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Example sentences for "repercussions"

Lexicographically close words:
repenting; repents; repeople; repeopled; repercussion; repertoire; repertories; repertory; reperused; repetition
  1. Meader contended that the War Department was reluctant to act on these theater recommendations because it feared political repercussions from the black community.

  2. If the Air Forces go ahead and set a precedent, most undesirable repercussions may occur.

  3. I will only consider the repercussions of the violent assaults made by the ecclesiastical leaders of Islám and, to a lesser degree, by certain exponents of Christian orthodoxy upon their respective institutions.

  4. Its repercussions have spread so far as to alarm a not inconsiderable element among the traditional and redoubtable adversaries of its courageous and consecrated prosecutors.

  5. Of course Islam did gain a great accession of warlike strength, but this new power was so wantonly misused as to bring down disastrous repercussions upon Islam itself.

  6. Although the movement was frankly anti-European, the British authorities did not dare to check it for fear of repercussions elsewhere.

  7. Canaris stressed the devastating repercussions which this bombardment would have in the foreign political field.

  8. The whole matter of the German reoccupation of the demilitarized zone of the Rhineland caused extensive international repercussions and study.

  9. His warnings and refused to heed His summons has plunged itself into two global wars of unprecedented severity, the repercussions of which none as yet can even dimly visualize.

  10. Its repercussions echoed as far as the press of Europe, branding with infamy its bloodthirsty participants.

  11. The pity of it is that these arguments have had such disastrous repercussions in the genuine racial sphere.

  12. By Babel streams I have sat and wept" almost ever since I wrote you last; I have only known existence by the pressure of the heavy hand of sickness, and have counted time by the repercussions of pain!

  13. You should follow their advice, and consult with them in all matters, as the situation there is very precarious, and any indiscretion could have serious repercussions on the affairs of the friends.

  14. The perils of the present hour, the repercussions of this tremendous world ordeal on their native land, must, in no wise, alarm or discourage them.

  15. But if it should be urged, that though they cannot hear yet perhaps they may feel the repercussions of sounds, I grant it is possible they may.

  16. Under strict Government supervision, Power Utilities will proceed to liquidate their holdings--slowly, so that there will be no repercussions on an economic level.

  17. The unemployment alone would cause repercussions all over the Soviet Republics which would be difficult to deal with.

  18. Repercussions of the Chicago Temple are felt everywhere, and the same is becoming increasingly true of the Shrine.

  19. This contemplated division of Cameron had repercussions in the relations between that parish and its mother parish Truro.

  20. I have only known existence by the pressure of the heavy hand of sickness, and have counted time by the repercussions of pain!

  21. Furthermore, a wide-spread campaign of publicity was initiated in expectation that its repercussions would exert a restraining influence on the perpetrators of these monstrous acts.

  22. Owing to the serious consequences and infinite repercussions it might have through the Moslem world, the new decision heralded a period of endless difficulties.

  23. We cannot ignore the deep repercussions which the intended measures in regard to Turkey may have among the 25 million Moslems who live under our rule in Northern Africa.

  24. There were repercussions across the Atlantic, where the role played by Lola Montez in Bavarian circles was arousing considerable interest.

  25. This was a tactical blunder, and was in great measure responsible for the more serious repercussions of the following month.

  26. Sociologists and agriculturalists have found these repercussions puzzling and have not discovered clear-cut reasons for them.

  27. However, in some vicinities there were definite political repercussions from the suburban population, such as in Herndon, which although commercially oriented, had always been sympathetic to the farmer's views.

  28. The economic repercussions from such regulation do not all lie in favor of either capital or labor.

  29. There are some things worse in the development of democracy than strikes and lockouts, and whether by legislative repression we do not set up economic and social repercussions of worse character is by no means determined.

  30. The de-Stalinization campaign in the Soviet Union had serious repercussions in the internal situation in Albania.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "repercussions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.