The leveing of a most malignant and profaine guard of horsse to be aboute the king, quho having beine sent for to be purgit aboute 2 dayes before the defaite, were suffred to be and feight in our armey.
Albeit the Lord hes suffred that armey of perfideous and blasphemous sectaries to prevaill.
But he the rightfull owner of that steed, 2 Who well could menage and subdew his pride, The whiles on foot was forced for to yeed, 4 With that blacke Palmer, his most trusty guide; Who suffred not his wandring feet to slide.
Those that were vp themselues, kept others low, Those that were low themselues, held others hard, 8 Ne suffredthem to rise or greater grow, But euery one did striue his fellow downe to throw.
Whych both Hygham and Jermyn hath suffred my maister hafe, savyng your reverence, tweyn shrewde tornys seth that they mizt hafe letted, as now the seyd Thomas Hygham myzt hafe letted the presentment or a moderated othyrwyse, &c.
Minorites haue two places of aboad, vnto the which I transported the bones of the dead friers, which suffred martyrdom for the faith of Christ, as it is aboue mentioned.
And thei beleeven wel in the incarnacioun, and that fulle perfitely: but thei knowe not the manere, how be suffredhis passioun and dethe for us.
The same God, who did execute this greuous punishment, euen by the handes of those, whom he suffred twise to be ouercomen in batel, doth this day retein his power and iustice.
The Angells shall hisse at mee, the Saints and Martyrs flye from me: yea, God himselfe shall adde to the diuels damnation, because he suffredsuch a wicked creature to come before him.
For-thi God of his goodnesse The firste gome Adam Sette hym in solace, And in sovereyn murthe; And siththe he suffred hym synne, Sorwe to feele, To wite what wele was Kyndeliche and knowe it.
Of which it were to longe to wryte the particuler circumstaunces of þe mischiefs and disese þat is suffred here to our unportable distresse and hevynesse.
And therfore I kepte y^e that thou shuldest not synne agenst me/ nether suffred I the to come nygh her.
I not parte wiþ þe by comune trauaille þe charge þat þou hast suffredfor envie of my name.
Cræsus misliking the woordes of Solon suffred him to depart saying: “He was a foole that measured present pleasures with no better regard.
But I coulde neuer haue susteined, or suffred more miserie, then is nowe fallen vnto mee, nor neuer more dishonour, then to beholde thee in pitifull plight, a traytour to thy natife soile.
This death I knowe (quoth she) hee hath suffred for my sake, being none of the lest aduentures whiche he hath hazarded for me.
The Erle hearing those words, was very sorowfull, notwithstanding (holding downe his head) he suffred that iniurie, as well as he had done manye other.
This contree and lond of Jerusalem hathe ben in many dyverse naciounes hondes: and often therfore hathe the contree suffred meche tribulacioun, for the synne of the people, that duellen there.
And zee schulle undirstonde, that oure Lord was y naylled on the cros lyggynge; and therfore he suffred the more peyne.
And whan thei fynde the flessche fatte, than thei seyn, that it is wel don, to senden him sone to paradys; and that thei have not suffred him to longe, to endure in peyne.
An idle person is notsuffred to liue amongst them.
The fifthe thing that oghte moeve a man to contricion, is remembrance of the passion that oure lord Iesu Crist suffred for our sinnes.
And al this suffred Iesu Crist, that nevere forfeted.
For which resoun this noble wyf Prudence suffred hir housbond for to wepe and crye as for a certein space; / and whan she saugh hir tyme, she seyde him in this wyse.
And somtyme be we suffred for to seke Up-on a man, and doon his soule unreste, 1495 And nat his body, and al is for the beste.
That suffred Crist ful paciently in al his passioun.
First and foreward, if ye wole considere the defautes that been in your owene persone, / for whiche defautes god hath suffred yow have this tribulacioun, as I have seyd yow heer-biforn.
Ther-agayns suffred Crist ful paciently, whan he was despoyled of al that he hadde in this lyf, and that nas but hise clothes.
And this suffred oure lord Iesu Crist for man up-on the croys, where-as ther was no part of his body free, withouten greet peyne and bitter passion.
Now sir, if men wolde axe me, why that god suffred men to do yow this vileinye, certes, I can nat wel answere as for no sothfastnesse.
The seventhe [636] circumstaunce is, in what manere he hath doon his sinne, or how that she hath suffred that folk han doon to hir.
First, sin thou wost this toun hath al this werre For ravisshing of wommen so by might, It sholde not be suffred me to erre, As it stant now, ne doon so gret unright.
For wite thou wel, withouten were, 2740 In thank that thing is taken more, For which a man hath suffred sore.
Upon a daye I bethoghte me what wo And sorwe that I suffred tho For hir, and yet she wiste hit noght, 1185 Ne telle hir durste I nat my thoght.
He hath to us [y]-do gret wrong, That hath suffred now so long 3990 Bialacoil to have his wille, Alle his lustes to fulfille.
But natheles, though thou beten be, Thou shalt not be the first, that so Hath for soth-sawe suffred wo.
Nor am I yet perswaded to put vp in peace, what already I haue foolishly suffred Iago.
If pennie for all thing be suffred to trudge, trust long, not to pennie, to haue him thy drudge.
The slouen and the careles man, the roinish[E477] nothing nice, To lodge in chamber comely deckt, are seldomesuffred twice.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suffred" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.