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Example sentences for "comforts"

Lexicographically close words:
comforters; comforteth; comforting; comfortingly; comfortless; comfy; comic; comical; comicalities; comicality
  1. They are indebted largely to the defences of nature for the comparative liberty they enjoy, and perhaps to the same seclusion is to be referred their want of a thousand comforts of life, which an improved state of society brings.

  2. No people on earth dwell in such glorious scenery and in such destitution of the real comforts of life.

  3. Often the havoc was more apparent, exposing the bare skeleton of a home and the shattered remnants of household comforts in shocking nudity.

  4. His house, a mere skeleton, has long since been abandoned for the superior comforts and safety of the cellar.

  5. It is retained by its extraordinary adhesion to the comforts of the house in which it is reared.

  6. Better far the snug comforts of a Flemish chateau than the chances of a wayside inn.

  7. My momentary embarrassment about the road completely routed all my musings, and I now turned my thoughts to the comforts of the inn, and to the pleasant little supper I promised myself on reaching it.

  8. But not one half the comforts of a Cottage have yet been enumerated--nor shall they be by us at the present juncture.

  9. It most likely comforts him an' makes his goin' out more cheerful.

  10. For the Pope is, not the shepherd, but the devil of the Churches; this comforts me as often as I think of it.

  11. The Comforts of Life" were written in prison; "The Miseries" (by Jas.

  12. Away, get thee away: good Friend be gone, Thy comforts can do me no good at all, Thee, they may hurt Oldm.

  13. The comforts and luxuries of life were scarcely enjoyed even by the rich.

  14. There are lots of other little comforts in our house," laughed Dorothy, "and there are two or three more kinds of closets if we count bookcases that have doors and cupboards to keep games in.

  15. Mother said she couldn't afford luxuries but she could afford comforts and these are some of the comforts," smiled Dorothy.

  16. Their ordinary daily comforts and privileges were the luxuries of a former age, often indeed unknown and unattainable to the most fortunate and privileged classes.

  17. An invention which increases or cheapens the conveniences or comforts of life may be a fortune to its originator.

  18. Thus they governed the world, and they felt, as all governors of mankind always do, fully entitled to supply themselves with the comforts and conveniences of life, in consideration of the service which they thus rendered.

  19. The people of Rome were not a community of merchants, manufacturers, and citizens, enriching themselves, and adding to the comforts and enjoyments of the rest of mankind by the products of their labor.

  20. A family party purchase a carriage, and arranging within it all the comforts and conveniences which they will require on the journey, they set out, taking these post horses, fresh at each village, to draw them to the next.

  21. I was almost ashamed at my having such comforts about me, and at my own unprofitableness.

  22. In the multitude of my thoughts Thy comforts delight my soul.

  23. With David let me say, In the multitude of thoughts within me Thy comforts have refreshed my soul.

  24. I have often felt happy in saying this, but it is in a season such as this, when creature comforts fail, that we may know whether we are sincere in saying so.

  25. I felt thankful that I was delivered from all desires of the comforts of the married life.

  26. Many inventions and discoveries have been made, and men are now able to enjoy comforts which could not have been obtained before.

  27. Some were not in a fit condition to travel, but required the comforts of a home, and tender care.

  28. He preferred the comforts of his home, with the society of his children and grandchildren, to the attractions of the imperial court.

  29. Many who travel for health, without the command of a very large fortune, lose, I am convinced, as much by the want of those comforts they are accustomed to at home, as they gain by change of air.

  30. What is the use of "my doctor," unless he comforts you under this affliction, and declares that to be the only place where you can regain your lost appetite?

  31. He is happier, and has more comforts of life, than his family have had for the last century.

  32. Then he recalled his preserver's dying words, and thought, "It comforts her.

  33. It will comfort her, as it comforts me," he related everything.

  34. Upon the right and left, I was walled in by granite warehouses of the widest dimensions, stowed to their utmost capacity with the necessaries and comforts of life.

  35. So strong was my desire, that I thought a gratification of it would fully compensate for whatever loss of comforts I should sustain by the exchange.

  36. I found many, who had not been seven years out of their chains, living in finer houses, and evidently enjoying more of the comforts of life, than the average of slaveholders in Maryland.

  37. It comforts life, as the shower comforts the parched grass; and penetrates into the very recesses of our being, as the juices and fluids penetrate the arteries and pores of the plant.

  38. Any little comforts you have had here have been of his procuring.

  39. His mother's mental illness made her peculiarly dependent upon him, and at the same time held him in such strict bondage that it was almost impossible for him to get on in the world or even to give her the comforts she needed.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comforts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.