I sawe the myndbruch of hys nobille soule 145 Whan Edwarde meniced a seconde wyfe; I saw what Pheryons yn hys mynde dyd rolle; Nowe fyx'd fromm seconde dames a preeste for lyfe.
I sayd, or els my mynde dyd saie, 25 Whie ys thy actyons left so spare yn storie?
I wyll flie as wynde, & no waie lynge; Sweftlie caparisons for rydynge brynge; 950 I have a mynde wynged wythe the levyn ploome.
Tho' twas at my liefe to mynde spynnynge, I stylle wanted somethynge, botte whatte ne coulde telle, Mie lorde fadres barbde haulle han ne wynnynge.
Albeytte nete maye to mee pleasaunce yev, 360 Lyche thee, I'lle strev to sette mie mynde atte reste.
Dyddest thou kenne howe mie woes, as starres ybrente, Headed bie these thie wordes doe onn mee falle, Thou woulde stryve to gyve mie harte contente, 310 Wakyng mie slepynge mynde to honnoures calle.
Thys mornynge starre of Radcleves rysynge raie, A true manne good of mynde and Canynge hyghte, Benethe thys stone lies moltrynge ynto claie, Untylle the darke tombe sheene an eterne lyghte.
Johne makes a jarre boute Lancaster and Yorke; Bee stille, gode manne, and learne to myndethie worke.
Thou seest the saynctes and kynges in stonen state, That seemd with breath and human soule dispande, As payrde to us enseem these men of slate, 15 Such is greete Canynge's mynde when payrd to God elate.
Yn mynde and boddie, hys owne fadre's boie; What then could Canynge wissen as a parte To gyve to her whoe had made chop of hearte?
Haue mynde certeynly to ficchyn 1164 þi house of a myrie site in a lowe stoone.
To chose thẽ oute finely, and handsomlye to bestow them in their places, after the mynde of Cicero and Quintilian, is no easy thynge.
Wyll is gathered of hope to performe it, and is made more probable whẽ the nature of the mynde is ioyned to it: as it is not like he wyl abide in his glorye, because he is enuious and ambicious.
Sidenote: The nature of the mynd] The nature of the mynde hath manifold varieties in men.
A true opinion we kepe in our mynde of godd his truithe / let god be cõtent with that / and in the meane tyme our bodies shall serue for our cõmodyties.
Besids this / our men do counte this Masse hauntinge a fault to be either contemned / or not so depely to be considered in theim bicause they do not synne with mynde will and affection / but as it wer compelled and of necessite.
They emongst the Spaniards which be of this mynde / ar called Marrani.
We thinke / (saye they) as you thinke / and in our hartes we do reteyne the truithe / and so our mynde is pure.
And so though they be our enemies in their mynde / yet the bokes which they haue and do reuerẽce / are our witnesses.
That same gret prophet of Godd Helias was ones of that mynde that he only of all the true worshippers of Godd was lefte alyue vppon the earthe.
Speake frankely we pray you, and tell youre mynde wythout respect: for thereby you shall doe to vs very great pleasure, and we shal know to whether of vs you beare your chiefest loue.
There was none that had sutch liberty to speke his mynde playnly to the kinge as hee had, whych hee vsed after sutch sorte, that he seemed to doe it by no authority, but by sufferaunce.
Ye, therto ye wolde be redy: To go to myrthe, solas[41] and playe Your mynde wyll soner apply Than to bere me company in my longe journaye.
If I my herte sholde to you breke, And than you to tourne your mynde fro me, And wolde not me comforte whan ye here me speke, Then sholde I ten tymes soryer be.
Nor to haue great riches put ouer great diligence But onely theyrmynde was set on Sapience And quyetly to lyue in Just symplycite.
Send me word what you have determinid heerupon, that we may know the one the others mynde for marryng of any thing.
This frere perceuynge hym in that mynde sayde: peace in the name of God, and change thy mynde and dye in charite, or els thou shalt neuer come in heuen.
By thys ye may se, that he that is in danger of hys enmye that hath no pite, he can do no beter but shew to hym the vttermost of his malycyous mynde whych that he beryth to ward hym.
Whan she harde him saye so, her mynde was pacified: and forth-with she wente and tolde hit to the other matrones.
A rude vplandisshe ploughman, on a tyme[185] reprouynge a good holy father sayd, that he coude saye all his prayers with a hole mynde and stedfaste intention, without thinkyng on any other thynge.
And if Ecclesiast[es] forbid, that one shall myndenone yll to a kynge, howe shulde any dare speake yll?
He, parceyuyng that, thought in his mynde her conscience being prycked with his wordes had caused her to wepe.
As oft as she in his absence went by that puddell, hir mynde was meruallously moued, for what cause hir husebande so diligently warned hir of that thynge onely.
Nay, quod the horsman, I wyll neuer chaunge that mynde what so euer shall come to my soule.
By this tale a man may se, that it is but foly to shewe or to teche vertue to them, that haue no pleasure nor mynde therto.
By this ye may se, that it is no wysdome for a man to loue or to set his mynde to moche vpon any delycate or worldely pleasure, wherby he shall lose the celestyall and eternall ioye.
Or howe wyse be they which busie thê selfe to get, gleyne, and reepe to gyther, goodes and ryches when they haue a mynde destitute and lackyng all goodness?
I praye the tell me dothe not suche a ||greke declare euydentlye by his crafty dealynge and false demeanour, what mynde is he of?
Iudge all them to be of the same mynde that I am of whiche are indued with helthe or other commodities and qualities appartaynynge to the body.
I wolde gladly haue you to declare your mynde in this more playnlye & at large.
Can ye saye your pater noster through to an ende & haue youre mynde runnynge vpon nothynge elles in all that whyle?
Ma^{tie} myght vnderstonde this Q: state, or be assured what is her mynde towards her.
Gentyll coosse, Doe not take judgment from me: in mymynde Was never fyxte a frantycke passyon.
Tys come about: twas allways in my mynde Nothynge should hange me, beinge naught by kynde.
Come, Didier; mynde not hys peeyvishe hate Ile make thee yet obscurd an envyed state.
And we may prescribe in mynde and imagination the whole formes, * [* The Immaterialitie of perfect Architecture.
Nor yet, for all that, in the royall mynde of man, first conceiued.
For thinges passed out of longe tyme from a mannes mynde or from his syght, turnen sone into forzetynge: Because that mynde of man ne may not ben comprehended ne witheholden, for the freeltee of mankynde.
And fayth is a fouerayn good and cometh of the good wyll of the herte and of his mynde And for no necessite wyll deceyue no man/ And is not corrupt for no mede.
My mynde was vexed, I shrew his head sottish dolt.
If ye mynde to bee my wyfe, Ye shall be assured for the tyme of my lyfe, I will keepe ye ryght well, from good rayment and fare, Ye shall not be kepte but in sorowe and care.
But for your mynde sir, where he were would I not be?
And agayne a quiet mynde is lyke a contynuall feaste.
For in diuers places the holye scripture praiseth and declareth opêly the mynde of a vertuous man, too bee the right temple of God.
Now your magnificêt mynde studieth that, whiche all Englyshe menne with meke and humile heartes shuld desire GOD to endue your grace with all.
O that god woulde yeoue them a couragious mynde too reade the gospel, there they shal sone fynde all the venoume of the romishe sort most playnely detected.
But now tell me, whether you thynke thê sobre and wyse, which for playn vanities and shadowes of plesure, booth dispice the true and godlye pleasures of the mynde and chose for them selues suche thynges as bee but vexacion & sorowe.
The descripcion of a- ny man, in all partes is to bee described, in myndeand bodie, what he was.
And erar ar inclynyt to mak were, na trety and concorde; and to ger bataill in barrieris be, na to sloke it, and appese it; ffor ire lettis the mannis mynde to juge and determe veritee.
And thus suld a Knycht haue gude sicht to the miserable persouns, gude eris to here thame, and gude mynde to think on thame, that pitously cryis apon him for help and confourt.
Oft must he stoupe his bonet in his honde, His maysters back he must oft shrape and clawe, His brest anoyntynge, his mynde to understonde, But be it gode or bad therafter must he drawe.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mynde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.