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Example sentences for "liquid fire"

  • When was “Liquid Fire” first used in Warfare?

  • When was “Liquid Fire” First Used in Warfare?

  • By use of hand or motor driven pumps, and a light grade of petroleum, columns of liquid fire may be squirted into the opposing trenches.

  • The first descent into this chasm is a sheer precipice, over which the lava dashed heavily, forming a magnificent cascade of liquid fire.

  • A queer fish it must be that likes to dwell in the bowels of a mountain--more especially of one whose entrails are mostly of liquid fire.

  • It is hardly possible for the fancy to picture to itself anything so magnificent as such a fountain of liquid fire must be.

  • It insulated nearly every heart with the liquid fire of patriotism.

  • Volcanic eruptions occasionally occur--new craters open--the time is rolling on rapidly when these craters will rush together and deluge kingly and imperial power with one broad sheet of liquid fire.

  • Figure to yourself what a volume of smoke may be emitted from such a source, and what an overwhelming torrent of liquid fire such a gulph may produce!

  • The side of the mountain has closed, and the lava issues from it, without its source being seen, in a stream of liquid fire, at present not more than four feet wide.

  • The lava then rushes forth in an impetuous torrent of liquid fire, overwhelming every thing in its course.

  • Another American patrol experienced, for the first time, a German attack of liquid fire.

  • The Turks, however, did not use either poison gas or liquid fire, and, of course, neither did the British.

  • Ever and anon the cone of the volcano was encircled with vivid electric phenomena, amid which a downpour of liquid fire on all sides of the crater was revealed in magnificent awfulness.

  • Is the earth's centre made up of liquid fire?

  • If so, the next instant we should see him falling, a lost life, into that hideous strait of liquid fire.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "liquid fire" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bout slavery; cultivated plants; declare themselves; direct relation; except thou; eyes like; good works; intelligent being; keen look; liquid fire; liquid form; liquid hydrocarbon; liquid manure; liquid measure; liquid oxygen; liquid petroleum; little sleep; little too; mais qui; moderately productive; quite right; sealed letter; stand against; stayed right; trade with; treaty with