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Example sentences for "onlye"

Lexicographically close words:
online; onlooker; onlookers; onlooking; only; onne; onnly; onno; onny; onoma
  1. His mother died before 1529, for Cromwell in his will refers to Elizabeth Wellyfed as his ‘onlye Suster.

  2. I assure your lordshyp his grace hathe not a Few tymes lamentyd in the presens of your frendes not onlye your absens but also your Infyrmyte wherfor his grace hathe bene veraye Sorye.

  3. Touching this Agnis Tompson, she is the onlye woman, who by the Diuels perswasion should haue entended and put in execution the Kings Maiesties death in this manner.

  4. Sir knighte, my father is a kinge, I am his onlye heire; Alas!

  5. The examples of the one and of the uther are nott onlye evident in Scriptures, bot also have bein laitlie manifested in England.

  6. This noble Gentleman had two onlye daughters of his wife that was deceased, the most beautiful Gentlewomen of the countrey, the eldest of which two was peerelesse and without comparison, older than the other by one yeare.

  7. Humblye making this onlye sute that my good wil may supplye the imperfection of myne abilitye.

  8. Which thinge onlye moved me to translate the new testament.

  9. Abraham beleved: and that worde saued and delyuered him in all parelles: so that we se/ how that mannes life is not mayntayned by bred onlye (as Christe sayeth) but moch rather by belevinge the promyses of god.

  10. Say unto thame that I will avow it, and will nott onlye manteane the doctrin that I have hard, bot also the persone of the teachare to the uttermost of my power.

  11. Amanges us was heard no braggin of multitude, of our strenth, nor pollecey: we did onlye sob to God, to have respect to the equitie of our cause, and to the crewell persute of the tyranefull ennemye.

  12. But in David Stratoun, could onlye be espyed, for the first, a haterent against the pride and avaritiousnes of the preastis; for the causse of his delatioun was, he had maid to him self ane fische boit to go to the sea.

  13. It is impossyble Ere to gett into Ganelon agayne, Havinge not onlye not performd hys will But tould hys purpose.

  14. I am your pore weake servant, an oulde man, That have but onlye prayrs to pleasure you.

  15. And more then thys, my onlye dearest frend, My Richard, I must never see agayne.

  16. I disclayme Ganelons servyce other then to serve Your worthye ends, which is the onlye end Whertoe I ere seemd hys.

  17. Why, tys the onlye tye of faythfulines: Age is the onlye object of the harte, And by's experyence onlye hathe aspyrd Toth heyght of all perfectyon.

  18. Mother, tys true your sonne, my cruell brother, The toe much wise, toe subtyll Ganelon, Onlye withdrawes Richards affectyon.

  19. Before I was devyded in my selfe, The emperour and the state did clayme a parte; But all my frendshypp nowe is undisturbd And onlye thou shalt have what manye had, My best imployments and my whole desyers.

  20. I must see Ganelon & speake theise douts: This quarrell most concerns hym, for the wronge And capytall abuse toucht onlye hym.

  21. I neare did good for any but great Charles, And the meare doing that hath still brought forth To me some plague too heavye to be borne, But that I am reservd onlye to teach The studyed envye of mallignant starrs.

  22. We twoe contryved & wrytt these charracters, By Heaven we did; twas onlye we that spreade The poyson of debate & stryfe betwyxt you.

  23. Then have false hopes raysd me to th'topp of all Onlye to forme my ruyne in my fall.

  24. But this onlye I do seke / and care for / [[Matt.

  25. Certaynlie these thinges do belonge to Christe onlye / vnto him therfore alone shoulde thei leaue these thinges vntouched / and withowt diminutiõ.

  26. And therfore (saith he) these are not to be called vpon / we must not truste in them / but in God onlye / and that vnto him wee muste flye.

  27. Again it is writẽ in the holye scripture: That ther is none other name vnder heauen / but the name of Christe onlye / wherin we muste be saued.

  28. The holy scripture sayth / Thou shalt worshipp the Lorde thy God / and hym onlye shalte thou serue.

  29. Yeat les they shulde seame to saye nothing / They saye / That the Lord did delyuer it in bothe kindes vnto prestes onlye / that is to his Apostles.

  30. Whereof I coulde produce infynyte examples; but I will gyve yo{u} onlye these fewe for a taste.

  31. But fodder beinge a generall name for meate gyven to Cattle in winter, and of affynytie withe foode applied to menne and beasts, dothe onlye signyfye meate.

  32. I neare did good for any but great Charles, And the meare doing that hath still brought fourth To me some plague too heavye to be borne, But that I am reserud onlye to teach The studyed envye of mallignant starrs.

  33. This thinge caused me in bothe these bookes to omitte the demonstrations, and to vse onlye a plaine forme of declaration, which might best serue for the firste introduction.

  34. Nowe is thys theyr onlye care, to seeke for their chyld a wyfe wyth a good dowrye.

  35. Finally, shorte and mery conceited sentences, as commonly be prouerbes, and quicke shorte sayinges of noble men, in the whiche onlye in tyme paste philosophie was wonte to be taught to the people.

  36. Onlye arte tameth Elephantes, not violence, neyther is there any beaste so wylde, but that it wyl be tamed by gentlenes, neyther any so tame, but immoderate cruelnes wil anger it.

  37. And they do not onlye take heede that the litle tree grow not croked or haue any other faute, but if ther be anye, they make haste to amend it, whyle it wyll yet bowe, and folowe the hande of the fashioner.

  38. Mimisis, that is folowing eyther of the wordes or manoures whereby we expresse not onlye the wordes of the person, but also the gesture: and these foresayd sixe kindes Quintiliane dothe put vnder Prosopopeia.

  39. Onlye differeth the manour of teachynge, because the Rethoricianes do teache a patrone, the philosopher generally helpeth iudgement.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "onlye" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.