What was this sudden haunting horror that had seized upon her?
Many a bad hour they gave me, haunting me, especially, with a fear of being prematurely buried, and of waking up before breakfast to find myself in a coffin.
Something happened at length which effectually sobered Ted and made a lasting impression on both the boys; for sudden danger and a haunting fear turned the Lion into a lamb and the Lamb into a lion, as far as courage went.
But, on the other hand, the haunting thought of what might have befallen her since became a corrosive care, and began to eat out the heart of his resolute purposes.
He asked himself whether she were ill, whether her visits to old Martha had been made to cease; and he shrank from the thought of bearing away into his life the haunting pain of such uncertainty.
In this joy Carlos lived now; and it was as yet too fresh and new to be greatly disturbed by haunting doubts or perplexing questions.
I sketched nothing in, not even the outline of the haunting shadow I was going to try to capture.
Most of the excitement it stirred up was traceable to the haunting horror of the face of the wretch tied to the wheel; the rest was due to its name, which only suggested itself to me at the last moment.
But the haunting horror of that fear-stricken face hung like a curtain in front of my mind, dimming or blanking everything behind it.
Then suddenly I knew that it was the thought of leaving them that filled me with such haunting despair--the far-off Matoppos that held for me some hidden mystery, some magic that drew my eyes at dawn, and at setting of sun.
I had said that I believed no word of it all, but left alone with Judy's haunting tale ringing in my head, how was it possible to dismiss the whole thing as a tissue of lies from beginning to end?
All torrent-haunting birds are in the habit of uttering such a note; indeed it is no easy task to distinguish between the alarm notes of the various species that frequent mountain streams.
The pale, dark hunchback, whom he had often seen haunting the monastery grounds and hovering around him at his work, had unconsciously drawn aside for him the curtains of the world and a man's nobler part in it.
Nor was the poetic mind of those ages enraptured or dejected by the haunting many-featured contrast of real and ideal.
Or did it bear but a haunting resemblance to some other, painted on my memory's retina in lurid, yet partially obliterated, colours?
Very possibly he noted the similarity of colouring between the brother and sister, and a certain vague haunting likeness that would show itself at times.
Knowing nothing, yet suspecting much with haunting vagueness, it seemed a horrible desecration to me that the beautiful, gentle girl should be given up to Wildred.
As I entered the hotel, my eyes dazzled by the sudden brilliant light, I could hardly for an instant believe that it was not an optical illusion when I saw in the flesh the face which had been haunting me.
And then I went on to describe in a few words my haunting impression of having been disagreeably associated with him in the past.
For it was fatal: the blood of Augustus was bound to spring into life once more and pulsate in the veins of all the successive masters of Rome, ever haunting them with the dream of ruling the whole world.
It is a haunting passion, a form of involuntary debauchery, the fated florescence of that compost of ruins, that dust of edifices whence new edifices are ever arising.
According to Aubrey, [597] "all over England a spayed bitch is accounted wholesome in a house; that is to say they have a strong belief that it keeps away evil spirits from haunting of a house.
The malignant, liver-eating witch is naturally associated with the tomb-haunting badger.
That snakes which specially do this are the returned dead, is inferred by people in Asia, Africa, and America; the haunting of houses being the common trait of the kind of snakes reverenced and worshipped.
She fancied it made by some little animal, and thought of the wild cats and otters of which Malcolm had spoken as haunting the caves; but, while the new fear mitigated the former, the greater fear subdued the less.
All without was merry, healthy, radiant, strong; in his mind brooded a single hauntingthought that already had almost filled his horizon, threatening by exclusion to become madness!
From a desire of secrecy, occasioned by the haunting dread of its approaching necessity, day and night being otherwise much alike to him, Duncan generally chose the night for his wanderings amongst the rocks, and probings of their hollows.
Whenever I look at it, there is an old dreamy recollection haunting me, but keeping just beyond the grasp of my mind.
The haunting strangeness in beauty" is at once one of the most characteristic and one of the most tragic things in the world.
In Norway the traditional violin teacher is the cascade-haunting musical genius Fossegrim, who, when suitably propitiated, seizes the right hand of one that seeks his aid and moves it across the strings until blood gushes from the finger-tips.
Quamina cannot be persuaded it is not the devil himself haunting their domain, and is petrified with terror for the rest of the evening.
Then he seals the envelope, and falls into a restless sleep, which is broken by haunting dreams of dimly suspected terrors.
Letting my cargo alone, he introduced a system of haunting my crew, so that at the end of several years not a German-speaking sailor was anxious to ship with me, except at ruinously high wages.
Why, under the canopy, the vulgar little spectre was haunting a picture-gallery I never knew, unless it was to embarrass the Americans who passed to and fro, for he claimed to be an American spook.
His self-assurance left him, his confident and convincing voice grew weak, a haunting fear of what news might come was with him night and day.
It became very compelling at last, and, if I failed in any little particular, I seemed to know that it pursued me about the house, from one room to another, haunting my very soul in its inmost abode.
He screwed his face up and looked about the room as though he expected to see some haunting shape.
Smith, Fitzball, and the great age of melodrama; a peculiar fragrance haunting it; uttering its unimportant message in a tone of voice that has the charm of fresh antiquity.
I could not help saying this; the words came unbidden: I never remember the time when I had not a haunting dread of what might be the degree of my outward deficiency; this dread pressed me at the moment with special force.
Are there evil influences haunting the air, and poisoning it for man?