golde did stand, with their clawes and tallented feete vpon the smoothe Table of the Ophite.
There I hauing small delight to make anie long staie, I intended to take an vnknowne way further in, which my vndertaken course, I espied a light whiche so long I had wished for, comming in at a litle wicket as small as I could see.
Sidenote A: The bones next the qack in the wing, whiche in a hawke excelleth all proportions of other birds.
Betwixt the fruite and the leaues, there came vp sixe small Pypes, out of the whiche the water did spring vp through a small hole.
All these reasons that you have rehearsed, be of men, whiche knoweth the thyng full little, as I shall plainly declare.
Easte, Weste, Southe, and Northe: betwene the whiche space, I would that the capitaines lodgyng should be appoincted.
Up on the whiche sche wolde nat holde here so agreed with oute youre gracious advis in this matere.
Plumstede, the whiche to the same Juliane schulde discende be right of heritage, as doughter and nexte heir of the seide Margarete.
Julian prisoner under warde to his ynne in Fletestrete, and there constreined here to seale a blanke chartre, yn whiche he dide write a relesse atte his owne devys, and sent here ayene to prisone, and there kepte here iij.
John Wylkyns, taken and brought to the towne as for capteyn, and with other mony mo, of the whiche xxviij.
The whiche William Paston the seide Juliane of the seide mees and londes now be xl.
There was a man that maried a woman whiche hadde great riches and beawtye.
So hath natyre ordeined so god hath appoynted, that the woman shoulde be ruled al by the man loke onely vppon this whiche is trouth, thine husbande he is, other canste thou none haue.
Go now and disprayse thine husbande whiche yf he gette children by playe, what wyll he do when he goeth to it in good ernest.
There came one to hym and asked him what was the cause of his heuynesse whiche answered that it was onely bycause his wife was borne domme.
Howe bee it she hadde suche an impedyment of nature that she was domme and coulde not speake, whiche thynge made him ryghte pensyfe, and sayd, wherfore vpon a daye as he walked alone ryght heuye in hearte thynkynge vpon his wyfe.
And I thanke our lorde, I knowe no person living, that I woulde had one philippe for my sake: of whiche minde I am more gladde then of all the worlde.
There was a manne on a tyme that rode v myle out of London, and had his seruaunt folowyng after hym on fote, the whiche came so nere, that the horse strake hym a great stroke vpon the thye.
They for the mooste part are noble, free, and vertuous, whiche in their youthe bene well nourysshed vp, and vertuously endoctryned.
And so [he] apparayled his hooste to assaute the towne: in whiche assaute he chaunced to be taken in his lodgynge by them of the cyte, and so bounden lyke a prysoner, they ledde hym in to theyr cite.
So he layde a medycyne to her eyes, that shulde not be taken awaye the space of v dayes, in whiche tyme she myghte nat loke vppe.
Whanne he sawe there was no remedy but that he shulde dye, he sayde: my lorde, I muste nedes suffre dethe, whiche I knowe I haue wel deserued.
Whiche sayenge contented them, and they laughed merelye.
Whiche sayenge made Eumonus as pale as asshes for fere.
A woman demaunded a questyon of a little chylde, sonne unto a man of lawe, of what crafte his father was; whiche chylde sayde, his father was a craftye man of lawe.
There was a doctour on a tyme, whiche desired a fouler, that went to catche byrdes with an owle, that he might go with hym.
There were two men on a time, the whiche lefte a great somme of money in kepyng with a maiden on this condition, that she shulde nat delyuer hit agayne, excepte they came bothe to gether for hit.
To kynge Philippe, quod she; but that is whan he is more sobre and better aduysed; whiche sayenge caused the kynge to loke better on the matter, and to do her ryght.
Seneca saith a good word douteles: He saith he can no difference find, Betwix a man that is out of his mind, And a man whiche that is dronkelew.
In that thinge all men do agree, that the Chaldays, whiche fyrste inuented thys arte, did set these figures as thei set all their letters.
Clerkes sayn, no man 115 but willinge is blessed; a good dede that he hath doon is nat doon of free choice willing; without whiche blissednesse may nat folowe.
Frere, canst thou assigne ony defaute in Christes rule of the gospell, with the whiche he taught al men sikerly to be saved, if they kepte it to hir endinge?
But yet wil of blisse dwelleth, that by indigence of goodes, whiche that he loste through greet wrecchednesse, by right shulde he ben punisshed.
Aske of thy god; so shalt thou nat be werned Of no request [the] whiche is resonable; For god unto the goode is favorable.
But if thou from rule of reson varye, in whiche variaunce to come to thilke blisse desyred, contrariously thou werchest; and nothing may knowe wil and reson but love alone.
But what felest in thyne hert of the service, in whiche by me thou art entred?
Sith he hath bothe his lady and his love; His lady, certes, and his wyf also, The whiche that lawe of love acordeth to.
As for these pleasours of thinges vanable Whiche in the fieldes appeareth delectable, But seldome season mayest thou obtayne respite.
Here folowyth the order made to all those whiche shall haue the vnderstondynge of this forsayd treatyse & vse it for theyr pleasures.
And syth it is soo: I aske this questyon, whiche ben the meanes and the causes that enduce a man in to a mery spyryte: Truly to my beste dyscrecon it seemeth good dysportes and honest gamys in whom a man Joyeth without any repentaunce after.
For whanne ye purpoos to goo on your disportes in fysshyng ye woll not desyre gretly many persones wyth you, whiche myghte lette you of your game.
Cale, as the claie whiche will gre on thie hedde, Is Charitie and Love aminge highe elves; Knightis and Barons live for pleasure and themselves.
Title: The Workes of Geffray Chaucer newly printed, with dyuers workes whiche were neuer in print before: As in the table more playnly dothe appere.
Morte Arthure: the whole pleasure of whiche booke standeth in two speciall poyntes, in open mans slaughter, & bold bawdrye.
Children (whiche abborreth me to remembre) do play with the armes and bones of Christe, as they were chery stones.
As by the holy blode of Christe, his woundes whiche for our redemption he paynefully suffred, his glorious harte, as it were numbles chopped in pieces.
Here fynysshed this present book, whicheis called Cathon translated oute of Frensshe in to Englysshe by W.
Here fynyssheth the boke of Eneydos, compyled by Vyrgyle, whiche hathe be translated oute of latyne in to frenshe, and oute of frenshe reduced in to Englysshe by me Wyll̃m Caxton, 1490.
Here fynyssheth the Boke of Eneydos, compyled by Vyrgyle, whiche hathe be translated .
And certaynly, our langage now vsed varyeth ferre from thatwhiche was vsed and spoken whan I was borne.
For we englysshemen ben borne vnder the domynacyon of the mone, whiche is neuer stedfaste, but euer wauerynge, wexynge one season, and waneth and dycreaseth another season.
Or bien, irons nous acheter Well shall we go and buy ce qu'il that whiche nous faut?
We will aske her Nous voulons lui demander whiche is the way.
The sketchy nature of his rules may be judged by that given for the position of the objective pronoun: "oft times that thynge whiche cometh before the verbe in Englyshe commyth after it in frenche as il m'a fait tort .
Whiche is the ryght waye Quelle est la voye droite For to goo from hens to Parys?
As for the mater for the whiche ye sent me to Parys, I have spoken with kynges advocate the which sayd to me I must go to the kynge and enfourme his royalle majeste thereof, and have specyal commaundement.
Some thyng have they in writing lefte behynde them concerning into this mater, for the ease and furtheraunce as well of suche as shilde in lyke charge after them succede, as of them whiche from tyme to tyme in that tong were to be instructed .
One of the chief changes was the addition of a French version to the Latin and English, "by whiche you may finde the Latin or French of anye Englishe woorde you will.
For nowe they lerne no Frenssh ne can none, whiche is hurte for them that shall passe the see," and thus children of the grammar schools know "no more French than knows their lefte heele.
Throughout, constant reference is made to the third book, "whiche is a very comment expositour unto my second.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whiche" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.