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Example sentences for "systematisation"

Lexicographically close words:
system; systematic; systematical; systematically; systematics; systematise; systematised; systematising; systematist; systematists
  1. They are tics by reason of their systematisation and co-ordination; they are variable because they pass from one region of the body to another.

  2. To the many, the systematisation and establishment is and ought to be undertaken as a means to the more efficient furtherance of some practical end.

  3. To the few, indeed, the establishment and systematisation of knowledge may be an end in itself.

  4. They are thus the double key of Comte's systematisation of the philosophy of all the sciences from mathematics to physiology, and his analysis of social evolution, which is the basis of sociology.

  5. The elaborate and minute systematisation of life, proper to the religion of Humanity, is to be directed by a priesthood.

  6. The four-class are therefore simply a systematisation of the terms of kinship in use under the two-phratry system.

  7. But the systematisation can never be complete.

  8. We meet here again with the important opposition of systematisation and evolution.

  9. Systematisation and co-ordination of the local administrative bodies.

  10. Unification and systematisation of intermediate and higher education, both general and technical, and all such education to be free.

  11. Such formulas have no advantage over the metaphysical systematisation of Aristotle, and they give us as little power either to predict or to direct.

  12. The work of systematisation had already been accomplished, to a large extent, by the Neo-Platonists and whoever were responsible for the Kabala.

  13. In the one case the ideal involves a great extension and systematisation of the arbitrary and casual almsgiving that now goes on: in the other case, its extinction.

  14. The ultimate term in their systematisation of knowledge is a "natural law.

  15. On the lower levels of culture, even more decidedly than on the higher, the speculative systematisation of knowledge is prone to take the form of theology (mythology) and cosmology.

  16. Beyond this, in their exercise of scientific initiative, as well as in the norms which guide the systematisation of scientific results, the contention will not be made good--at least not for the current phase of scientific knowledge.

  17. Neither science nor philosophy could bring him peace, for his needs were far deeper than any merely rational systematisation of ideas could satisfy.

  18. Still it is a stage directly in the line of sound method: and the judicious choice of main and subordinate topics is systematisation in embryo.

  19. Yet we know that with Mr. Mill as with Turgot this deep distrust of sect was no hindrance to the most careful systematisation of opinion and conduct.

  20. In Greece, on the contrary, it might, I believe, be shown that the absence of systematisation by the State only served to prolong the credit and influence of the professional quack.

  21. As far as relates to its attempted systematisation of these three German currencies the agreement took the following form:-- 1.

  22. The various tariffs therefore, already described, contain the Mint law as applied to the United Provinces; but it was not until 1606 that a serious attempt at systematisation was made.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "systematisation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.