A worke so admirable, that many did iudge, it would neuer haue bene finished; yet all might easily esteeme thereby his magnanimitie, his high erected hopes, his generous loue and honour to Religion.
I cannot butesteeme the report for fabulous, that his bodie was fourteene foote in length.
The last is, for that the Argument of our English historie hath bene so soiled heretofore by some vnworthie writers, that men of qualitie may esteeme themselues discredited by dealing in it.
It is manifest (saith Agathias) that vnder whatsoeuer law a people hath liued, they doe esteeme the same most excellent and diuine.
I will not expect any better vsage, I will not desire it; I will hereafter esteeme nothing of any worth, which hath not many to detract from it.
Assuredly, the force of vertue is such, that often times wee honour it in others, euen when we little esteeme it in ourselues.
This I have written onely to note the estimation that cats are in, among the Italians, for generally they esteeme their cattes, as in England we esteeme a good Spaniell.
Which mighty queenes have grac'd in hand to take, And high borne ladies such esteeme did make, That as their daughters daughters up did grow, The needles art, they to the children show.
The vanities of this world be to vs so agreeable, that when we begin to liue, we esteeme our life a whole world; which once ouerpassed, it sheweth no better but dust driuen awaie with a puffe of wind.
I say, wheare we use to lett blood upon occation to sick persons, they use to burne them with this herbe, and esteeme that consecrated this day the best.
I sent our jurebasso to thank the king for the present he sent me, and to tell hym I did not esteeme my selfe worthie of such honer as his Highnesse did unto me in sending me such a present.
Wherefore I do suppose that hys grace (a skilfull Gentleman to way and esteeme the vertue and valor of ech man) cannot chose but reward and recompence the well doer to his singular contentation and comfort.
Truely I esteeme my comming hither happy (for all the Passion that I indure) sith the purchase of a griefe so lucky doth qualify the ioy, that made me to wander thus ouer frankly.
But the loue that I beare to mine onely beloued Aloisio here present, I do esteeme aboue al the Iewels and treasures of the world, whose personage I do regard more than mine owne Lyfe.
I wyll neuer accuse man for beyng in Loue wyth a fayre and vertuous Woman, nor esteeme hym a slaue, whych painefully serueth a sobre Mayden, whose heart is fraught wyth honeste affections, and Mynd wyth desyre tending to good ende.
I do esteeme more his goodnesse, clemency and Loue, that he beareth to his subiects, than I doe all your delycates and ease in following the Court.
But if your conceits shall straye from that whych I determine, I shal he forced to thinke and saye that they which esteemeyou wise and sage, and to be a man of good and ready wytte, be maruelously deceiued.
Bycause I do esteeme you aboue all the Worlde deemyng your onely gryefe to be my double Payne, your aking Fynger, a feruent Feuer fit, and the least Woe you can sustayne moste bytter Death to me, that loueth you more dearelye than my selfe.
Life is deare to mee (as naturally it is to all) next which I esteememyne honor, which is to be preferred before life, bicause without honor life is of no regard.
I not able to suffer the want of hym, which is the brother of the dearest thing I esteeme in the Worlde, and hauing not hir in possession, nor lyke without him to attayne hir, payed that Summe, and delyuered hym.
And esteeme not light of my talke, for that these things be of little account: For even light stripes (their number may be such) be able to slaye fast ynoughe.
Such maner of people, with their rude behaviours and fashions, make men with whome they live, suspect, they doe esteeme them but light.
For his so doing, shewes that he doth not esteeme the company, and little rekoneth of them or their talke.
And I am perswaded, that you do not so litle esteeme my father and my husband, who is for your seruice prisoner in the hands of the Frenchmen, our mortal enemies, as in their absence to procure vnto them such defamation and slaunder.
For which attempt I esteeme no more to die, then I cared to commit the murder.
Notwithstandinge I doe esteeme and accept your amitie and loue, as I oughte to regard the loue of a wise and honest personage.
So worthily and highly did these men esteeme of this excellent invention.
And in the ende he brought me his littell doughter of an yeare ould, called Ingasha, willing me to geve her a Christian name, and esteeme her as my doughter.
God of his mercy send them their healthes, for they are soe weake that I esteeme they cannot write by this conveance nether to your Wors.
Durois wrot me there were speeches at Langasaque that Shongo Samme themperour was dead; but I esteeme it a lye, Jno.
Soe we esteeme they were sett on by the Spaniardes and Portingales to have blowne up all our gunpouder, to have overthrowne our voyadge, knowing themperour will suffer us to by nor carry out non.
Nowe there is none (I suppose) that doeth not loue or esteeme more of himselfe then of his dogge.
Away with it therefore to fenny frogs, for we esteeme no more of it, then of their croaking coax coax.
For they esteeme it a pleasure to know and commit vnto memory the famous acts of other nations, reckoning it no lesse praiseworthy to discourse of other mens vertues, then to practise their owne.
I doubt not some shall thinke this woman too slight a thing to be written of, and set among the remembrances of great matters: which they shall speciallie thinke, that happilie shall esteeme hir onelie by that they now see hir.
Is it honourable for you to be flying on horses, from those that would esteeme it their greatest honour, to beare you on their humble shoulders to your Chaire of Estate, and set you down upon a Cushion stuffed with their hearts?
Sidenote: They do more esteeme honor than losse of ships or men.
Hee requested of the Spaniards that they woulde giue them two images, which when they had given them they made shew to esteeme greatly of the present, for that they were things that they have not amongst them.
They do esteeme for his value more the siluer than the golde: and they say the cause is, for that the prices of golde are variable, as in Italie: but the siluer is alwaies at one staye and price.
My comrade perceaved an eagle on a tree, the feathers of which are in esteeme among them.
I assured him of all the servis that lay in my power, treating him with all civillity could bee for the Esteeme that I ever bore unto the English nation.
There is within my braine a thousand wiles How I may heape up riches; O the sight, Of a gold shining Mountaine doth exceede: Silver is good, but in respect of gold Thus I esteeme it.
As first, looke how much you esteemeyour selfe, others wil esteeme of you.
And therefore esteeme of it according to the value, for that thou findest in me, is a heauenly Tallent aboue all earthly Iewels, for I haue not had my residence in man since his fall.
Thou art a Foole, if Eccho were as fleete, I wouldesteeme him worth a dozen such: But sup them well, and looke vnto them all, To morrow I intend to hunt againe Hunts.
Oh that a mightie man of such discent, Of such possessions, and so high esteeme Should be infused with so foule a spirit Beg.
The last is, for that the Argument of our English historie hath been so foiled heretofore by some unworthie writers, that men of qualitie may esteeme themselues discredited by dealing in it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "esteeme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.