In longhand above that line, I have just read, appears P.
All right--now, to go on with that and also in longhand is the Irving address, 2515 West Fifth, Irving.
Mr. Hulen has kindly returned this afternoon with copies of the receipts to which he made reference in his testimony and of which he supplied a longhand list on ruled notebook paper, Hulen Exhibit No.
Where it says interviewer, there is a signature on the card opposite the word interviewer, and that signature in longhand is Don Brooks, and that is the witness' signature.
I hand you a picture of a letter in longhand which has been identified as Commission Exhibit 103.
Did you make a duplicate in longhand or on your typewriter?
Is any of this application blank, that is any of the longhandon it, in the hand of your mother other than her signature?
The next is a short longhand note on a small sheet marked John Pic Exhibit No.
Dear Pic," and then there is in longhand and pencil "I sure am sorry that you can't come home for Christmas so I am sending you this fruitcake.
The aforesaid longhand inscription on the reverse side of Lillian Murret Exhibit No.
First, Mr. Weissman, I have a letter on the letterhead of National Indignation Convention, the top of which has scrawled in ink longhand "Top Secret.
Exhibit 711, your report, was that written out in longhand or dictated to a girl?
Just as a security matter, would you kindly look in the file and see if by any chance your original longhand notes could have been put in the file, at this place in the file?
Then I knew I wanted to go back to the Morning News Building to get the brochure I left, and also this complete page of longhand writing describing the various talents of this Bill DeMar.