Good-Hope, how sore that they smerte, Yeveth hem bothe wille and herte 2770 To profre hir body to martyre; For Hope so sore doth hem desyre To suffre ech harm that men devyse, For Ioye that aftir shal aryse.
Though thou be now a prisonere, Kepe atte leste thyn herte to me, And suffre not that it daunted be; 4380 Ne lat not Ielousye, in his rage, Putten thyn herte in no servage.
Yit ever among, sothly to seyn, I suffre noye and moche peyn.
Suffre no thing, that may be reprevable To thyn estat, don in thy regioun.
And further over, if ye suffre this, 85 Your renoun is fordo than in a throwe; Ther shal no man wite wel what Pite is.
Abyde and suffre thy distresse; That hurtith now, it shal be lesse; I wot my-silf what may thee save, What medicyne thou woldist have.
Wherefore I Requyre you to permytt And Suffre hym to holde And kepe the possession thereof According to the tennour of his Deade Vntill Suche tyme as Apon youre Aduertisement thereof I maie knowe A Reasonable Cause .
And by side this the seid Prisot wolde suffre no man that was lerned to speke for the pleyntyfs, but took it as a venom, and took them by the nose at every thred woord whiche myght weel by knowe for open parcialte.
Please it yowre gode grace, these premysses considered, not to suffre the seid Cherche to have no pardon of the comune grace graunted be the Kyng owre soverayn Lord un Gode Fryday last past,[272.
Grete sute ys made to pardon it, but the Kynges Councell woll not suffre it.
But-if the shorers be wel grounded, the helpes shulden slyden and suffre the charge to falle; her might litel avayleth.
Right so litel or naught is worth erthely power, but if reignatif prudence in heedes governe the smale; to whiche heedes the smale owen to obey and suffre in their governaunce.
Water and fyr, that ben contrarious, mowen nat togider ben assembled; kynde wol nat suffre suche 60 contraries to joyne.
Purchace pees, and sette it by thy syde, And suffre nat thy people be devoured; 125 So shal thy name ever after stande honoured!
O rightful god, that first the trouthe fond, How may thou suffre such oppressioun, 270 That Falshood shulde have jurisdiccioun In Trouthes right, to slee him giltelees?
Christ bad ones suffre for his love, And so he taught all his servaunts; And but thou amend for his sake above, 1255 I drede not all thy mayntenaunce.
And he wolde not suffre no Jewes to dwelle there, but only Cristene men.
In that partie is a welle, that in the day it is so cold, that no man may drynke there offe; and in the nyght it so hoot, that no man may suffre his hond there in.
And thei suffre no Cristene man entre in to that place, but zif it be of specyalle grace of the Soudan.
And whan ony man dyethe in the contree, thei brennen his body in name of penance, to that entent, that hesuffre no peyne in erthe, to ben eten of wormes.
And than he preyede devoutly to God, that he wolde vouche saf to suffre him gon up.
And in this article thei seyn, that wee faylen, and that the gret rightewisnesse of God ne myghte not suffre so gret a wrong.
A dere God, what love hadde he to his subjettes, whan he that nevere trespaced, wolde for trespassours suffre dethe!
And undrestondethe, that zif zee wil putte a litylle bawme in the pawme of zoure hond, azen the sonne, zif it be fyn and gode, zee ne schulle not suffre zoure hand azenst the hete of the sonne.
Bot I mot pipe nou with lasse, And suffre that it overpasse, Noght with mi will, for thus I wolde Ben averous, if that I scholde.
I woll therfor that ye suffre hym, his men and shippys, .
What, platly, and ye suffre him in distresse, Ye neither bountee doon ne gentilesse!
But sin ye wol not suffre us liven here, Yet suffreth that our soules ben y-fere.
And though I dar ne can un-to yow pleyne, Y-wis, I suffre nought the lasse peyne.
Yet saue that soule, that God hath bought, And for thy carcas care thou nought, Let it suffre payne, as it hath wrought.
Bothe sacramentes and sacramentalles Thou woldyst not suffre within thy walles; Nor let vs praye for all chrysten soules.
For blood may suffre blood, Bothe hungry and a-cale; Ac blood may noght se blood Blede, but hym rewe.
I wolde have lengthed his lif; For I leved if he deide, That his soule wolde suffre No synne in his sighte.
He wolde suffre for a quart of wyn, A good felawe to ban his concubyn, A twelve moneth, and excuse him atte fulle.
I preide Piers tho to pulle a-doun An appul, and he wolde, And suffre me to assaien What savour it hadde.
Ac he suffrede in ensample {311} That we sholde suffren also, And seide to swiche thatsuffre wolde, That patientes vincunt.
John Philipp with another; and on the Wednesday, John Grey and his adversarie: and on the Fryday the kyng wolde suffre nothing to be don.
Hee was content to suffre men there to fall downe flat vppon the grounde and worship him, and accustomed the victors of so many nacions, by litle and litle to seruile offices, couetinge to make them like vnto his Captiues.
And albeit that she would not suffre anye other but great lords to haue possession of hir body, yet she applyed hir selfe to the spoile of those that were in place, and to the praye of those that came from the warres.
Blessed are they that suffrepersecution for rightewesnes sake.
And yf that lyf were not the beste and the most holiest/ holy church wold neuersuffre hit in religion.
Than as towchynge to the paynes that they ought to suffre paciently Valerius reherceth that a tyrant dide do tormente Anamaximenes & thretenyd hym for to cutte of his tonge.
Nowe let man and angell conspire against God, let them pronounce their lawes, and say, we will suffre women to beare authoritie, who then can depose them?
For thy merit (that is for thy death) it behoued the son of god to suffre the death, and doth it yet abide in thy mind to decke the aboue thy skin coates?
Seing he hath commanded her to heare, and obey one, he will not suffre that she speake, and with vsurped authoritie command realmes and nations.
No man wolde suffre his sinne to be rebuked, no man wolde haue his life called to triall.
Another exhortacion to kepe the lawes of God, for in doubte that ellis God wulle suffre oure adversaries punisshe us withe his rodde.
Shall thou thansuffre the to be confunded withe simpler people of reputacion then thow art, withe the whiche ye and youre noble progenitours have conquerid and overcom diverse tymes before this?
First woltow suffre me to touche and assaye the estat of thy thought by a fewe demaundes, so that I may understonde what be the manere of thy curacioun?
Suffre thou neuer Thi sayntys to se The sorow of thaym that won in wo, Ay full of fylth, and may not fle, which is more intelligible and nearer Psalm xvi.
Wilneth nevere to wite Why that God woldeSuffre Sathan His seed to bigile; Ac bileveth lelly In the loore of holy chirche, 5850 And preie hym of pardon And penaunce in thi lyve, And for his muche mercy To amende yow here.
Who kan teche thee bettre, 750 Loke thow suffre hym to seye, And sithen lere it after; For truthe telleth that love Is triacle of hevene.
Yeldynge for this thyng, At one dayes tyme, Hire soules to Sathan, To suffre with hym peynes, And with hym to wonye with wo While God is in hevene.
And now openli ben my boondis, whiche I suffre in Crist Jhesu, in whiche I glad and ioie.
And now my boondis ben open, which Y suffre in Crist Jhesu, in whiche Y glade and ioie.
Paule to the Ephesians You that haue professed Christ, suffre not your selues to be deceyued vvith false doctrine, nor vaine and noughtie talkyng, but herken vnto all Godly thynges, and especially too the doctryne of the Gospell.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suffre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.