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Example sentences for "processes"

Lexicographically close words:
procerum; proces; process; processe; processed; processing; procession; processional; processionally; processioning
  1. But other rules are applied to the psychological processes of the child.

  2. They have no educative power on all the innumerable fine processes in the life of the child's soul, on their obscurely related combinations.

  3. Our author in similar fashion writes of a soul watching the processes of its own substance in the heaven-world.

  4. The fourth or consummation is other; it transcends process, it is ever itself with itself, embracing all processes and all powers simultaneously.

  5. No processes by which results were reached could be perceived by the trained mind.

  6. To overcome this inertia, minorities whose interests cannot wait upon the slow benevolent processes of determinism or upon the divine rightness of public opinion, form to prod the constitutional organs of government into action.

  7. We subsequently saw the many processes through which cloisonné passes, and it is not until you have seen the skill and delicate workmanship required, that you really begin to appreciate cloisonné.

  8. After much drinking of healths and ceremonious compliments, we adjourned to the neighbouring Technical School of Art, where we saw specimens of lacquer work, and some of the thirty-five processes through which it passes before completion.

  9. She, for the first time, began to see the many whips which a determined husband had at his command, chief of which was the crippling processes of motherhood.

  10. It had been his mental processes which had won and now sustained her attachment for him.

  11. On the morning after his first day he feels depressed; but his biliary processes are undisturbed, and he is able to begin again without any sense of nausea.

  12. Whether the rational processes have reached their final development, who shall say?

  13. This place of business was carefully separated from the rest of the establishment, which none but those who were engaged in the processes carried on there were on any account permitted to enter.

  14. The man was interested in her, but one of these references reflects most seriously on the mental processes of this excellent man.

  15. Bradlaugh's three years of army life held back his mental processes and allowed his body to develop.

  16. Either men had no law at all, and lived in confused tribes, hardly hanging together, or they had to obtain a fixed law by processes of incredible difficulty.

  17. Two preliminary processes indeed there are which seem inscrutable.

  18. Intellectual processes of this kind have been going on since the first formation of language, and are going on still.

  19. We all know how much more popular the illustrative method of exposition is found, than that in which bare processes of reasoning and calculation form the principal subject of discourse.

  20. Let us consider for a moment the processes by which this result has been reached.

  21. The deposits of this material in the form of graphitic limestone cover miles of territory, but more satisfactory processes for its concentration are needed to make it available for use, especially in the higher grades.

  22. Again, in Spelerpes rubra, where almost vertically ascending articular processes above are repeated by almost vertically descending articular processes below.

  23. Again, the processes of development presented by some of these creatures do not by any means point to an origin through{170} the linear coalescence of primitively distinct animals by means of imperfect segmentation.

  24. The alveolar processes thus removed, were enlarged, and of a lardaceous colour, and the fungous growths had the appearance and consistence of indurated albumen.

  25. The diameters of the mouth were greatly lessened; but by the touch, it was evident, that the disease was confined to the alveolar processes of the two ossa maxillaria.

  26. A consequence of this conclusion is, that arithmetical processes do not belong to the understanding, concerned as they are with abstract conceptions.

  27. To attain this end the vital force is reduced to chemical forces (which are insidiously and unjustifiably called molecular forces), and all processes of unorganised nature to mechanism, i.

  28. His biography is a biography of the mind, a history of mental processes and tendencies, a record of the gradual creation of his own anthology.

  29. Where new comprehension of the processes of destruction has been attained and shared, as in soil conservation and forestry and such fields, much damage done in the past has been repaired.

  30. They refer to any of a considerable array of additional or intensified processes aimed at attaining levels of purification that would have cost an impossible price a few years ago.

  31. One is that we hope to make a model of it, commencing here processes of preservation and restoration to show the rest of the country that modern ways of being need not eat up everything whole and green and old and meaningful and right.

  32. Standard treatment of pollution at its source consists of the primary and secondary processes we have glanced at, sometimes adjusted to specific industrial wastes.

  33. Others are unusable now, but have promise for later, when more is known, or technological processes involved have been perfected, or cost have been brought within reason.

  34. Iron, by aid of which the people might improve their processes of cultivation and manufacture, has little tendency toward India.

  35. In bleaching and fermentation the whole processes are carried on by natural agents.

  36. There are three processes to extract nitrogen and oxygen from air.

  37. So grim the processes of fighting, so lacking in picturesqueness, that one welcomed any of the old symbols of war.

  38. Thus, one sought perspective of the colossal significance of the uninterrupted battle whose processes numbed the mind and to distinguish the meaning of different stages of the struggle.

  39. Thus promptly, as foreseen, the processes of battle had worked themselves out.

  40. Talking with him in the office, which had been the study of a French country gentleman, one gained an idea of the things which interested him; of the processes by which he was building up his organization.

  41. At the hacienda of Regla are to be seen on a large scale most of the processes which are employed in the extraction of silver from the ore--the beneficio, or making good, as it is called.

  42. After gorging themselves they retire to the shore, where the processes of digestion follow.

  43. Certain swallowers of birds' eggs have peculiar spinous processes proceeding from the vertebrae of the neck, the object of which is to fracture the shell of an egg during the process of deglutition.

  44. Its only characteristic feature is its beak, the upper mandible having two sharp processes and a sharp hooked point.

  45. Like the previous theory, it implies the production of hydrochloric acid from a chloride or chlorides, through chemical processes taking place in the stomach-mucosa, and presumably in the large border-cells of the peptic glands.

  46. In view of the apparent complexity of the processes attending trypsin-proteolysis, it is not strange that even simpler substances than those already described should make their appearance.

  47. Chemistry has come to the aid of physiology and by the combined efforts of the two our knowledge of the digestive processes of the alimentary tract has been gradually broadened and deepened.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "processes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.