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Example sentences for "inhalation"

Lexicographically close words:
inhabited; inhabiters; inhabiteth; inhabiting; inhabits; inhalations; inhale; inhaled; inhalent; inhaler
  1. The bacilli can reach the lungs by inhalation only when the bacilli are thoroughly dried and pulverized and in condition to be carried by currents of air.

  2. Poisons which act locally generally either destroy by corrosion the tissues with which they come in contact or by inhalation set up acute inflammation.

  3. It may arise from inhalation of irritating gases.

  4. If the paroxysm be excessive, the cautious inhalation of ether or chloroform should be tried.

  5. The inhalation of air, mixed with very little chlorine gas, has also been recommended.

  6. The inhalation of the powder of ipecacuanha sets up similar symptoms with some persons.

  7. The oxidation of the urates is encouraged by the administration of alkalies and by an abundant supply of air, the inhalation of oxygen even having been recommended.

  8. Pharyngitis may be excited by the inhalation of deleterious solid, fluid, and gaseous substances in the atmosphere which act mechanically or chemically on the mucous membrane.

  9. Traumatic pharyngitis results from deglutition of boiling water or of acrid or caustic substances; from inhalation of hot air, of steam, or of flame, and is most usually associated with traumatic oesophagitis or with laryngitis.

  10. Besides the ordinary causes of dysentery, Feyrer[22] states that it is caused by irritation of the solar plexus of nerves, also by the inhalation of sewer emanations and by the ingestion of impure water.

  11. Being warmed by the breath, it tempers cold air passing through it, and may also be used for the inhalation of medicated vapors.

  12. Its inhalation produces an instantaneous flushing of the face.

  13. A divice of gauze or wire, covering the mouth or nose, to prevent the inhalation of noxious substances, as dust or smoke.

  14. A sort of pneumonia occuring in iron workers, produced by the inhalation of particles of iron.

  15. The medicine of inhalation is still in its infancy, and yet it is by inhalation that Nature produces most of her diseases, and effects most of her cures.

  16. Then the cautious inhalation of ammonia, sulphuric ether, or the vapor of warm water, will be useful.

  17. Inhalation of the vapor of anhydrous prussic acid would immediately cause death.

  18. Artificial respiration, galvanism, and the inhalation of oxygen gas, have been found useful.

  19. The effects of chloroform taken by the mouth are of the same description as those which follow the inhalation of this agent; with this exception, that the fatal result seems to be longer deferred.

  20. Several cases ending fatally have followed the inhalation of the fumes of this acid, probably by inducing very extensive inflammation of the lung.

  21. The effects produced by the inhalation of ether are similar to those which result from chloroform.

  22. The absorption into the body of the substances employed by inhalation may also exert a baneful influence by reducing the powers of resistance upon an economy already lowered by disease, and also by retarding convalescence.

  23. The constant inhalation of irritating vapours, such as tobacco smoke, may also cause it.

  24. The sudden application of cold water or cold air to the surface of the nude body and the inhalation of cold air into the lungs have the effect of increasing the amount of electromagnetic energy in the system.

  25. For instance, if inhalation require four seconds, exhalation, including a slight natural pause before the new inhalation, requires eight seconds.

  26. The inhalation of sulphuric ether was often, even in the eighteenth century, used for the relief of spasmodic asthma, phthisis, and some other diseases of the chest.

  27. He was trying its effects upon the human system, by inhalation through a straw; when unhappily Mrs. Jargoon struck a match, to seal an important letter.

  28. In an unwise moment, he convinced himself, that a change of inhalation would improve his lungs; which were as sound as a bell used to be, in the days when people knew how to cast them.

  29. Another means of inhalation is to hold a funnel, made of a piece of folded paper in the nose of a kettle of very hot water, near the patient so that the steam can be inhaled.

  30. After a steam inhalation one should not go out in the cold air nor have the windows opened for an hour or more.

  31. Seen with Mr. Carmichael; a second labor; she began the chloroform inhalation before the dilatation of the os uteri was entirely completed; the child was expelled in fifty minutes afterwards.

  32. The child was expelled in twenty-five minutes after the inhalation was begun.

  33. The child was expelled in about fifteen minutes after the inhalation was commenced.

  34. In about two hours afterwards, the os uteri was fully dilated, and in four hours and a half after the inhalation was begun, a large child was expelled.

  35. Notes on cases of poisoning by the inhalation of carbon monoxide," by Dr.

  36. It has been laid down, that the inhalation of chloroform should be so managed as to insure that the air breathed shall never contain more than 3.

  37. If now the inhalation of chloroform is intermitted, the patient wakes within a period which is usually from twenty to forty minutes, but may be several hours, after the last inhalation.

  38. Nitrite of amyl= by inhalation is said to have been useful.

  39. It was probably contracted by inhalation of the parasite.

  40. Cramped attitudes, exposure to dampness or cold, ill ventilation, and exposure to inhalation of dust of various kinds, all act in this way.

  41. The one who looks after this drying process has a cloth tied round his head covering the nose, as the constant inhalation of the fumes causes a feeling of heaviness and dizziness in the head.

  42. The habitual inhalation of tobacco smoke is undoubtedly harmful, but unless the smoke be intentionally inhaled, very little makes its way into the lungs.

  43. Ammonia, by inhalation or in solution, may Laurel Water.

  44. A condition of apparent death owing to the supply of air being cut off; as in drowning, inhalation of gases, sun-stroke, etc.

  45. The free inhalation of steam should be employed early.

  46. The inhalation of the hot vapor of water or vinegar, or peppermint and water, is beneficial.

  47. To overcome the modified form of inflammation in the bronchial tubes, all sources of irritation should be avoided, as the inhalation of dust, or excessively cold air.

  48. These symptoms are supposed to be induced by the inhalation of pollen or odors from grasses or flowers, which at that time are supposed to give off certain exhalations of an Irritating character.

  49. The sufferers feel as if something was bound tightly round them, rendering inhalation difficult.

  50. Uncleanliness, and the inhalation of impure air, are prolific causes Of these diseases.

  51. The real cause of the headache is the inhalation of foul air at every expansion of the lungs.

  52. In 1844, Horace Wells, a native of Vermont, discovered that the inhalation of nitrous-oxide gas produces anaesthesia.

  53. Long told the young men that the inhalation of sulphuric ether would have the same effect.

  54. Has also been used by inhalation as general anesthetic in short operations.

  55. The inhalation of such fumes was to have been expected and probably could not have been avoided.

  56. If the inhalation of noxious gases is a necessary incident to the workman's employment, there can be nothing accidental in the injury resulting therefrom.

  57. The inhalation of its vapor instantly produces flushing of the face.

  58. Insensibility (as that produced by the inhalation of sulphuric ether, chloroform, &c.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inhalation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.