Bukawai placed a little on the ground before him, took a pinch of powder from a pouch at his side and sprinkled it on the embers.
Captain Langford, seizing Jervase Helwyse so roughly by the shoulder that the sacramental cup was overturned and its contents sprinkled upon Lady Eleanore's mantle.
The blue star-sprinkled sky was now streaked with clouds like faded orchids, and the shadows on the uneven ground under his hurried feet made him giddy.
The sky was heavily sprinkled with stars whose wan clustering was blotted here and there by floating shreds of cloud, like vaporous, filmy leaves stripped by some upper gale from the Tree of Heaven.
It brushed the fraying clouds from the sky, leaving it a pale gray-blue, sprinkled with wan stars.
She wore a gown of some gauze-like material sprinkled with knots of embroidery and with her lifted face and filmy aureole of hair, she looked like a tall golden candle.
If a piece of meat that has already commenced putrifying, be sprinkled with charcoal, it will not only object to the meat putrifying any further, but it will sweeten that which has already undergone putrefaction.
But if a piece of dry phosphorous be sprinkled with powdered charcoal it will ignite, without the application of heat.
He had red hair and a short red beard, both liberally sprinkled with gray.
For the floor began to be sprinkled with groaning men who had dropped from the blades of the outlanders, and with stunned and maimed men stricken down by the fierce vigor of Wat's barbaric onslaught.
She sprinkled oatmeal over half a dozen fresh fish, and presently she had them making a pleasant, birsling sound in the pan, shielding her eyes occasionally with her hand when they spattered.
There must have been a capacious receptacle for its drainage, as they burnt upon it the victims and their fat, and sprinkled the blood upon and around it.
First come the cisterns for rain-water, which are thickly sprinkled over Jerusalem and its suburbs; one at least being possessed by every landholder and community.
The admiral's cool replies were like watersprinkled upon a strong flame, increasing its force, instead of checking it.
I will make him feel," said the enraged officer; so ordering a bowl of brine to be brought to him, he sprinkled it on the lacerated flesh of the boy between every lash.
They tried it in three places and at last returned it to its original position, restoring the casters which it had sprinkled around the room in its travels.
Already the playfield was well sprinkledwith fellows.
In the spring and summer, alkaline solutions may be used with advantage, syringed or sprinkled upon the affected shoots and foliage.
Two very large and four ordinary pigs were burnt alive as a sacrifice, and seven pigs and eight chickens were buried with the body after their blood had been sprinkled over the corpse.
The house of mourning is also covered with young coco-palm leaves and sprinkled with sacrificial pigs' blood.
Before the skulls are replaced, however, they are sprinkled with the blood of fowls and young pigs.
Sucking pigs and fowls are then killed, and after blood from them is sprinkled over the body, are placed beneath the arms and legs.
When they went back to the spot, for the carcass, they found the snow trampled down in a wide circle, and copiously sprinkled with blood, which gave it the appearance of a battle-field.
Portions of this rock aresprinkled with masses of bright sulphuret of iron.
Past the roses one saw a green lawn, sprinkled over now with the white ghosts of dandelions, and dotted with ornamental trees.
Mattie Lyall came out with a dipper of water and sprinkled the floor, from which a fine dust was rising.
The skin, at the end of the week, begins to peel and to dust off, making it look as though meal had been sprinkled upon it.
Here Ouse, slow winding through a level plain Of spacious meads, with cattle sprinkled o'er, Conducts the eye along his sinuous course Delighted.
He finished making the porridge, sprinkled some sugar on it, and poured it into a bowl.
When this water is blessed at your hands it will be carried down among those in the temple and sprinkled over them, and thereby great miracles will be performed.
Consequently the rock is naked and cadaverously white, but scantilysprinkled over with stunted pines.
Sprinkled at his feet were emerald lights: hundreds of glow-worms studded the dark dry ground.
I sprinkled his face with water, and poured some cocoa-nut milk down his throat; but it did not appear to have the slightest effect.
I sprinkled her face with water, and she shortly after heaved a sigh and opened her eyes.
The sky overhead was blue, and the first rays of the rising sun were glancing on the tree-tops sprinkled with moisture, which now no longer waved to and fro in the breeze.