Perchance ye think I war to law perchass “For tyll attend to be your rychtwyss wyff.
Inglissmen saw that entrit was na ma; Apon the Scottis full hardely thai ga: Bot tyll a wall thai haiff thar bakkis set, Sad strakys and sayr bauldly about thaim bet.
Quhill nycht was cummyn, he buschit thaim full law 1605 In tyll a clewch ner the wattyr off Craw.
Our the wattyr he swame to the south land; Arayede him sone; the sessone was rycht cauld, For Piscis was in tyll his dayis of auld.
I hauetyll thys time run, trauayled, and remoued to the Castels and Lordeships of the Dukedome, to Naples and other places, being in mind to tary as I am a widow.
So the King went to Bed, and it was not long ere hee fell a sleepe, and contynued tyll the Mornynge.
Come away: Tyll nowe I neare saw trulye a sadd day.
Not a pore simple jest hathe made me smyle Tyll I had payd the tribute of my cares Over and over.
Myce be more sotyable; they keepe the house Tyll everye roome be fyerd about theire eares, But frends will vanyshe at reporte of daunger.
Cossen Reinaldo, if youle sytt and prayse The fayre eies of my fayre love, I will heare Tyll you be tyerd with talkinge.
Tyll nowe I neare felt thunder, I am strooke To deathe with mans soft languadge.
And like the chaesd Roe stand in that amaze Tyll the hounds catche you.
That ceremonye performd, I'm yourstyll doomes day.
But more of that hereafter: take it hence And let the ladyes guarde it tyll it be Interrd with publique sollempe obsequy.
No, runne on, Swallowe thy shames like full bytts tyll they choake you And make the people prophesye that you Shalbe undoone by your false Ganimede.
I tell you I was not in love with you tyll you doated on me; to drawe me into a fooles paradysse[104] & there leave me is not an honest man's parte nor a good chrystyans.
Gorges cam prestes and clarkes with crosse and sensyng, and ther thay had a grett torche gyffyn them, and so to ever parryche tyll they cam to Wynchaster, and had money as many as cam to mett them, and durge and masse at evere logyng.
Me-thocht it was ane sycht celestiall To sene Phebus so angellyke ascend In-tyll his fyrie chariot triumphall, Quhose bewtie brychte I culd nocht comprehend.
The Pyote said, “This pertenith to the Kyng, Quhilk tyll his Grace I purpose to present.
I rax in ane raipe[267], And thow get this tyll outher kyng or duke!
It dois abhor, my pure perturbit spreit, Tyll mak to yow ony confessioun.
Than men tyll uther did recorde, Said Lyndesay wald be maid ane lord: Thow hes maid lordis, Schir, be Sanct Geill, Of sum that hes nocht servit so weill.
We salbe to yow trew, astyll our mother,” Quod thay, and sweir tyll fulfyll hir intent.
In-tyll ane park I past, for my plesure Decorit weill be craft of dame Nature.
But al for nought was that they wrought, For so fast they downe were layde, 160 Tyll they all thre, that so manfulli fought, Were gotten without, abraide.
Here commeth none in, sayd the porter, By hym that dyed on a tre, 30 Tyll a false thefe be hanged, Called Wyllyam of Cloudesle.
They swapped together, whyll that they swette, Wyth swordes scharpe and long; Ych on other so faste they beette, Tyll ther helmes cam in peyses dowyn.
Let hym go, God him spede Tyll efte-soone we of him reed (i.
I wenyd nott that he sholde nott have levyd tyll the mornyng; in so moche that by my trowthe I dare seye that iff it had nott fortunyd us to have comyn to hym, he had not been on lyve on Wednysdaye.
I may not wryght longe, wherffor I ffery over all thyngs tyll I may awayte on yow my selff.
As for Herry Hallman, my brodyr wyll axe hym no sylver tyll ye be payeyd; therfor ye may send to hym and have it.
My modyr sendyth yow Godes blyssing and hers, and she wold fayne have yow at home with hyr; and if ye be onys mette, she tellyth me ye shall not lyghtly depart tyll dethe depart yow.
I reke not thowe he fellyd not tyll thys wynter; but iff he woll nedes begyn thys Maye, therffor I wryght yow thus hastely entrete hym, iff ye can, that he felle not tyll wynter.
Dell corteysly with the Qwen and that felawshep, and with Mastras Anne Hawte for Wappys,[61-1] tyll I spek with zow.
Ordered that when any prentise dothe goo awaye from his M{r} the same M{r} shall bring in his Indenture and here to remayne tyll the prentice come agayne and to be regestred.
And tharwithall the hyrnys of hys gost He rypyt with the swerd amyd hys cost, 20 So tyll hys hart stoundis the pryk of deth: He weltis our, and ȝaldis vp the breth.
Troianys infeir Violens to mak with brandis of mortall weir Agane Latynys, syk onkowth heritage Tyll occupy and subdew in bondage, 30 And thar catale in spreth to dryve away?
Als in the first, quhar Ilioneus Spekis to the queyn Dido, says he nocht thus, 20 Thar curs by fait was set tyll Italy?
Serestus sortis vp hys armour gay, 25 And on hys schuldris careit hes away, To hyng as trophe or syng victoriall Tyll Mars the God, quhilk Gradyus is call.
Behald and se the extreme fynale day, To geif all otheris gud exempill for ay, That it mot nevir lefull be agane Tyll ony to contempne gret Jove invane, 30 As forto rays with sik dreid and effeir Sa onworthy motioun of wikkit weir.
Yet could not Emilia perswade her, to shewe her selfe abroade before dynner, tyll the king sent for her, with woorde that if she came not, he would himselfe fetche her.
And whan I have beten her tyll she smoke, And gyven her many a c.
Nowe go to hym, and tell hym playn, That tyll thou brynge hym, thou wylt not come agayn.
How be yt, yf I stycke no better tyll her, My wyfe sayth she wyll have a new myller.
Nor any foolishe dolte shall cumber you, but I, I, who ere say nay, wyll sticke by you tyll I die.
Canst not tarrye a lytle thought Tyll ich make a curtesie of water?
But ye muste take pacyens tyll we have harde mo,[142] That we may indyfferently gyve sentens.
In daunsynge and syngynge 845 Tyll mydnyght, and then fall to slepynge.
For what avayleth to eche man his corne, Tyll it be grounde by such men as we be?
They swapped together whyll that they swette, Wyth swordës scharpe and long; Ych on other so faste thee beette, Tyll ther helmes cam in peyses dowyn.
Bott tyll women to mak it couth, That leris no latyn in thar youth, In inglis is it ordand here, So that thay may it lyghtly lere[849].
Then must she oft tymes heare and se much wyckednesse and many an uncomely word; and that noyse and romblyng endureth even tyll supper[1180].
Shalt thou never ete ne drynke’ saide the stuarde, ‘Tyll my lorde be come to towne.
Thus be these wight men to London gone, As fast as they maye hye, Tyll they came to the kynges pallace; There they woulde nedës be.
All the passe of Lancasshyre He went both ferre and nere, Tyll he came to Plomton Parke; He faylyd many of his dere.
He stert hym to a borde anone, Tyll a table rounde, And there he shoke oute of a bagge Even four hundred pound.
Wyllyam shot so wonderous well, Tyll hys arrowes were all go, And the fyre so fast upon hym fell, That hys bowstryng brent in two.
With such weapons, as we have here, Tyll we be out of your place; And yf we lyve this hondred yere, We wyll aske you no grace.
And I asked you never none tyll now; Therefore, good lorde, graunt it me.
And I wyll be thy true servaunte, And trewely serve the, Tyll ye have foure hondred pounde Of money good and free.
Wende furth, sirs, on your way, And do no more to me Tyll ye wyt oure kyngës wille, What he wyll say to thee.
Forth than went Robyn Hode Tyll he came to our kynge: ‘My lorde the kynge of Englonde, Graunte me myn askynge.
Thus longe taried this gentyll knyght, Tyll that play was done; So long abode Robyn fastinge Thre hourës after the none.
His male-hors and his grete somers Folowed our kynge behynde, Tyll they came to grene wode, A myle under the lynde.
Here commeth no man in,’ sayd the porter, ‘By hym that dyed on a tre, Tyll a false thefe be hanged Called Wyllyam of Cloudesle.
This knight than dwelled fayre at home, The sothë for to saye, Tyll he had gete four hundred pound, Al redy for to pay.
But al for nought was that they wrought, For so fast they downe were layde, Tyll they all thre, that so manfully fought, Were gotten without at a braide.
Tyll this small sore, at the last become mortall Suche wyll no counsell ensue, nor mesure haue Nor temper theym selfe in lesse nor yet in more.
Soft folys soft, a lytell slacke your pace Tyll I haue space you to order by degre I haue eyght neyghbours, that firste shall haue a place Within this my shyp, for they most worthy be They may theyr lernynge receyue costeles and fre.
Tyll theyr yll gouernaunce brynge them to theyr graue Retournynge into grounde lyke as they were before But who that soone wolde, be helyd of his sore Whan it is newe ought to fynde remedy.
Tempte mee ne to the foule thynge; I wylle no mannes lemanne be; Tyll syr preeste hys songe doethe synge, Thou shalt neere fynde aught of mee.
My brother best belov'd of anie ore, 25 My Leoswinus, goe to everich wite, Tell them to raunge the battel to the grore, And waiten tyll I sende the hest for fyghte.
Thus these two hoostes departed eche from other, echo of them prayenge other, that if the Englysshmen folowed any of their armyes, nat to fyght with them tyll bothe their armyes were joyned toguyder.
It is agaynste nature that women shulde haue rule vpon menne: besyde that, nothynge is more cruell then that kynde, if they bee moued with anger, as it wyll soone be, and wyll not cease tyll it be full reuenged.
Anone as he honge, they all to beat hym wyth roddes, almoste euen tyll deathe.
Do they not teach euen straight way the plãtes whyle they be yet tender, to put awaye theyr wylde nature by graffynge, and wyll not tarye tyll they be waxen bygge and myghtye?
I desyred hym ywys more than ones or twyse To hold his peas tyll that I had done, But he would here no more than the man in the mone.
June 28th, I payd Mr. Hudson for all his corn, and also for the wood tyll May, receyved synce I cam home.
July 6th, in feare of resting by proctor Lewys: tyll 9½ at night from 1 afternone at the Docter’s comming.
And so adiew to the court and courting tyll God direct me otherwise!
Gore and Mr. Rob tyll supper tyme, in his dynyng rome: and after supper he cam and the others, and we playd there two or three howres, and frendely departed.
May 17th, the three saddle horse put to grass to the town meddowes for nine ducets tyll Mychelmas.
Payd nurse Garret for Katharin tyll Fryday the 23 day, vjs.
Brydock, being £4 from Candlemas next tyll Candlemas come a twelvemonth.
I lent Mr. Edward Hopwood of Hopwood my Malleus Maleficarum to use tyll new yere’s tyde next, a short thik old boke with two clasps, printed anno 1517.
Allowed my due of £7 yerely for my howse-rent tyll Michelmas last.
Nurse Rowland was payd all tyll the 20th of this month.
Robert Welsham the goldsmith for £4 tyll within two dayes after May-day next.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tyll" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.