Nor on suche thynges do nat thy mynde aply Whiche ar no thynge apertaynynge vnto the If thou so do thou shalt fynde rest therby Auoyde thou the charge of worldly mysery For godes take no thought great care ne trauayle.
Item, I praye yow schewe, or rede to my moodre suchethynges as ye thynke is for her to know, afftre yowr dyscression; and to late hyr undrestond off the article off the trete between Syr Wylliam Yelverton and me.
I shall send yow a clere byll what ye owe, for ther are axyid many thynges that I knewe not of when I was with yow.
I can yw thanke for ywyr lettyr that ye sente me, and that ye have inquiryd of shwch thynges as ye thynk that shwld plese me.
I praye yow late not John Mylsent be longe ffrom me, with as moche as can be gaderyd: and also that ye wryght to me off all thynges that I have wretyn to yow ffor, so that I may have answer off every thynge.
Myne owne good doughter, our lorde be thanked I am in good helthe of bodye, and in good quiet of minde: and of worldly thynges I no more desyer then I have.
But sir, I do beleue assuredly that she is the fairest woman in the world, wherfore desire me not to thynges that bee vnlawefull.
Al be done by the good order of thynges perteynyng to the state of the body.
Fourthly for that the common settyng furthe and printing of euery foolishe thyng in englishe, both of phisicke vnperfectly, and other matters vndiscretly diminishe the grace of thynges learned set furth in thesame.
I seyd I undyrstood non swyche, nor thynges lyke it; and yt ys thoughte ye intende nat to go forthe thys jorneye, nor no jentylman in that quarter but Robert Brandon that hath promysyd to go with them, as they seye.
And so I entende, aftyr that I here heaftyr, to goo to Caleys to purvey me of harneys, and suche thynges as I schall nede besydes hors, undyr that forme that my costes schalbe payd fore.
As for you, ye be sore takyn in sum place, seying that ye intende swyche thyngesas ys lyke to folow gret myscheffe.
At the same time she had to give them "of sowce of hyre owne provisione two thynges to every lady, so that a hoole hog sowce do serve four ladyes.
But now tell me, whether you thynke thê sobre and wyse, which for playn vanities and shadowes of plesure, booth dispice the true and godlye pleasures of the mynde and chose for them selues suche thynges as bee but vexacion & sorowe.
Neuerthelesse, thesethynges haue a certayne payne and griefe.
Then we intreate styll of mortal thynges and not of immortal, & yet in these euils the state of vertuous men, may bee better borne withal, then of suche as seeke for the pleasures of the body they care not howe.
But now marke howe far they bee from all pleasure, whiche seeme openly emongist all men too folowe nothyng, but the inordinate delectation in in thynges carnall.
There was a priest whiche knewe perfectly by longe experience and practise, the arte to makethynges seme that they were not, otherwise called, deceptio visus.
By this meane wee shuld euer haue concorde emongist vs, whiche in all thynges is necessary, but most nedefull and expedient in Gods holi woord.
Nowe in good faith you bring a paradox more wõderful then all the maruailous and profound thynges of the Stoickes: lyue thei pleasasauntly whom Chryst calleth blessed for that they mourne & lament?
And so in al thynges, he praieth vnto the infinite power, deuine wisedome, & goodnes of the maker, wherof he perceiueth moste euident tokens in thynges that bee here created.
The petition in ye begynnyng of dyner sanctifieth all thyngesand in a while after there is recited some holy lesson of the woorde of God: whiche more refresheth the minde, then meate the body, and grace after all this.
Sayncte Paule knewe what maner of thynges shoulde bee the songes, queeres, daunsynges, and bankettes of vertuous myndes, yea, in this lyfe.
Also ye shall besye yourselfe to nouryssh the game in all that ye maye: & to dystroye all such thynges as ben devourers of it.
Ye shall vnderstonde that this is for to saye, Yf a man lacke leche or medicyne he shall make thre thynges his leche and medicyne: and he shall nede neuer no moo.
For with his breath and sight he sleath all thyngesthat comme within a speare's length of him.
For, if he have not of all thynges some vnderstanding, as well as of severall languages he is not worthye to be an herhaught.
It is folly to set our trust in thynges whiche shall fall sythe that we knowe Cest folie de nous fier ez choses qui cherront puisque cognoissons selfely the soveraygne lyghtnesse to be darked of a lyght cloude.
Trewly, if I have well remembred, ye have sayde here above that all Certes, se jay bien retenu, uous aués dict cy dessus que touttes thynges elemented have all the foure complexions.
From him whom ye have bound to honour, love, and in all lawful thynges obbey.
By thys tale ye may perceyue that allthynges beseme nat euery body.
By this ye may se, that many one goth to chyrch as moch for other thynges as for deuocyon.
By this tale ye may perceyue (as Lycurgus proued by experience) that nourysshynge, good bryngynge vp and exercyse ben more apte to leade folke to humanite and the doynge of honestthynges than Nature her selfe.
Tibullus sayth: Dreames in the nyght begylen, and cause fearefull myndes to drede thynges that neuer shalbe.
This fable sheweth that holsom thynges to them, that lacke knowlege and experyence, seme hurtfull.
It fortunyd so, that when he cam to a certayn lodgyng he comaunded one Turpyn hys seruant to se that he used good husbondry[41] and to saue suche thynges as were left and to cary it wyth hym to serue hym at the nexte baytynge.
For Demosthenes spake moche to the peoples pleasure, and spake thynges rather delytable than holsome.
A man dwellyng in the countrey, takynge his iourney, bad hys wife in his absence playe the good husewyfe, that he at his home comyng[306] might finde all thynges well.
He espyed two poyntes in it: that eythere it came of covetousnesse, whych became hym to reprove; er els that it tended to the hurte of the pore people, for the naughtyness of the sylver was the occasion of dearth to all thynges in the realme.
Therefore in all faculties, diligent practice and earnest exercise are the only thynges that make men prove excellent.
We give his remarks in Richard Eden's translation: "One of the marueylous thyngesthat god .
Lette us seate us bie thys tree, Laughe, and synge to lovynge ayres; Comme, and doe notte coyen bee; 125 Nature made allthynges bie payres.
There be better thyngesthan gaynynge, Rycher pryzes than attaynynge.
Thy carefulle heart shall cease to ake When dayes be fyne And greene thynges twyne: Saye, cushat, what thy griefe to myne?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thynges" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.