If I had it, I wolde truste to make it a goode thynge, for ther is moche thynge ther by that myght be had in to it, weche causeth me to be the more desirous to it.
For supper sche schal ordeyn for some lytel sowpyng, and for fysche and whyte mete, or for any other thynge suffred by the rewle, lyghte of dygestyon equyualente, and as gode to the bodyly helthe.
For euery thynge is suche as that whereof it commeth.
Whiche thynge to shewe in effecte in my selfe, although by fortune some waies I haue ben letted, yet by that whiche fortune cannot debarre, some waies again I haue declared.
And of all that lyveth what soever flesh it be/ shalt thou brynge in to the arcke/ of every thynge a payre/ to kepe them a lyve wyth the.
Or ++who hathe gyuen me anye thynge afore hande, that I maye rewarde hym agayne?
Or ++who hath geuen me any thynge aforehande, that I maye rewarde him agayne?
Or ++who hath geuen me any thynge afore hande, that I maye re- No.
I do not remember "syder" as the "thynge wherof he myghte be dronken.
Shulde it nat seme a thynge selde and strange to se a Frenchman et corrigéz.
As for that fantasye whensoeuer it commeth into your mynd first of all counte how naked a thynge woman is, deuorsed from man.
Howe bee it she hadde suche an impedyment of nature that she was domme and coulde not speake, whiche thynge made him ryghte pensyfe, and sayd, wherfore vpon a daye as he walked alone ryght heuye in hearte thynkynge vpon his wyfe.
I coulde tell you a thynge that chaunced a late in this same citye.
Lorde servyse the rather for my sake and Master Rossys, and the rather if my Lorde semyth nat moche thynge to Heydon guydyng.
Item, as for Mestresse Kateryn Dudle, I have many tymes recomandyd yow to hyr, and she is noo thynge displeasyd with itt.
Thys letter was wreten with as greete peyne as ever wrote I thynge in my lyfe, for in goode feyth I have be ryght seke, and yet am not veryly weele at ease, God amend it, &c.
I suppose that I most be at London at Mychelmesse, and ther to purveye for payment for myn oncle William, by whyche tyme I praye yow that I may heer from yow and off yowr advyce and helpe, iff any thynge be growyn off Sporle woode.
Now I remytte allethynge to your dyscresion; ye woote best what is for yow.
Now to com to our purpose, this yong Courtier, taken and chayned in the bands of loue, settred and clogged wyth the Beauty and good grace of that Countrey wench, forethought the meanes how he myght inioy the thynge after which hee hoped.
Then turninge his face towards the mayden, sayd vnto her: "Is it true that thou art heere (or do I dreame) and so neare to him that most desireth to gratyfie thee in any thynge wherewyth it may please thee to commaunde him?
Notwithstanding the loue that I bare her, was so great as I had no mistrust in her, tyll sutch tyme as experience did open myne eyes, and sawe the thynge that I feared more than death.
This king by Louing Hir whome he neuer saw, fared like the man that in his slepe dreamed that he had in holde the thynge furthest from him.
And tymely she wente to bedde; made her styward to come to her to wete what mete sholde be had the next daye, and lyved by good ordenaunce, and wold be purveyed byfore of alle such thynge that was nedefull for her household.
And yf your Lordshep seme necessary that I now beynge at Westminster shall any thynge laboure or des[ire for the rule] and governaunce of the counte forsayd, or for reformacion of suche wronge as the peples herts most agrugge as .
For any thynge in the werd [world] meve my Lord of Oxenford and my cosyn Sir Miles Stapulton that they awayte up on my seyd Lord in the most wurchepfull wyse that they kun, and do hym as good attendaunce and plesaunce as they mown.
The dew dette was at Crystemesse last paste, no thynge a lowyd, vijli.
They seyn right thus, that thynge is nat to come, For that the prescience hath seyne byfore That it shal come; but they seyn that therfore That it shal come, therfor the purveyaunce Woot it bifore, withouten ignorance.
Or, if necessité of thynge comynge Be cause certein of the purveyinge.
Enargia, euidence or perspicuitie called also descripcion rethoricall, is when a thynge is so described that it semeth to the reader or hearer y^t he beholdeth it as it were in doyng.
Wherfore he loste not hys lyfe, but let it go: for he redemed for a thynge of verye small pryce, a ryght dere thyng.
Concepcio, when in vnlike clauses a certeyn cõmon thynge that is put in one of thẽ, can not agre with the other, excepte it be chaunged.
Extenuatio, the makyng lesse of a thynge to auoyde arrogance, thus: If I haue any wit O Iudges, if any exercyse of endyghtyng, al may I thanke Archias the Poete of.
And what maruail is it if these words haue not bene vsed heretofore, seynge there was no suche thynge in oure Englishe tõgue where vnto they shuld be applyed?
Facultie is a power to do the thynge that is taken in hand: and in coniectures two thinges speciallye be considered: whether he could or wold.
An example is a rehearsall of a thynge that is done, and an applyynge of it vnto our cause, eyther for similitude or dissimilitude, profitable to perswade, garnyshe, and delyght.
They be called signes properlye, whyche rysynge of the thynge it selfe that is in question come vnder the sences of menne, [Sidenote: Signes be referred to tyme.
By that goeth before, thethynge that foloweth, as: He set hys spurres to hys horse, for he rode a pace, or fled faste awaye.
And thys she gaue him at all times when he dyd any thynge for her, by pricking her hand or face and puttinge the bloud to hys mouth whyche he sucked.
Euery time that he [the cat] did any thynge for her, she sayde that he required a drop of bloude, which she gaue him by prycking herselfe.
Item that euery tyme that he did any thynge for her, she sayde that he required a drop of bloude, which she gaue him by prycking herselfe, sometime in one place and then in an other.
Which thynge seing they do not / both the Magistrates and the Bushopps are in greate fault.
The very same thinge is to be sayde / where a kinge or suche which do retayne the supreame auctoritie / do commaunde or determyne anye thynge againste right.
For I thynge and you had not ben in louynge [thynke?
And if the aforesaid thyngebe put in the fire whan the starres shine it shall appeare y{t} the sterres runne one agaynste another and fyght.
A vineyard," he concludes, "maye not be kepte nother sauyd but by his socour and helpe that all thynge hath and possesseth in his power and myghte.
Consyderynge the grete goodnesse of almyghty God creatour of heven and erthe, and al thynge therin comprehended to whom be eternall laude and prays etc.
Where all thynge is commune, there lacketh ordre; and where ordre lacketh, there all thynge is odiouse and uncomly.
Prouyded alway, that this acte nor any thynge therin contayned, be preiudiciall to the uniuersities of Oxforde and Cambrydge or eyther of them, or to any priuileges graunted to them.
Whiche thynge can in no wyse be made to agre eyther w^t their saying of Milan or w^t theirs of Carpentras.
Touchynge all this I reporte me to the thynge it selfe, so much is there that it was but a folish curiositie of her, or at the least a folishe and unconsidered devotion.
It is a straunge thynge to be spoken howe moche they thynke it is mete for a gentylman or a horseman to take vpon hym.
Ye se also lykewyse that no man can abyde to be called thefe, and yet all men do not abhorre the thynge so greatly.
Naye and yf a thynge come to dyssoluynge gyue me a good sharpe axe in my hande and I trow I shall dyssolue it well inoughe.
Truely me thynke it is of no valure or lytle good worthe, onles a man haue the thynge itselfe whiche is sygnified by the name.
Do not you counte it an holy thynge to cary aboute with a man the newe testament?
Thou arte called Bonifacius and thou hast in dede the thynge wherby thou bearest thy name.
But lest ye play the subtyle and capcious sophystryar with me I wyll tell you this one thynge before.
I graunte in certayne kyndes of thinges moost men had rather haue the thynge then the name, but in many thynges it is otherwyse and cleane cõtrary.
Reynyshe wyne vpon thy shulders onelye, what other thynge were it to the then a burden.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thynge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.