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Example sentences for "substation"

Lexicographically close words:
substantiation; substantival; substantive; substantively; substantives; substaunce; substitute; substituted; substitutes; substituting
  1. By the action of the State Legislature of 1893, during the time of the great drouth, a substation was established at Cheyenne Wells, near the west border of the state and within the foothills of the Great Plains area.

  2. In fact, Farrell reports that upon the Nephi (Utah) substation the average of six years shows about twenty bushels of wheat from fall-sown seed as against about thirteen bushels from spring-sown seed.

  3. Payne, gives a summary of observations made on the Cheyenne Wells substation during seven years.

  4. I worked at the same substation he did before I transferred downtown, and I knew him quite well.

  5. I might have taken them out to the Oak Cliff substation and put them in our property room--I don't know.

  6. I remained at the hospital for quite a time, and then I went back to the Oak Cliff substation where I was assigned.

  7. When I first came to work, I was assigned to the Oak Cliff substation and worked there until I went to traffic investigation, and he was there all the time.

  8. The substations are under the platoon commander, and each of the substations has a lieutenant in charge of the substation who accounts to the platoon commander, who is a captain.

  9. I just went to the substation and checked out with the squad.

  10. Then they'll show up at the substation again four or five days behind us," the Commissioner said.

  11. Having received its experimental material, the plasmoid requested the Devagas to stay away from the substation for a while.

  12. In normal space, the substation should have been in clear detector range by now.

  13. So could the fact that they had constructed the substation for it--in itself a grave breach of Federation treaties.

  14. They'll be doing fine if they make it to the substation in another two weeks.

  15. I saw they camouflaged out what was still visible of the original substation before they let in the news viewers," Trigger remarked.

  16. The substation plant reduces the pressure to a value suitable to the consumer, and in many instances also converts the alternating current into direct current.

  17. There are certain advantages in the use of direct current, and in this country it is more commonly employed than alternating current, but the substation plant is more costly and requires skilled attendance.

  18. In order to minimize the flow of current to other conductors in the vicinity of the car rails, copper cables returning directly to the substation are connected to the rails at suitable intervals.

  19. By this circuit the transmitter at the substation is supplied with current.

  20. In this Kellogg substation arrangement the line circuit passes first through the transmitter and then divides, one branch passing through an impedance coil 7 and the other through the receiver and the condenser 8, in series.

  21. Battery in Series with Two Lines] Series Substation Circuit.

  22. An interesting form of substation circuit which is employed by the Kellogg Company in all of its common-battery telephones is shown in Fig.

  23. Connected between the two limbs of the line at the substation there is also the receiver and the secondary of an induction coil in series.

  24. In passing, it may be well to state that almost any of the substation circuits shown in this chapter are capable of working with any of the central-office circuits.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "substation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.