The stonderdes stode styll on eke a syde, Wyth many a grevous grone; Ther the fowght the day, and all the nyght, And many a dowghty man was slayne.
Now we have haryed all Bamborowe schyre, All the welth in the world have wee; I rede we ryde to Newe Castell, So styll and stalworthlye.
At these fayres the vpryght men vse commonly to lye and lingar in hye wayes by lanes, some prety way or distaunce from the place, by which wayes they be assured that compeny passeth styll two and fro.
I thanke god, there came styllcompany by a fore this vnhappy time.
Now we have haryed all Bamboroweshyre, All the welth in the worlde have wee; I rede we ryde to Newe Castell, So styll and stalwurthlye.
The stonderds stodestyll on eke syde, With many a grevous grone; Ther the fowght the day, and all the nyght, 115 And many a dowghty man was slayne.
The stonderds stode styll on eke syde, With many a grevous grone; Ther the fowght the day, and all the nyght, 115 And many a dowghty man was 'slone.
Full wel herd this his brethren two, There styll as they dyd stande.
And there even before the kynge 235 In the earth he drove a stake: And bound thereto his eldest sonne, And bad hym stand styll thereat; And turned the childes face him fro, Because he should not start.
Now we have haryed all Bamboroweshyre, All the welth in the worlde have wee; I rede[236] we ryde to Newe Castell, So stylland stalwurthlye.
Very comely it is (sayeth Cicero in the second booke of hys Offices,) that Noblemens houses should styll be open to noble Guestes and Straungers.
The like also (if you do forsake this offer) ye may styll expecte and suffer.
Afterwards Maister Gentil continued styll a friend vnto Nicholas, and vnto hys Wyfe and Chyldren.
But Pompeius loth to haue hir dye, ceassed not styll to prosecute hys former talke with newe reasons and stronger arguments.
Fyrst Ile dare All pangs make men thynke of mortallytie, But I will love hym; yes, I will love hym styll And so be servd both in my lust and will.
Yes, styll and styll; Nay with such vyolence love seemes to growe And flourishe most in deathe.
Foote, man, let him be ten thousand preists[93] and a will styll wante somethynge.
May constables to cadges[102] styll comend theym And theire knowne foes, age & ill cloathes attend theym.
Like to a bloweinge rose Nypt with a colde frost, will she styll keepe in Cyrckled with ice?
I beleive (To which beleife a long experyence Of youre knowne worthe most steddylie directs) That if suche an affectyon manadge you, Tys not the man or sexe that causes it But the styll groweinge vertues that inhabytt The object of your love.
Goe, y'are a woman, and that styll implyes Can be malytious.
Than stode he styll lokynge on the chyldren; and at the laste he called to hym the eldeste and badde hym let hym se his hande; and whan he saw his hande: O Jesu!
This mylner, when he had spede of hys nuttys, came furst to the chyrch porch, and there taryed for hys felow, and the mene whyle satte styll there and knakked nuttes.
The skoler than taryed stylland herd the mas, trusting that whan the masse was done, that the preste wold giue hym hys typet of sarcenet.
The people taryed from twoo a clocke tyll three, from three to foure, styll askyng and criyng: Whan shall the plaie begyn?
Say vnto them (quod the prince), whan thou comest home, that all the longe tyme that thou didest dispende in tellynge thy tale, I sate stylland harde the paciently.
And so [he] proceded styll in his sermon in suche fonde ryme, that dyuers and many gentylmen of the court that were there began to smyle and laughe.
But euer this yong man coughed styll more and more, whom the fader herynge sayd: by Goddes body!
The people gaped vp styll and laughed; and whan he saw that his felowes had sped their maters, and were going away, he said to the peple: now turne the pilori ones about, and than I wyl com downe.
Of Julius Cesar, quhen I behald his Commentareis, and the gret volum of Lucan, and quhat of hym writis Swytoneus, I thynk bettyr hald styllmy pen than wryt lytill of sa large a mater, and sa excellent a prynce.
And therefore hee continued styll hys talke, all that time after dinner, vntill the Mayden made hym thys aunswere: "Sir, I will nowe confesse that griefe may couer alteration of affections proceeding of Loue.
And when he had made him readye, thinking to descend to bid the Lady good Morrow, seeking meanes to vnlock the Doore, and perceiuing that he could not, he stoode styll in a dumpe.
That foloweth in this worlde voluptuosyte Or carnall lust ryot or other offence Wastynge his tyme in syn and viciousnes All suche in this worlde, by theyr blynde negligence Drawe styll the cart of greuous besynes.
So streyt that to scape col{us} had noo space ΒΆ This seyng Colus be styllwythin abode.
And bad he{m} not drede but kepestyll where thy stode.
Thare styll I satt, my bonis for to rest, Tyll Morpheus with sleip my spreit opprest.
Now hath the knyght his leve itake, And wente hym on his way; Robyn Hode and his mery men Dwelled styll full many a day.
Styll stode the proud sheryf, A sory man was he: "Wo worthe the, Raynolde Grenelefe!
He prayed the people that was there, That they would styll stande, 250 "For he that shooteth for such a wager, Behoveth a stedfast hand.
Styll than sat thes prowde potter, Thos than thowt he; "As y am a trow Cerstyn man, 175 Thes schotyng well y se.
Lyghtely to me he lept, And styll he bade me stande.
Horace wrote that if you thruste oute nature wyth a forke, yet wyll it styll come againe.
But touchynge wymen of them I wyll nought say, They can not speke, but ar as coy and styll As the horle wynde or clapper of a mylle.
He that in court wyll love and favour have A fole must hym fayne, if he were none afore, And be as felow to every boy and knave, And to please his lorde he must styll laboure sore.
Cham fame abrode to dyg and delve, in water, myre, and claye, 25 Sossing and possing in the durte styll from day to daye.
Iche cannot styll but muse, what mervaylous thinge it is.
Stande yestyll a whyle, and I wyll go prove Whether that the god wyll be brought in love.
But stande ye styll and take a lyttell payne, I wyll come to you, by and by, agayne.
The lady sate styll in the blacke chayre in her prayers to God and to the Vyrgyne Mary, humbly prayenge them, by theyr specyall grace, to sende her husbande the vyctory accordynge to the ryght he was in.
Whan that she harde this marvelous dowbte, She wandered styllthen all aboute, Suspecting still what she would wene, Her maid-heade lost would never be seen.
Then we intreate styll of mortal thynges and not of immortal, & yet in these euils the state of vertuous men, may bee better borne withal, then of suche as seeke for the pleasures of the body they care not howe.
Now hath the knyght his leve i-take, And wente hym on his way; Robyn Hode and his mery men Dwelled styll full many a day.
And bound therto his eldest sonne, And bad hym stand styll thereat; And turned the childes face fro him, Because he should not stert.
This saturday the englysshmen never departed for their batayls for chasynge of any man, but kept styll their felde, and ever defended themselfe agaynst all such as came to assayle them; the batayle ended about evynsonge tyme.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "styll" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.