And we will be ever suffusing such a one with the rays of our loving thought.
And with that feeling as a basis we will ever be suffusing the whole wide world with thought of love far-reaching, grown great, beyond measure, void of anger or ill-will.
The blood rushed to her cheeks, suffusing them with a deep red glow.
Try as he would, the telltale blood slowly mounted to his tanned cheeks, suffusing his entire face with a ruddy hue.
Then he would snatch me up until the suffusing fire of his caress would steal through all my body and sing in me like bacchic sap of vineyards in the spring.
Now as I realized how I had unconsciously responded to the suggestion of preciousness in the fact of his coming to take care of me, I felt myself grow from head to foot one deep suffusing red.
At the foot of the veranda a breeze sprang up fresher than before, that caught my scarf from me and wrapped us both in it as in a warm, suffusing mood.
So the poet here demands, "Just a cloud, Suffusing day too clear and bright.
Earth sets his bones to bask in the sun, and smiles in the beauty with which the rippling water adorns him; and so she comforts herself by reflecting that we may make the low earth-nature better by suffusing it with our love-tides.
The company gazed admiringly at Ruth, peerless in her beauty, the warm blood suffusing her cheeks.
She courtesied, with the fresh blood suffusing her cheeks.
And an ethereal mildness permeated the atmosphere, suffusing in golden haze the setting sun.
Mark's hate and scorn and envy began to ooze from him as the old love, the virile instinct of the strong to comfort and protect the weak, gushed into his heart, suffusing a genial warmth through every fibre of his being.
She looked into his eyes with a momentary hesitation, and again the sweet fair face was tinged with a suffusing flush.
She filled the pipe, full measure and running over; he took it by the stem, her warm gloved fingers grazing his chilly bare hand and suffusinghim with a delicious thrill.
Soon we were running through a suffusing wide veil of mist; neither ship nor boat to be seen.
Soon a beautiful rosy vapour began to rise, suffusing everything with a soft splendour.
Away over the valley, the bushy outline of the Intaba Inyoka stood humped against the suffusing sky; but what drew and held his gaze was a kind of natural platform, immediately below, part rock, part soil.
It entered into them, dreamy and languorous, weakening the fibres of resolution, suffusing the face of morality, or of judgment, with haze and purple mist.
Each time he murmured it, her face shimmered before him, suffusing the foul wall with a golden radiance.
Eliza with joyful surprise, a deeper and more beautiful crimson suffusingher face as she hastened out of the room.
Vaneman waited for his daughter, and when she appeared, the blush againsuffusing her face, he put his arm around her.
It was then I noted the new faint flush suffusing her face from chin to brow so often as my eyes encountered and found new lights in the shining eyes which were no longer entirely frank in meeting mine.
Now the two insects were in full dispute, suffusing the warm darkness with their pertinacious whirrings.
After luncheon Mrs. Ryder called, and Mariana went in to see her, a flush of pleasure suffusing her face.
Her eyes dropped beneath his ardent gaze, a vivid charming blush suddenly suffusing her cheek, then again yielding to that magic spell were timidly raised to his.
I'm not sick, Kenneth," she said, a vivid blush suddenly suffusing her cheek.
The eye grows weary of regarding them, and so long as the sun's rays strike obliquely over the region, suffusing it with a golden mist, one can barely distinguish the separate parts of the oppressively sublime panorama.
The red curtains are let down to keep out the rays of sunset, but a rose-coloured light pervades the room, suffusing every object with a soft and magic hue.
Bruce sighed; but with a generous glow suffusing his pale face, said: "Go, my friend!
Wallace, with a flush of god-like indignation suffusing his noble brow.
Mrs Roby, a flush suffusing her wrinkled countenance, while her black eyes twinkled more than usual, "he was a jewel, he was.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suffusing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.