In a few, but not in all of the birds, there was at first increased frequency of respiration followed by dyspnoea and circulatory disturbances.
He observed convulsions and increased respiratory activity at first; after one hour respiration diminished and voluntary muscular activity disappeared.
Later, voluntary movement and respiration disappeared and sensations diminished, but convulsions of the extremities appeared.
He also observed muscular twitching of the extremities, which gradually increased, with rigidity of the muscles and opisthotonos, while respiration became slow and superficial, finally stopping altogether.
Much larger doses could be borne, however, when artificial respiration was resorted to.
If atropin has been administered for from two to three weeks, respiration is likewise affected.
This double movement of their light skeleton had already been remarked by the ancients, who compared it to the action of respiration in the human chest.
The Molluscous Gasteropoda have the organs ofrespiration formed for aerial respiration, or for respiration under water.
Zoologists are not agreed upon the manner in which respiration operates on the star-fishes.
The hiding-place of the sea-urchin is, however, easily detected in the sand by the hole thus arranged for the respiration of the animal, and the fishermen think they can predict storms according to the depth of the hole.
Its respiration is regular and slow, and any ejection of water very rare; its colour is then of a livid grey, and vinous red below, with whitish spots, while the brown spots have now entirely disappeared.
Respiration is provided for in the Bryozoaires by the ciliate appendages which surround the mouth; they are at once tentacula and branchiƦ.
It is known that vegetables assimilate carbon, while decomposing the carbonic acid produced by the respiration of animals, thus disengaging the oxygen indispensable to animal life.
Vivified by respiration in the internal tissue of the branchiƦ, it is carried by the veins into the third heart, situated upon the median line of the body; and now the regenerated fluid is again distributed throughout the rest of the economy.
The mechanism of respiration is as follows: The animal inhales the air into its lung by forcibly dilating the pulmonary orifice, which lies in the largest spiral turn of the shell.
The pulse was accelerated, and a feverish state of the whole system produced: the muscles of the chest, even, were affected; the same distressing pain being felt on taking a full respiration as obtains in a case of acute rheumatism.
Their respiration is effected by the skin--another instance of the economy of Nature.
Suddenly her strength, voice, and respiration ceased, and she fell forward, like the flower Virgil alludes to, which the scythe of the reaper severed in the midst of the grass.
The strange confused and animated murmurs, which seemed born and to exist in virtue of the sun, that respiration of nature which is unceasingly heard amidst all other sounds, could not be heard now, and never had the silence been so profound.
He must have heard of 'anabiose,' as the famous Russian calls it, by which consciousness can be totally removed and respiration and digestion cease almost completely.
Science can slow down almost to a standstill the vital processes so that excretions disappear andrespiration and heart-beat are almost nil.
Respiration is by means of tracheae which open at the apex of the so-called anal siphon, when it is present.
It seems clearly established that the bite of certain ticks may cause a temporary paralysis, or even complete paralysis, involving the organs of respiration or the heart, and causing death.
Respiration is accomplished by means of three so-called blood gills which are pushed out from the dorsal part of the rectum.
The respiration may be somewhat dyspnoeic, and a feeling of oppression in the region of the heart is common.
During the afternoon it passed mucus and thick pieces of feces and was dull; respiration very rapid.
Later respiration became very slow and the pupils were dilated.
The role of the red blood-cell in internal respiration took on a new importance because of the discovery, and the comprehension of anaemic states of the system became much easier.
During Mueller's second year of medical study the University of Bonn announced its first prize, which was to be given for an investigation of the subject of respiration in the foetus.
Schwann's investigation of the respiration of the embryo in hens' eggs led to further studies of the embryo itself, and to the discovery that it was made up of cells.
If artificial respiration is kept up, however, the animal lives on indefinitely, and no motion will disturb the progress of the most delicate experiment.
The patient's) pulse, temperature, andrespiration may all be of a normal character.
Respiration seems to be the essential feature of life, and its lack, the essential feature of death.
It has been pointed out that in sleep the respiration becomes slower and that the amount of air inspired and consequently of oxygen assimilated is lowered.
When respiration ceases, a degree of acidity is reached which enables the two ferments to digest the body of disintegrating each cell.
It has even been suggested that as respiration and pulse are more or less constant in rest, they are used by the organism as unconscious time-registers.
The physiologist may employ it to ascertain the weight lost by animals during respiration and perspiration, and the botanist to determine the amount of evaporation from the leaves of a plant; and from these examples others may be imagined.
The gray head drops back wearily on the pillow; and soon we have the satisfaction of hearing by the regular respiration that our patient is asleep.
A faintness came over the young man; his limbs seemed suddenly to fail him; he felt as if his respiration were about to stop; he stood still, he staggered, utter unconsciousness succeeded.
He turned; and, as she looked down the chamber along with him, she saw that his chiefs had likewise entered it, and her respiration became difficult, and a chill passed over her frame.
Swelling comes on, the heart action is immediately accelerated, and the respiration hurried.
In this feeling, too, the Europeans are so far disposed to concur that it has been suggested whether there may not be something peculiar in the respiration of its leaves.
And the aquatic larva of the dragon-fly extracts air for its respiration from the water in which it is submerged.
You know that respiration is all a tree requires for its entire nourishment, and that your most robust oaks, your most gigantic cedars, have never eaten anything, and that that has not prevented their growth.
By respiration the black venous blood is transformed into red arterial blood and regenerated.
As in the case of a cold bath, the respiration and pulse are quickened, and the escape of carbonic acid from the lungs is increased.
While respiration is, for the most part, involuntary, we may arrest the breathing for the space of twenty to thirty seconds.
It brings into play the muscles of the hands, arms, legs, and many parts of the body, and if repeated at short intervals will not only increase the respiration and stimulate the circulation, but will also start the perspiration.
A high pillow, especially if firm and unyielding, cramps the neck and interferes with respiration and circulation.
Even the involuntary processes of circulation and respiration seem to share in the general restfulness, for during sleep their action is more tardy, and, as a result, the temperature of the body is somewhat lower.
Respiration and circulation are at once increased, and the temperature of the interior of the body is raised.
Even without the companion, the freer respiration induced by the walk, together with change of scene and thought, will prove beneficial.
Headaches, dullness, drowsiness, and laboredrespiration are the first symptoms of this lung poison.
These facts show the connection between respiration and animal heat, the temperature being in proportion to the amount of oxygen consumed.
While respiration is an involuntary act, yet the manner is, to some extent, subject to the control of the will.
In ordinary respiration an adult abstracts sixteen cubic feet of oxygen from the atmosphere every twenty-four hours, and adds to it fourteen cubic feet of carbonic acid in the same time.
A quick and eager respiration was all that was heard, but the moment she had opened the door, she darted out, and returned the instant after, with her fair slight form clasped round by the powerful arm of her husband.
His respiration grew shorter and shorter, his eyes starting from their sockets.
Not one of the women, however, heard it; it was like the very respiration of the lavatory--the eager breath that drove up among the rafters the floating vapor that filled the room.
Thus enrapt in their conscious presence of God, they are unconscious of any other thought in their minds; though when employed in the acts of life, remain without the respiration of their vital breath.
As the waving of the palm leaved fan being stopped, there is a stop of the ventilation of air in the room; so the respiration of the vital breath being put to a stop, there ensues a total stoppage of the succession of our thoughts.
Know ye intelligent men, that the apana breath becomes extinct, where the prana comes to be born; and the prana respirationis lost, where the apana takes its rise.
They sit quiet as figures in a painting, without respiration of their breath, and remain as silent as sculptured statues, without the action of their minds.
As the prana respiration is exhaled out in the air, to the distance of twelve inches from the heart, so the inhaled air of apana is taken into the breast, from the same distance of the open sky.
Hence the course of the thoughts, and respiration of all animals, is known too closely united with one another; as the fragrance is inseparable from the flower, and the oil from the oily seeds.
On the Breathings of Inspiration, Respiration and Expiration, and their rise and fall from and in the spirit of Brahma the origin and end of all.
Reflection and Restraint of Respiration leading to the tranquillity of the soul, and the steadiness of the spirit, conducing to long life and felicity on earth.
And whether the intelligent people are employed in busy life, or sit inactive at home; they are always quiet and at rest by following the course of their respiration (neither breathing hard or being out breath).
The apana or inhaled breath is like the cooling moon light, and refreshes the body from without; while prana respiration resembling the sunshine or a flame of fire, warms the inside of the body.
The two yogas or Habits of restraining the Desires and Respirationherein before described, are followed by two others: viz.
Being heedful of the rule of the restriction of his respiration and suppression of his voice, he was quite happy with his long longevity, and was renowned every where as a long lived passe (seer).
The respiration of breath called ajapa, is said to be the measure of life).
Where there is such a trifling destruction of the vital force (not mind force) as at present is the case with us, it requires but slight respiration to retain the normal condition of the body.
This act of respiration is the result of one of the conditions of surface earth life, and consumes most of the vital force.
Have you never thought of the connected tribulations that the wear and tear of respiration alone inflict upon the human family?
Thus you see the analogy between respiration and combustion is rendered still more beautiful and striking.
Gregor studied pulse, respiration and respiratory volume in their reflex manifestations and found nothing unusual.
All these symptoms are expressions of imbalance in the involuntary nervous system, further evidence of which is found in the rapid respiration of six cases and the shallow breathing of one patient.
These pulse and respiration findings are the more striking in that individuals in stupor are, by the very nature of their disease, free from emotional excitement.
In case of severe shock, resuscitation should be attempted through persistent artificial respiration and prevention from chill.
It is supplied to the air by volcanoes, mineral springs, the combustion of fuel, the respiration of animals and plants, and the decay of organic matter.