In the former case the orifices show them to be in some instances simple, and in others compound tubes.
Dactylopius two small drops of fluid, which he considers to be honeydew, can be seen to emerge from orifices on the dorsal side of the sixth abdominal segment; but he mentions no special organ in the body.
TracheƦ very large; spiracular orifices containing brown tubes with beaded extremities on the inner end.
The skin is divided into segments corresponding with those of the test, the divisions being marked by lines of spinneret orifices which are small and simple.
Breathing organs:" the orificesin the body of the tracheƦ or tubes conveying air to the blood.
With several divisions: a term applied to the spinneret orifices of some insects, distinguishing them from "simple" orifices, which show only a single tube.
Five groups of spinnerets; numbers of orifices variable (see below); a few single spinnerets.
On the skin are a number of large oval spots which appear to be the orifices of spinneret tubes.
The test is divided by narrow lines of minute spots, corresponding to the spinneret orifices of the insect, into rows of pentagonal or hexagonal segments.
These orifices so impressed the engineer with their possibilities that he raised both hands in a gesture such as accompanies the ejaculation "Do tell!
The etiology of the former is sclerosis and the prognosis is grave because of the liability, nay the probability, that the orifices of the coronary arteries will become narrowed.
The bundle of muscles described by His in 1905, connecting the auricles and ventricles, has been definitely shown to be the path through which impulses having their origin in the orifices of the great veins pass to the ventricles.
In the nodular form the lesions are found on the aorta and large branches particularly at or near the orifices of branching vessels.
He was seen to have two glottic orificeswith associate bands.
The older observers thought this woman must have had two orifices to her womb, one of which had some connection with the stomach, as they had records of the dissection of a female in whom was found a conformation similar to this.
A postmortem was made five hours after death, and there was so much destruction of the stomach by a process resembling digestion that only the pyloric and cardiac orifices were visible.
Titillation of the anus appears to be frequently pleasurable in women; and this is not surprising considering the high degree of erotic sensitivity which is easily developed at the body orifices where skin meets mucous membrane.
Further, smallorifices have a tendency to become partly closed by sediment that may be carried by the steam.
Those who have observed with a little attention a rugged coast will, without being geologists, recognise the distinctly marine character of the greater number of these orifices in the calcareous district of the causses.
Light a Bunsen flame, with the basal orifices open, and hold over it a fine wire gauze.
Slowly turn down the burning gas of a Bunsen lamp, having the orifices open, and notice that it suddenly explodes and goes out at the top, but now burns at the base.
Unscrew the top, and note the orifices for the admission of gas and of air.
In the sides of the mountain Amhan, already mentioned, good specimens of these water-worn orifices still exist, and are inhabited by swarms of bees, whose hives are quite protected from robbers by the hardness of the basaltic rocks.
There are two orificescommunicating with each other in its back.
The orifices in the back are supposed by Mr. Schoolcraft to be designed for the insertion of the thumb and finger in lifting the object, or for the introduction of a thong or cord in transporting or suspending it.
Their interior becomes blocked with mucus or their orifices occluded, so that retention-cysts are formed to give rise to the appearance of the bead necklace.
The greatest difficulty in diagnosis is presented by cancers which do not obstruct the orifices of the stomach.
These polyps are important only when they obstruct one of the orifices of the stomach, in which case they may cause even fatal stenosis.
Thus, the orifices of the pancreatic or choledochus ducts may be narrowed or completely closed, or the whole lumen of the duodenum obliterated, with consecutive dilatation of the stomach and oesophagus, as in the case narrated by Biermer.
It is hardly conceivable that rupture of the healthy stomach from over-distension can occur so long as the orifices of the organ are unobstructed.
Sometimes it mounts the pharynx and reaches the orifices of the Eustachian tubes.
Absence of pain is more common in {540} gastric cancers of old persons and in cancers not involving the orifices of the stomach than it is at an earlier period of life or when the gastric orifices are obstructed.
It is difficult to explain in these cases the tolerance of the stomach for the cancerous growth, but this tolerance is most frequently manifested when the tumor does not invade the orifices of the organ.
Sometimes a number of orifices would unite into one vast crater, and vomit forth such a column of fire as was never before seen by human eyes since the time when "the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.
The central crater that was eventually formed, and the numerous little orifices of fire, have long since become cold, and all the evidences of an active fire have passed away.
On section of the ulcer many orifices stood widely open because of the rigidity of their walls.
The umbilication of the mature pock is doubtless due to the situation of such lesions at the orifices of the excretory ducts of the skin-glands.
All are situated about the orificesof the follicles and glands of the skin.
An embolus may be so large as to be unable to pass through the valvular orifices of the heart.
The orifices and prominences of the body, the retained testis in the inguinal canal, are notoriously liable seats of tumors.
The orificesface inwards or towards the axis of the plant.
The glands round the orifices of bladders which are still young, or which have been [page 417] long kept in moderately pure water, are colourless; and their primordial utricles are only slightly or hardly at all granular.
The embryo is oblong, with six sides, rough, with three orificesnear the base of the calyx.
There were two orifices at the larger corner of the eye.
There must be a constant tendency to enlarge the orifices through which the water passes,' when the stream is small, and vice versa; otherwise the lodges would be either inundated or have their sub-aquatic entrances exposed.
To prevent this, a canula, or little tube, should be inserted through both orifices as soon as the puncture is made.
It opens by a semicircular orifice into the cloaca, which also receives the orifices of the urinary and generative organs.
The numerous little variegations on it, which constitute its beauty, are the orifices whence the bristles have been removed.
Extensive experiments on the discharge of water from orifices (Experiences hydrauliques, Paris, 1832) were conducted under the direction of the French government by J.
His object was to measure the contracted part of a fluid vein, to examine the phenomena attendant on additional tubes, and to investigate the form of the fluid vein and the results obtained when different forms of orifices are employed.
The attention of Newton was also directed to the discharge of water from orifices in the bottom of vessels.
When biting, the roots of the fangs are pressed against the bags of poison, which thus exudes through the orifices and enters the wound they make.
They are hollow, with small orifices at their points.
This induration causes contraction and narrowing of the orifices with shortening and thickening of the chordae tendineae, and the valves imperfectly open, or no longer close.
Obstruction of the coronary arteries, however, not infrequently occurs at their orificesin conjunction with sclerosis of that region of the aorta and of the aortic valve.
By successive unions, they form large branches, termed the lactiferous ducts, which open by ten to fourteen minute orifices on the extremity of the nipple.
The "Favorite Prescription" regulates the menstrual function by toning up the tissues of the uterus and restraining the escape of the menses from the orifices of the blood-vessels.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "orifices" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.