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Example sentences for "pass sentence"

  • To hear and determine, as in causes on trial; to decide as a judge; to give judgment; to pass sentence.

  • I am not ripe to pass sentence on the gravest public bodies.

  • Here his speech was stopped by the judges, and Mr. Justice Keogh proceeded to pass sentence.

  • Then the judge proceeded to pass sentence.

  • After a few hours' adjournment the court re-assembled to pass sentence.

  • On the conclusion of this address, Judge Keogh proceeded to pass sentence on the prisoner.

  • Men pronounce just judgment on the sins of others; but when they come to pass sentence on their own, they invent a thousand excuses for justification or leniency: but these excuses do not satisfy themselves.

  • Mr. Gregorowski in defending his sentence has stated that under Roman-Dutch law he had no option but to pass sentence of death.

  • If Francis would send a word to him, he might gather courage to pass sentence, and Henry would be brought to his knees in gratitude.

  • On the whole, the Nuncio considered that an attempt was being made to frighten him, and he sent off fresh letters advising the Pope to proceed at once to pass sentence.

  • Alva now determined to bring the trial to a close,--to pass sentence of death on the two lords, and to carry it into execution before departing on his expedition.

  • Nothing remained but to pass sentence and to execute.

  • The Recorder then proceeded to pass sentence of death upon the prisoner; that he be executed the following morning, and that his body be afterwards delivered to be anatomized according to the statute.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pass sentence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    certain extent; death itself; gave the; inch rifles; left none; pass after; pass sentence; pass them; pass through; passage from; passed close; passed down; passed from; passed over; passed through; passed upon; passenger traffic; passenger train; passengers were; passing good; passing over; passing through; passionate love; passive voice; running fight; slave labor