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Example sentences for "exhalation"

Lexicographically close words:
exerting; exertion; exertions; exerts; exfoliation; exhalations; exhale; exhaled; exhalent; exhales
  1. A meteor or exhalation formerly supposed to be thrown from the clouds with such violence that by collision it is set on fire.

  2. It was very still and very clear in the afternoon sunlight, though the heat pouring out over us seemed the exhalation of a great steam bath, choked with stewing vegetation.

  3. So Cinaber becomes red by the acide exhalation of sulphur, which otherwise presents a pure and niveous white.

  4. It needs no exhalation of saffron or camphor, nor any painting or other things (as chouriflappers and the like); nor has it any need of pouring the water, which is easily obtainable every where.

  5. As long as the prana exhalation is not converted to the nature of the moon, after forsaking its solarity, it is so long considered as unconditioned by time and place, and freed from pain and grief.

  6. As long as the exhalation of yearnings infest the forest of the heart, the chakora or parrot of reason will never resort to it; but fly far away from the infected air.

  7. The prana breath warms every moment the region of the heart, as the sunshine inflames the region of the sky; and then it torrifies the atmosphere before it, by the exhalation of breath through the mouth.

  8. The Moderns, a Hot and Dry Exhalation repuls'd by Antiperistasis; Des Cartes defines it, Venti Nihil sunt nisi Moti & Dilati Vapores.

  9. We conceive it is a moist exhalation converted into a cloud, and in a short space it is dissolved into small and moist drops.

  10. And what is more, how does he, declaring an animal to be made by refrigeration, think the sun to be animated, which is of fire and made of an exhalation changed into fire?

  11. Heraclitus, that the soul of the world is the exhalation which proceeds from the moist parts of it; but the soul of animals, arising from exhalations that are exterior and from those that are within them, is homogeneous to it.

  12. For he will needs read the two of these words joined into one, and make them [Greek omitted] for that the air evaporated from the earth by exhalation [Greek omitted] is so called.

  13. And the mixture of respiration with the air always makes some new exhalation which is altered and changed by the flux of the air coming from abroad and again going out.

  14. Metrodorus, that a cloud is composed of a watery exhalation carried into a higher place.

  15. The pulmonary exhalation is the most important and universal, and closely resembles that of the skin.

  16. This exhalation may contain a poison of greater or less power, according to its quantity and degree of concentration, and may be absorbed and reconveyed into the system, causing inflammatory diseases, and not unfrequently death.

  17. The want of moisture in the cornea of old people, when the exhalation becomes greater than the supply, is the cause of its want of transparency; and which like the crystalline gains rather a milky opacity.

  18. In some cases two more links of causation may be introduced; one of them may be termed the pre-remote cause; as the warmth or motion of the atmosphere, which causes greater exhalation from the cornea.

  19. If the air be stationary, as in a small room, or bed with closed curtains, the sweat stands in drops on the skin for want of a quicker exhalation proportioned to the quicker secretion.

  20. For as a new cuticle is formed under the old one, as under a blister, the serous fluid between them is a defence to the new cuticle, and should dry into a scab by exhalation rather than be reabsorbed.

  21. A noisome exhalation mounted to the heavens and darkened the sky; from the stables came the desperate cries of the confined animals.

  22. It tends to increase all secretions, but particularly the exhalation from the skin and lungs, independently of the production of nausea (p.

  23. These are medicines which tend to promote the secretion and exhalation from the surface of the skin.

  24. A luminous exhalation from marshy grounds, seeming to move through the air as a winged serpent.

  25. I felt as if some strange and ghastly exhalation were rising up from the chinks of that rugged floor, and filling the atmosphere with a venomous influence hostile to human life.

  26. The extraordinary merit of this piece, I imagine, consists not only in the expression of divinity on the face of Christ, but also in the surprising lightness of the figure that hovers like a beautiful exhalation in the air.

  27. The extraordinary merit of this piece, I imagine, consists, not only in the expression of divinity on the face of Christ; but also in the surprising lightness of the figure, that hovers like a beautiful exhalation in the air.

  28. This latter claim, however, the doctor very generously offered to compromise, in consideration of the exhalation of the Company, on payment of four thousand pounds down!

  29. An oppressive and sulphureous exhalation served to increase the gloomy and sublime terror of the place.

  30. Then picture the prana as leaving your mind with each exhalation of rhythmic breath, and traveling across space instantaneously and reaching the patient and healing him.

  31. This last plan is very effective if the mental image of the pump is clearly held, the inhalation representing the lifting of the pump handle and the exhalation the actual pumping.

  32. Alternate the two above mental commands, and with one exhalation stimulate the part and with the next drive out the pain.

  33. The Yogi rule for rhythmic breathing is that the units of inhalation and exhalation should be the same, while the units for retention and between breaths should be one-half the number of those of inhalation and exhalation.

  34. A very lucid explanation certainly, but rendered a little difficult of apprehension by the effort necessary for realising in a mental picture the conglobation of a fulgureous exhalation by a circumfixed humour.

  35. There is also a corresponding process of inhalation through the mouth or nostrils, and of exhalation through the pores.

  36. The exhalation of the breath through the mouth and nostrils displaces the external air, and at the same time leaves a vacuum into which through the pores the air which is displaced enters.

  37. The inhalation through the pores appears to take place nearly at the same time as the exhalation through the mouth; and conversely.

  38. When exhaled through the mouth or nostrils, it leaves a vacuum which is filled up by other air finding a way in through the pores, this air being thrust out of its place by the exhalation from the mouth and nostrils.

  39. Almost any vigorous exercise will enforce deep breathing, and there is no question as to the benefit of the involuntary or spontaneous inhalation and exhalation thus induced.

  40. The sweat, or watery exhalation of the skin; when visible, it is called sensible perspiration, when invisible, it is called insensible perspiration.

  41. We have already spoken of this gas as an exhalation from the lungs, and a source of impurity; but it exists naturally in the atmosphere in the proportion of one half part per thousand.

  42. An increased exhalation from the lungs and skin purifies the current of the circulation, and the body as a whole thrives under its influence.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exhalation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.