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Example sentences for "igloo"

Lexicographically close words:
igarape; ighly; ight; igitur; iglesia; igloos; igne; ignem; igneous; ignes
  1. Some directions from a multitude of counsellors remembered in one sense by Hans and in another by me, added to our uncertainty as to just where the igloo lay.

  2. It requires a dog with a very fine nose to mark the bathing-place or igloo of a seal by the taint of the animal beneath the snow; but when once it has been discovered, the Esquimaux is pretty sure of his prey.

  3. At the end of this march there were signs of an approaching storm, and a snow igloo was built for shelter.

  4. The ice had broken Bartlett’s igloo adrift, and others were threatening to follow suit.

  5. The drift with the wind might take him to the igloo that Yim must have built ere this.

  6. With time enough Yim could have constructed from such slabs a perfect igloo or snow hut, but the fading daylight was very precious, and he did not consider that the cold was yet sufficiently severe to demand a complete enclosure.

  7. In a hole he had dug for himself in the drifted snow under a huge scarp of ice a hundred yards from the igloo cabin lay Wapi.

  8. His reputation had gone from master to master and from igloo to igloo; women and children were afraid of him, and men always spoke to him with the club or the lash in their hands.

  9. She knocked at the heavy door of the igloo cabin.

  10. Always it was north, north with the white man first, north with the Cree, and then wit h the Chippewayan, until in the end the dog born in a Vancouver kennel died in an Eskimo igloo on the Great Bear.

  11. It was the door of a deck-house veneered like an igloo with snow and ice to protect it from cold and wind.

  12. He builds his snow house or igloo and camps near the air holes of the seal, spearing them as they come up for air.

  13. He moved his tupek in summer, or built his igloo of blocks of snow in winter, wherever hunting and fishing were the best, but always close to the sea.

  14. Pomiuk's mother cooked the food over the usual stone lamp, which also served to heat their igloo in winter.

  15. Soon after Midwinter Day a heavy snowstorm blocked the igloo entrance completely; in consequence the air became so bad that the primus stove went out and the lights would not burn.

  16. The visit to the igloo explained in itself a story of hardship that brought home to us what Campbell never would have told.

  17. A curious ailment developed itself, which was named "Igloo Back," from constant bending in the low-roofed igloo.

  18. Campbell kept a wonderful discipline in his party, and as they were sometimes confined to the igloo for days, Swedish drill was introduced to keep them healthy.

  19. They lived a winter à la Eskimo, Igloo and so on, and have been quite comfortable, so they say.

  20. Priestley here secured his party's geological dump, and while he was away the remainder of the expedition in little relays visited the igloo where Campbell and his party spent the previous winter.

  21. IV Above the igloo piteous flies Our frayed flag to the frozen skies.

  22. We won't build the igloo of ice blocks," said Russ quite calmly.

  23. And the activities of building the igloo had warmed even Mun Bun.

  24. When Aunt Jo and Mother Bunker came running to the front room where all this had taken place the Eskimo igloo looked very much like a pile of boxes with a young earthquake at work beneath it!

  25. Don't you remember about that Eskimo igloo that they had built of ice in the middle of the skating pond?

  26. Let's build an igloo like that, and get into it and keep warm.

  27. He, and the other little Bunkers, had been in innumerable scrapes before, and the wreck of the Eskimo igloo was nothing provided Aunt Jo did not make a lot out of it.

  28. The women and children ran into our igloo shouting "Iviek seleko" (walrus killed), and fairly jumped up and down in their joy.

  29. Joe came up and built an igloo adjoining ours on the 3d of October.

  30. As it was, I felt very little inconvenience, except from a severe cold, which always follows a change such as moving from an igloo into the heated air on shipboard.

  31. The coldest day I ever saw, when the thermometer was seventy-one degrees below zero, the door of our igloo was open all the time we were not asleep.

  32. We had a box of Coston night signals close at hand in the igloo, and, knowing that a light frightens them away, made a small hole in the igloo and thrust out a "distress" signal with the most brilliant result.

  33. In the summer his tent is wet with rain, and in the winter, whenever the air in the igloo is raised to an endurable temperature, the roof melts and is constantly dripping ice-water down his back or upon his blankets.

  34. I hastened toward them, and was shortly conducted into an igloo where all the men were seated, tailor fashion, around bones which showed that justice had been done to a hearty repast of frozen deer meat.

  35. It would bring bad luck to carry the bedding into the igloo by the same door it would be taken out.

  36. The most unpleasant feature of winter travelling is the waiting for an igloo to be built.

  37. The sun exerted sufficient power during the middle of the day to bring our igloo down; but we had finished our interviewing and were ready to visit the cove where the boat and skeletons had been found.

  38. Whether it be on the meat in the igloo or the storehouse, or the bag of blubber for the lamps, or the seal-skin clothing, it is all the same.

  39. It was the afternoon of the second day following the night spent in the igloo before they were able to leave the island.

  40. The igloo was heated by genuine seal-oil lamps and over these Marie cooked her food.

  41. I thought I could get that best by coming out here and living in his igloo all by myself, paddling about in a kiak, fishing through the ice and all that.

  42. You see," she explained, "it's sort of a compromise between the narrow shelf of the Eskimo igloo and the broader sleeping room of the Chukches of Siberia.

  43. Nothing about an igloo shows unless you chance to walk right up to the entrance or the skylight.

  44. He might come out of his igloo and see me," she told herself.

  45. This winter he is spending in Florida so he lent his igloo to me.

  46. Of course he doesn't live in his igloo all the time; just comes over when he wishes to.

  47. That the thing the person had entered was an igloo she had no reason to doubt.

  48. I'll get my little talking machine going as soon as we are at the igloo and you may tell them all your troubles; also assure them you'll be home to-morrow or the next day.

  49. So what does he do but buy this little island and have a wonderful little igloo built beneath one of its sand dunes?

  50. In every igloo he found men stretched out asleep, and this on a splendid day for hunting.

  51. Johnny left the igloo with a worried expression on his face.

  52. In the midst stood a small table, extemporised by Frank out of a block of snow, and covered with the ample skirt of his leathern topcoat, which the increasing temperature of the air inside the igloo rendered too warm.

  53. That night Frank and his little charge sat down to sup together in the igloo at the head of their snow-table, and Chimo acted the part of croupier in the room of the Esquimau.

  54. The walrus-flesh was first conveyed to the igloo of Annatock, where it was cut up and distributed among the natives.

  55. Edith was in her igloo of ice, seated on the soft pile of deerskins which formed her bed at night and her sofa by day, and worrying Kaga's baby, which laughed vociferously.

  56. Frank," said Edith, "we must build an igloo at the fort when we return.

  57. They were of various sizes, and while some stood apart with only a small igloo attached, others were congregated in groups and connected by low tunnels or passages.

  58. The igloo in which Kaga and her relations dwelt was the largest in the village.

  59. She knew also that there was no danger from wild animals, but determined, nevertheless, to build up the door of the igloo very firmly, lest they should venture to draw near.

  60. You would have been greatly amused had you peeped in at the ice-window of our igloo that day, as we sat round the hole in the floor with eager, excited looks.

  61. But there was no sign of Frank, so she re-entered the igloo and began to set things to rights.

  62. He has connected himself with the hut by telephone, and built round himself an igloo of drifted snow and the aforesaid 'biscuits,' which effectually shelter him from the wind.

  63. And so Bill and Birdie rapidly collected five eggs, which we hoped to carry safely in our fur mitts to our igloo upon Mount Terror, where we could pickle them in the alcohol we had brought for the purpose.

  64. I don't think anybody could have made a better igloo with the hard snow blocks and rocks which were all we had: we would get it air-tight by degrees.

  65. Most of the tent was in the lee of the igloo, but the cap of it came over the igloo roof, while a segment of the tent itself jutted out beyond the igloo wall.

  66. Journey after journey Birdie and I fought our way across the few yards which had separated the tent from the igloo door.

  67. Our igloo was a vacuum which was filling itself up as soon as possible: and when snow was not coming in a fine black moraine dust took its place, covering us and everything.

  68. The next morning (Thursday, June 20) we started work on the igloo at 3 A.

  69. We got right up above the patch of rocks which marked our igloo and only found it after a good deal of search.

  70. Both tent and igloo were therefore eight or nine hundred feet up Terror: both were below an outcrop of rocks from which the mountain fell steeply to the Barrier behind us, and from this direction came the blizzards.

  71. About five a telephone message from Nelson's igloo reported that Clissold had fallen from a berg and hurt his back.

  72. Of their own trip southward Gilder writes: "The most unpleasant feature of winter travelling is the waiting for an igloo to be built, which is done at the end of every day's march.

  73. When they killed a seal after many days of hunting, the starving seamen, almost crazy at the sight of food, dragged the animal into their own igloo and gave to the hunters only a small and unfair part of the meat and blubber.

  74. Actually they were in desperate straits of hunger, for Tyson relates that in his igloo they ate greedily the refuse of the cooking-lamp oil.

  75. Tyson was then driven to leave his lonely hut for the igloo wherein lived Ebierbing and his worthy wife Tookoolito (Hannah) and their young adopted daughter.

  76. In this condition he sought the breek[31] of Shung-hu's igloo for rest until he gained strength to enable him to return to Kane, to whom he had sent walrus meat.

  77. Next day they parted company with the young natives, who carried with them the pot-stone lamp, much to the priest's annoyance, as he was nearly frozen when they entered the igloo on the river ice.

  78. Hans and his family of six built their igloo a little apart from the others.

  79. During the night a violent gale buried the igloo in a snow-drift.

  80. Throughout the whole night the roaring of the wind, the groaning of the ice, and the quivering of the igloo made sleep impossible.

  81. While the drink was liquefying, the chill of the snow igloo was also moderated, and we crept into the bags of musk ox skins, where agreeable repose and home dreams made us forget the cry of the stomach and the torment of the cold.

  82. Before the igloo was finished a steady, rasping wind brushed the hummocks and piled the snow in large dunes about us, like the sand of home shores.

  83. The Eskimo stork, at igloo after igloo, was leaving its Christmas gift.

  84. Then the process of undressing began, one at a time, for there was not room enough in the igloo for all to undress at once.

  85. A woman exchanged her fur pants, worth a hundred dollars, for a red pocket handkerchief with which she would decorate her head or her igloo for years to come.

  86. In building our igloo the boys frequently looked about expectantly.

  87. Although he did not thank me for the unwitting part I had played in their reunion, he had taken Ma-nee back, and near his own house was a new igloo in which the mother lived with her children.

  88. To solve the mystery I went to his igloo during Christmas week.

  89. Soon afterward I was told that the igloo was completed.

  90. It was a sharp warning to us that to sleep without the shelter of an igloo would probably mean death.

  91. On the afternoon of the 30th, the magnetician invited every one to a tea-party in the igloo to celebrate the opening.

  92. It was Kennedy's term night; the work keeping him in the igloo from 10 P.

  93. From the 25th to the 29th, Kennedy, Harrisson and Jones were employed building an igloo to be used as a magnetic observatory.

  94. An igloo was built as a shelter for those sinking the geological shaft, and seal-hunting was a daily recreation.

  95. Let the hunters empty them on the outside wood of the igloo and of the passage.

  96. And let them put fire to it ere the Sunlanders make holes in the igloo for their guns.

  97. The six Sunlanders in Neegah's igloo will we kill to-night while they sleep.

  98. The wealth of the Sunlanders is not; only remains that in the igloo of Neegah, a paltry quantity--" He broke off hastily as the air by his ear split sharply to the passage of a bullet.

  99. For there have been many Sunlanders among the Bear People, few among the Hungry Folk, and none at all among the Mandells, save the Whale People and those who sleep now in the igloo of Neegah.

  100. And in the morning the igloo of Neegah was found empty of the Sunlanders' possessions.

  101. There was some clamor for the food of the Sunlanders in the igloo of Neegah, but Tyee refused to divide it until the return of the ship party.

  102. When all was over he went to the igloo carrying gifts, and offered to support the entire family till the sons should be of an age to assume it.

  103. As fate would have it, Anatalik, another of the hunters, appeared at the entrance of his igloo just in time to see the smoking gun-barrel over the edge of the snow wall.

  104. Among the others who camped around Kaiachououk's igloo this year was as usual the sub-chief Kalleligak.

  105. Kaiachououk, emerging soon after from his snow house, turned his back on Kalleligak's igloo while he stooped to make a trifling repair on his own.

  106. In the late afternoon, two days after Bakshuak and Kommak's departure, while Kaiachououk was still out of his igloo and the darkness was rapidly coming on, Kalleligak stole inside and took the chief's gun.

  107. At the end of this week, however, the wind changed in the night to the southward, so that on the eighth morning of their stay in the igloo they found the air almost as balmy as spring, with a gentle breeze from the south.

  108. Tug and Jim followed, and all went out of doors, as was their custom, leaving Katy the whole igloo to herself for a little while.

  109. Dragging her cousin out of the igloo and around the end of the willows, she pointed toward a hillcrest.

  110. Then she parted the flap to the igloo which she and Patsy shared.

  111. Come on into the igloo and I'll tell you," said Marian, shivering as a gust of wind swept down from the hill.

  112. It was true she had not been much afraid since Marian had left her alone with the herders, for it was but a step from her igloo to Terogloona's tent.

  113. Wait, I'll tell you," said Marian, as she parted the flap of the igloo and disappeared within.

  114. Tearing into their igloo she drove Lucile into a score of activities.

  115. The space in the igloo before the girls' sleeping room was given over to stores.

  116. Drawing on her parka she hurried to the chief's igloo and asked for seal oil.

  117. THE FALL OF THE IGLOO For many days the children played in their igloo.

  118. He stopped at a second cache on the fifth day, and spent the sixth night at an Eskimo igloo at Blind Eskimo Point.

  119. He must find the igloo, and the igloo was close to the sea.

  120. It did not occur to him that Blake might have lied-- that the igloo was farther than he had said, or perhaps much nearer.

  121. It seemed inconceivable that there would not be something in the igloo that would help to clear up the mystery.

  122. There wasn't anything in his pockets or in the igloo to tell.

  123. The igloo and the starving woman whom Blake had abandoned formed the one living picture which he did not for a moment forget.

  124. The time came when the picture of the igloo and the dying woman came and went fitfully in his brain.

  125. MacVeigh left his dogs to rest up at the igloo village and swung northwest on snow-shoes with the break of arctic dawn, which was but little better than the night itself.

  126. Was it possible that Blake had said nothing to reveal Little Mystery's identity, and that the igloo and the dead Eskimo woman had not given up the secret ?

  127. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "igloo" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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