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Example sentences for "subsisting"

Lexicographically close words:
subsidy; subsist; subsisted; subsistence; subsistent; subsists; subsoil; subsoiling; subsoils; subspace
  1. They are still more clearly shown by the singular relations subsisting between the Greeks and their Spanish neighbours in the Graeco-Spanish double city of Emporiae, at the eastern extremity of the Pyrenees.

  2. It would seem, then, that in this paragraph the Evangelist is expanding the Baptist's testimony, in order to indicate its application to the eternal relations subsisting between Jesus and men generally.

  3. Self-subsisting natural beauty discovers to us a Technic of nature, which represents it as a system in accordance with laws, the principle of which we do not find in the whole of our faculty of Understanding.

  4. The law which deals with the various relations subsisting between them is made up largely of the law of agency, of contract and of tort.

  5. But the contract between the good Count de Marennes and your uncle is, that Rose is to marry his nephew, the subsisting heir of Liancourt.

  6. They were a horde of nomadic horsemen living in tents, and subsisting mainly upon mare's milk products and meat.

  7. The new monetary system was based on the legal ratio subsisting between the two metals, as it had long been fixed.

  8. Class of --Metoeci-- Subsisting by the Side of the Community 8.

  9. It was assumed that his demands were sanctioned by subsisting treaties, and that his exposition of those instruments was perfectly correct.

  10. Nothing but the consciousness that he was subsisting on money not his own would have kept him from his vice.

  11. The subsisting divisions of the Provinces into districts "of greater or less extent" shall remain very much as before.

  12. There remains to be considered a curious series of events, which serves to illustrate the peculiar relations subsisting in the French Government, and the embarrassments by which statesmanship was beset.

  13. They were hopelessly sunk in debt; and those whose magnificence paid no interest were subsisting on pensions dispensed by favourites and wrung from wretches who fed on grass and had no stomach for resistance.

  14. She was no stranger to the friendship subsisting between you and me--and I therefore conclude that, alarmed by my sudden and inexplicable disappearance, she sought your counsel and assistance.

  15. It is our interest that that county should not be capable of subsisting a hostile army, and at the same time we want to inflict as little hardship upon Union men as possible.

  16. But you have had too much experience in traveling light, and subsisting upon the country, to be caught by any such ruse.

  17. These are very numerous, and live according to rules like those of the Catholics in monasteries, subsisting from day to day upon what is given them, without laying any thing up for the next.

  18. They wander about from place to place, subsisting entirely by fishing, for which they have stated seasons.

  19. They are aware that his mind dwelt on the speculative difficulties surrounding a knowledge of the Absolute, the self-subsisting First Cause, and true Ground of all things.

  20. The active commerce subsisting between Austria and Turkey, brings a great number of Turks into the former empire.

  21. Treaties are already subsisting with some of the bands both on the Mississippi and Missouri.

  22. This consideration also makes retreat into the theory of an illegal praxis impossible, and renders the legitimacy of the actually subsisting indisputable.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "subsisting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    being; current; existent; existing; extant; living; present; prevalent; subsistence