If I wait for rain to work the soil before drilling, it will bring the seeding too late.
I have been having some land graded for alfalfa and I have had to wait so long I am now doubting the advisability of seedingit all under these conditions until fall, as hot weather will soon come.
Will fall seeding the same as wheat produce a seed crop?
Is it advisable to use oats with alfalfa seeds in seeding for alfalfa?
There is no grass which grows quickly enough to be worth seeding in the fall for spring plowing.
Is there any scientific reason to support the belief that it is injurious to the soil to dry-plow it for seeding to grain this fall and winter?
It's the job of the seedingprogram to survey newly discovered worlds, and then to make men suitable to live on each new world.
This is easily the most successfulseeding job any team has ever done, at least in this limb of the galaxy.
When the seeding team set your people up in business on Tellura, they didn't mean for you to live forever in the treetops.
That's why the original seeding team put these people in the treetops instead.
We are two very minor members of a huge project called a 'seeding program', which has been going on for thousands of years now.
A good method of seeding is to drill in six pecks of the pea seed to a depth of four inches, and then to drill in six pecks of oats.
The soil having been put into a condition favorable to plant life, the seeding and the use of commercial fertilizers should proceed as usual.
It is slow in making a heavy sod, as a rule, and partly because the seeding is too light on account of low germination.
Seeding alone offers opportunity to make conditions right for the seeds which are to be used, and in view of the importance of heavy sods to our agriculture, this reason alone is sufficient.
An August seeding may make such growth in a warm and late autumn that flowering will occur, and lateral buds start, but the growth should not be clipped unless there remains time to secure a new growth large enough to afford winter protection.
It has become the rule to seed to timothy with the clover in the short crop-rotations as well as in the longer ones, and chiefly for the reason that clover seeding has become no longer dependable.
The purpose of the seeding is praiseworthy, but if all of the product were available for use off the land, observation teaches that the soil producing the crop probably would fare badly.
When a field is being prepared for seeding to the grain crop with which clover will be sown, a plat containing four square rods should be measured off, and preferably this should be away from the border to insure even soil conditions.
Thin land which is wanted for seeding to wheat and grass in the fall, or for timothy and cloverseeding in August, may use oats as a spring cover crop.
The root growth is not as large from fall seeding as from spring seeding, and therefore not quite as much humus is added to the soil.
Better stands are usually obtained by seeding on fields that have been disked and harrowed than on those that have been plowed.
Observations show that fairly good stands may be obtained by seedingduring the winter, but care should be taken not to sow seed earlier than necessary on land which is subject to washing.
Seeding experiments have been conducted at Arlington, Va.
Late spring seeding may be preferable when the ground is weedy and the clover is to be seeded without nurse crop.
A number of southern farmer have had good success in seeding sweet clover on Bermuda-grass sod.
The manner in which a stand of sweet clover is handled should depend somewhat upon the method and date of seeding and the purpose for which it is sown.
The methods used for seeding red clover or alfalfa in any particular region will be suitable for seeding sweet clover.
Many excellent stands have been obtained by seeding late in the spring, but in most sectionsseeding at this time is not as certain to produce a good stand as earlier seeding.
The treatment of seed with sulphuric acid for seeding on a field scale is not to be recommended, in view of the fact that as good or better results may be obtained by using scarified seed.
Each compartment must be kept in such condition (density) that it cannot, before the seeding takes place, grow up to grass and weeds.
And this marginal seeding method remained for a long time the favorite method for the conifers.
For wheat, the guano should be spread broadcast at the time of seeding the wheat, at the rate of 200 lbs.
By plowing it in, particularly if mixed with one third its bulk of plaster, the effect is decidedly more durable; nor is it then necessary that the seeding should so immediately follow its application.
Heavy liming of an acid soil pays when a seeding to permanent pasture is made, and old sods on land unfit for tillage may be given a new life by a dressing.
Light tractors are being made, and they are growing in popularity, but the real business of the farm tractor is to do the heavy lugging--the work that kills horses and delays seeding until the growing season has passed.
The hardest and most tiresome and disagreeable job atseeding time is following a harrow on foot.
One creeper had climbed up a bennet, or seeding grass-stalk, binding the stalk and a blade of the grass together, and flowering there.
This corner is a favourite with wild bees and butterflies; if the sun shines they are sure to be found there at the heath-bloom and tall yellow-weed, and among the dry seeding bennets or grass-stalks.
The sheep annually eat off the grass tops and prevent seeding down; they trample out of life what they do not eat; along the principal valley routes even the sage brush is destroyed.
As the poisoning is not necessary, it is easy to understand why many plants survive seeding and escape natural death.
The connection between the seeding of plants and their natural death has been recognised for long, and is usually explained as being due to the exhaustion of the plant.
Seeding began about the middle of April, and harvesting about the middle of August.
The seeds and pedicels removed from the raisins in seeding vary from 10 to 12 per cent of the original weight of the raisins according to their conditions and quality.
The seeding machines in present use can turn out 300 tons per day.
The invention of a raisin-seeding machine by George E.
I did not neglect seedingto provide stocks of the Eastern black walnut also, which is almost a different species from the local black walnut, but these seedling trees proved to be tender toward our winters and only a few survived.
Toumey's "Seeding and Planting in the Practice of Forestry," in bed culture and spot seeding.
Burnes, in his 'Travels in Bokhara,' remarks on the pomegranate seeding in Mazenderan, as a remarkable peculiarity.
A thick seeding of lawn grass-seed should be sown early the next spring and raked lightly in.
If the soil has been prepared as above, there is no need to use a foster crop of oats or barley, as is done in seeding down meadows.
Roll the lawn after seeding and also after heavy rains as soon as the surface dries.
Fall seeding of cereals, wherever the conditions will permit, is preferable to spring seeding, and it is important to retain the snow upon the land, especially in sections where it forms the chief part of the total precipitation.
All the necessary seeds of various varieties or roots for proper seeding and cultivation of eighty acres.
This is a very rapid growing Vine, seeding itself each year, and needing little care.
These Centaureas are easy of culture, seeding themselves after once being planted, and coming up year after year in great profusion.
One of the daintiest of climbers, making a very rapid growth, and when once established seeding itself and thriving for years, growing 10 or 15 feet in a season.
Bottle, with compressed body and nearly cylindrical neck, painted with seedingpeonies and foliage, and palm-leaves round the neck, 18 in.
Vetch, burdock, and yarrow were in luxuriant riot with the planting and seeding of the spring.
This expense, together with building headgates and lateral ditches, building flumes and seeding to alfalfa, will cost from $15.
In these instances the same methods can be used, handling all the small logs and stumps and litter, and after the first burning, carefully repiling and burning the refuse and then seedingto grass.
Some, however, very smooth lands can be prepared for seeding at less expense.
An annual very like the Nonsuch; it is a very useful plant, seeding very freely in pastures and growing readily, by which means it is every year renewed, and affords a fine bite for sheep and cattle.
How many times do we see with crops of winter tares wild oats seeding in them?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seeding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: broadcast; broadcasting; dissemination; insemination; planting; rainmaker; seeding; setting