Jenney ded arest the seid Calle for a thef and as a thef caried hym to th'entent that the tenauntes shuld be discoraged to pay the seid Paston.
But when Torches and Lyghts were brought, and the two Gentlemen caried out of Doores, the wonder was the greater for that they perceyued them almoste Naked, and prysoners taken in eche other's House.
Sutch is the manner of wilde and foolish youth, whych suffreth it selfe to be caried beyonde the boundes of reason.
And in the ende, the Castell being rendred after long Voyages, and great Fortunes by Sea, they were al chayned, caried to Naples and there imprisoned.
When he was caried out of Pryson, and brought before the Chiefe Gayler, sodaynely his Giues were discharged from his Legges, and euery of the standers by looked merily vppon hym, without speakinge any Woorde that might affray hym.
I make you (I saye) iudges to gyue sentence, whether of three caried away the pryse, and most bound his companion by lyberall acte, and curtesie not forced.
He was caried away with diverce others by one Hunt, a m^r.
It was, indeede, with some eye to his release, if he caried him selfe well in the meane time, and that his repentance proved sound.
Also, the archbishop of Yorke, although he was not able to sit on horssebacke by reason of his great age, caused himselfe to be caried foorth in a charet in that iournie, the better to incourage other.
The abbats seruants getting knowledge hereof, came thither by night, but they missed their purpose, for he was gone; but they caught diuerse of his men, whome they caried streict to prison.
The hachments were caried onelie by capteins to the number of twelue; and round about the chariot rode fiue hundred men of armes all in blacke armour, their horsses barbed blacke, and they with the but ends of their speares vpwards.
Such vittels and other necessaries as were to be caried with the armie, he appointed to be laid on horsses, leauing the carts and wagons behind for lesse incombre.
He was very thrifty and penurious, and upon this reason he caried away this curious creature.
All the way I neuer came in house, but lodged in the wildernesse, by the riuers side, andcaried prouision for the way.
Nicholas in Russia, with which shippes was transported, or caried home, one Osep Gregoriwich Napea, who was sent Messenger from the Emperour and great Duke of Moscouia.
Moreouer, if great trees be caried into it by force of streams, and after with the ebbe be cast out againe, the ends and boughs of them haue bene so beaten, that they are like the stalkes of hempe that is bruised.
About four wiekes after the forsaid meiting in the Insch, the said Isabell Syrie caried hir to ane other meiting at Muryknowes.
But in regard of the foresayd seruant, wee were out of the Russians daunger, the greatest part of whome were either slaine, or caried into captiuitie by the Tartars.
But the man and his wife aforesaid they caried along with them, who all their life time continued in the Tartars countrey.
Some of these Tabernacles may quickely be taken asunder, and set together againe, and arecaried vpon beastes backes.
And alwaies, when hee rides, there is a canopie or small tent caried ouer his head vpon the point of a iaueline.
Which blowing from the sea directly vponn the place of our Streites, hath kept in the yce, and not suffered them to be caried out by the ebbe to the maine sea, where they would in more short time have bene dissolued.
The grasse and herbe doth fat sheepe in very short space, proued by English marchants which haue caried sheepe thither for fresh victuall and had them raised exceeding fat in lesse then three weekes.
The charets oftentimes wanting their guiders were caried awaie with the horsses, that being put in feare with the noise and stur, ran hither and thither, bearing downe one another, and whomsoeuer else they met withall.
He also caried of the same shells with him to Rome, to the end he might there boast of his voyage, and brag how well he [Sidenote: * sic.
Danes permitted that his bodie might be caried to London, and there was it buried in the church of S.
Captaine Martine Frobusher Viceadmirall, a man of great experience in sea faring actions, & had caried chiefe charge of many shippes himselfe, in sundry voyages before, being novv shipped in the Primrose.
As also that they had caried and conuayed away all their treasure and principall substance.
Many times our Poet is caried by some occasion to report of a thing that is maruelous, and then he will seeme not to speake it simply but with some signe of admiration, as in our enterlude called the Woer.
By and by, this seruant thiefe casteth the cloke that he caried on his arme about this poore mans face, that he should not marke or vew them, with sharpe words to delyuer quicly that he had, and to confesse truly what was in his purse.
The ship wherein the Duke was caried is said, (as if it had runne for the garland of victory) to haue outstripped the rest so farre, that the sailers were enforced to strike saile, and hull before the winde to haue their companie.
Vpon aduertisement hereof, Harold King of England caried all his forces against Harfager.
His body was caried to Yorke; few vouchsafing to accompany, none to meete it (according to the vse of Exequies) when it came to the Citie; but the boyes in scorne throwing stones at the hearse.
It was caried into the Dukes Pauilion, vnder the custodie of William Mallet.
And thus during all the time that he was onely Duke of Normandy, he was neuer free from action of armes: in all his actions of armes hee was caried with a most rare and perpetuall felicitie.
The Pall was caried to Anselme with great pompe, in a vessell of siluer; and he came foorth bare footed, in his Priestly Vestments to meete and to receiue it.
So as he inuaded Northumberland, made great spoile, tooke much prey, caried away many prisoners; whose calamitie was the more miserable, for that they were to endure seruitude in a hard Countrey.
Glorious Prince, my loue and duety hath caried me further, then happily is fit for the present purpose: and yet this is but an earnest onely of my earnest affection and zeale to thy Honour.
The Normans within Yorke fired the suburbs, because it should not be a lodging for their enemies: but the strength of the winde caried the flame into the Citie, which consumed a great part thereof, with the Minster of S.
Roan commaunded, that his body should be caried to Caen, to be there buried in the Church of S.
And as hee was both fauourable and faithfull towards them who fairely yeelded, so against such as either obstinately or scornefully caried themselues, he was extreamely seuere, or rather cruell.
Nothing was more hurtfull to the English, being of a franke and noble spirit, then that their violent inclination caried them too fast into hope of victory.
I took her up and caried her in & laid her upon the bed it was intimated by sum that she desembled.
Which when the souldiers perceiued, they issued out of the towne, brake the ships, and caried both the stones and timber into the towne.
The earle was cariedto Beauuois, where of his hurt he shortlie died, & was buried in the frier Minors.
How often I pray you, do we heare things affirmed as true, which afterward proue most false: as that one was caried away bodie and soule, that an other was put to death, and an infinit nomber of such like reports.
Thē they cariedit with great reuerēce vnto the high alter, affirming yͭ it was sealed with Christs blood, and that the tapers lightned of their own accord.
Those which drinke wine immoderately, in such sort that their eyes begin to waxe dimme, and stare out of their heads, like hares which haue bin caried hanging on a staffe a mile or twaine, sée things farre otherwise than sober men doo.
Some have written within the scaberde of a sweard: Other have put the Letters in an unbaked lofe, and after have baked the same, and given it for meate to hym that caried theim.
The townes men of that towne caried the Spanyardes on their shoulders, on suche beares as we carry dead men to Churche.
The nauie and men that Cortez caried with him to the Conquest.
He caried in his company fiue hundred Spanyardes, whereof the most were horsemen, and many of them went as prisoners, and against their willes.
The nauy and men that Cortes cariedto the Conquest.
He caried no money to pay his souldiers, but was rather much indebted to others at his departure.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caried" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.