Some Statistical Results of the Psychoanalytic Treatment of Psychoneuroses.
Psychoanalytic investigation very strongly opposes the attempt to separate homosexuals from other persons as a group of a special nature.
The return of the sexual activity is determined by inner and outer causes which can be conjectured from the formation of the symptoms of neurotic diseases and definitely revealed by psychoanalytic investigations.
It is these cases that become so familiar to us through the psychoanalytic investigation of neurotics.
All the leading foreignpsychoanalytic journals are regularly abstracted, and all books dealing with psychoanalysis are reviewed.
The dependence of this work on the psychoanalytic experiences which have determined the writing of it, shows itself not only in the selection but also in the arrangement of the material.
Only psychoanalytic investigation can demonstrate that behind this tenderness, such as honoring and esteeming, there is concealed the old sexual strivings of the infantile partial impulses which have now become useless.
Psychoanalytic studies show, however, how intensively the individual struggles with the incest temptations during his development and how frequently he puts them into phantasies and even into reality.
Hence the positive perversions are also accessible to psychoanalytic therapy.
It would be still more in harmony with psychoanalytic investigation if the experiences of early childhood would get a place of preference among the occasional factors.
By psychoanalytic investigation it is possible to bring to consciousness the forgotten material, and thereby to remove a compulsion which emanates from the unconscious psychic material.
The interpretations of dreams that one sometimes reads in psychoanalytic publications are often one-sided, and not infrequently contestable formulations.
Upon this most simple principle the psychoanalytic method of solving dreams is based.
Therefore I suggest that the psychoanalytic theory should be liberated from the purely sexual standpoint.
Because I think there are cases that can be much more rapidly cured thereby, than through a purely psychoanalytic treatment.
LOY 258 Contradictions inpsychoanalytic literature--Should the doctor canalise the patient's libido?
The grounds are found in the results of the psychoanalytic investigations of the unconscious.
I contend not for the application of the psychoanalytic method solely and at all costs, but for the recognition of every method of investigation and treatment.
I can therefore not admit the correctness of exclusively sexual interpretations, such as appear in somepsychoanalytic publications, for my experience has made me regard them as one-sided and therefore insufficient.
All this is very clear to me, since it is only the application to the psychoanalytic method of a general principle which should have universal validity: never do violence to Nature.
He is far more influenced by this complex than the normal person; many examples in confirmation of this statement will be found in every one of the recent psychoanalytic histories of neurotic cases.
As you see, I here put myself in decided opposition to certain views--I think quite unjustified--which have been put forth here and there inside the psychoanalytic movement.
Whilst we look at life only retrospectively, as is the case in the Viennese psychoanalytic writings, we shall never do justice to this type of case and never bring the longed-for deliverance.
One of the classical psychoanalytic case histories is that of Breuer's water glass and the puppy dog.
The psychoanalyticschool of psychiatrists have attempted to reduce all motives to one--the wish, or libido.
Craig states that he has not been impressed favorably by the results of psychoanalytic treatment.
It is rather striking that few records of Freudian psychoanalytic therapy are presented.
Outside of the psychoanalytic school altogether, Janet and Morton Prince have added much to psychological knowledge from their studies of dissociated and maladjusted personalities.
The immediate purpose of my paper is to study some of the problems of therapy, from the psychoanalytic point of view, of that small class of patients on the borderline between hysteria and epilepsy, or patients with epileptiform attacks.
It is not my purpose to undertake an exhaustive psychoanalytic study of Epilepsy.
The resemblance of this myth to certain birth and parturition dreams, as encountered in the psychoanalytic investigations of civilized adults, is certainly striking.
The ambiguity which has resulted from this condition of affairs, maintains the Psychoanalytic Dilemma: that of not knowing when to stop in apperceiving sexual allusions.
The psychoanalytic arguments from analogy, from precedent and from authority are alike to be rejected.
SOME years ago, at the Weimar Congress of the International Psychoanalytic Association, I read a paper on the importance of a knowledge of philosophy and metaphysics for psychoanalysts regarded as students of human life.
He announces categorically that pseudoepilepsy is curable by psychoanalytic procedures.
The logical end of a psychoanalytic treatment is the recovery of a full sense of one's highest destiny and origin and of the bearings and meanings of one's life.
One cannot maintain that the world was very grateful to psychoanalytic research for its discovery of the Oedipus-complex.
The continual spread of psychoanalytic doctrine, the increase of the number of physicians in many lands who treat analytically, seems to vouch for it.
You cannot, therefore, "listen in" on a psychoanalytic treatment.
Since we are so near the end you certainly will be glad to hear the psychoanalytic explanation of a maniacal idea.
That is to say, something in the nature of an interchange had been effected; as often as therapeutic measures are successful in again reversing this transposition, psychoanalytic therapy solves the problem of the neurotic symptom.
When, however, we undertake psychoanalytic treatment with a neurotic patient we proceed differently.
I last lectured to you on thepsychoanalytic treatment of errors and of the dream.
But what doubts you might raise against the credibility of the psychoanalytic reporter you will see plainly enough upon a later occasion.
Psychoanalytic treatment may be compared to a surgical operation, and has the right to be undertaken under circumstances favorable to its success.
Psychoanalytic investigation of the neuroses has for the first time made it possible to discover more remote phases of the libido-development.
Thereupon the psychoanalytic method of therapy was founded.
The psychoanalytic content has a habit of being more complicated than we should like to have it.
Yes, on this point the opposition between the medical and psychoanalytic conception of the dream reaches a climax not previously achieved.
Another example: I began thepsychoanalytic treatment of a boy of fourteen years who was suffering from tic convulsif, hysterical vomiting, headache, &c.
Some of them, like Professor Boris Sidis, reach at times conclusions which are strangely similar to Freud's, but in their ignorance of psychoanalytic literature, they fail to credit Freud for observations antedating theirs.
The psychoanalytic approach to mental prophylaxis is perhaps still, after twenty years of groping progress, in the experimental stage.
To be sure, it is to remembered that as there is no such word as friendship in the psychoanalytic vocabulary, an attitude of confidence or admiration must be represented in terms of a deeper sentiment.
As the psychoanalytic technique affords us excellent means for bringing to light this concealed material, we shall venture the attempt to fill the gaps in the history of Leonardo's life through the analysis of his infantile phantasy.
This still seems to be a rather meager and rather daring result of the psychoanalytic effort, but on further reflection it will gain in significance.
Let us therefore lend our unprejudiced ears for a while to psychoanalytic work which after all has not yet uttered the last word.
Psychoanalytic investigation has at its disposal the data of the history of the person's life, which on the one hand consists of accidental events and environmental influences, and on the other hand of the reported reactions of the individual.
The two characteristics of Leonardo which remained unexplained through psychoanalytic effort are first, his particular tendency to repress his impulses, and second, his extraordinary ability to sublimate the primitive impulses.
Our psychoanalytic studies of nervous people lead us to look for two other expectations which we would like to find verified in every case.
As for the metaphysical import of the mystical doctrine, I might maintain that the psychoanalytic unmasking of the impelling powers cannot prejudice its value.
As has been shown by two fairy tales and as I could have abundantly shown from countless others, the psychoanalytic and the anagogic interpretations are possible alongside of the scientific.
Quite as clear as the nature myth purport, is the fact that we have a representation of regeneration, which is quite as conceivable in psychoanalytic as in anagogic explanation.
I repeat emphatically that in this research, in being guided merely by the psychoanalytic point of view, we are for the time being proceeding in a decidedly one-sided manner.
The multiple interpretation of works of fantasy has become our problem, and the diametrical opposition of the psychoanalytic and the anagogic interpretation has particularly struck us.
How far this was the case in the alchemistic parable, I have fully shown in the psychoanalytic treatment of it.
So far all would be regular and we might think, on superficial examination, that the psychoanalytic solution of the parable was ended.
These very impulses are the ones that we know from psychoanalytic investigations as those which stand above all individual idiosyncracies.
The greatly preponderating part of psychoanalytic dream literature is occupied with interpretation according to material categories.
The love of the transitory finds itself deceived because the objects vanish, while the desire itself, the conation (or in psychoanalytic language the libido), continues forever.
The question now apparently becomes more complicated if I show that the psychoanalytic interpretation contains an analogue that we must take into consideration.
To relieve a cocainist of his desire by mere suggestion may demand an assiduity which the average physician simply cannot afford; and nothing requires more time than a real use of Freud's psychoanalytic method.
A survey of the picture of the relations of primitive peoples to their rulers gives rise to the expectation that our advance from description to psychoanalytic understanding will not be difficult.
That would be so far so good; but the psychoanalytic technique may enable us to penetrate more deeply into the matter and to add something about the nature of these various tendencies.
Our psychoanalytic work will begin at a different point.
I promise soon to make the problem of totemism a subject of special study in which an effort will be made to solve it by applying the psychoanalytic method.
The investigation of totemism may be modestly expressed as: "This is all that psychoanalytic study can contribute at present to the elucidation of the problem of totemism.
This is corroborated by psychoanalytic experiences, where there is much occasion to point out the importance of names in unconscious thought activity[74].
Psychoanalytic investigation of such cases has made us acquainted with the secret mainsprings of this affliction.
We said before that animism is a system of thought, the first complete theory of the world; we now want to draw certain inferences through psychoanalytic interpretation of such a system.
For the psychoanalytic theory (to which reference was made in the previous chapter) the congenital element of inversion is a rare and usually unimportant factor; the chief part is played by perverse psychic mechanisms.
Somewhat the same aim as Moll's association-therapy, though on the basis of a more elaborate theory, is sought by Freud's psychoanalytic method of treating homosexuality.
For a discussion of the psychoanalytic treatment of homosexuality by a leading American Freudian, see Brill, Journal American Medical Association, Aug.
Sadger has especially occupied himself with the psychoanalytic treatment of homosexuality and claims many successes.
I have met with at least two homosexual persons who had undergone psychoanalytic treatment and found it beneficial.
After undergoing a long and intensive period of personal analysis while in psychoanalytic training, Dr.
Considerably more patients are now treated with psychoanalytic psychotherapy than with traditional, intensive psychoanalysis.
Existential therapy often shows its psychoanalytic origins: as in analysis, existential psychotherapy focuses largely on anxiety and the suppressed issues that anxiety veils.
Reality therapists do not believe in the essential value of psychoanalytic interpretation, dream analysis, nondirective counseling, or intellectual {155} insight.
Some counselors have been influenced by the psychoanalytic approach, which is usually of long duration, frequently requiring one to several years.
These we found pre-eminently in sex, and so far we were in accord with the psychoanalyticschools of Vienna and of Zurich.
Since the report of one case would fill a book, and a condensed summary would require a chapter, we must refer to some of the volumes which deal exclusively with the psychoanalytic principles.
Footnote 34: The Psychoanalytic Review and the International Journal of Psychoanalysis.
Here we depend entirely upon psychoanalytic investigation, the only method which reaches such depths.
Indeed to those who are accustomed to look at man with the psychoanalytic eye, Rochefoucauld's incisive statement does not at all sound strange.
This more or less purely descriptive method of study is at present being followed by an intensive analysis of the facts thus gained as exemplified in the present psychoanalytic movement.
The older psychiatrists laid much stress on this point, a revival of which may be seen in the present-day widespread psychoanalytic movement.
When we come now to a consideration of the facts brought to light through the psychoanalytic study of man we are confronted with a still greater difficulty of presentation.
The extent to which lying and allied behavior depend upon unconscious motives has never been so well illustrated as in recent psychoanalytic literature, especially in a paper by Brill.
I therefore crave the indulgence of those of you who are not familiar with psychoanalytic literature for what I am about to quote briefly from Freud's theories on the sexual instinct in man.
Psychoanalytic investigations have shown that in mental phenomena there is nothing little, nothing arbitrary, nothing accidental.
The psychoanalytic treatment consists, in part at least, in the production of day dreams based on memories which free in the patient a certain amount of repressed energy.
It seems possible that sleep walking and moon walking may be permanently cured through the psychoanalytic method.
The technique of dream interpretation is unfortunately, like every detail of the psychoanalytic technique, very slow and at times discouraging.
This is why the psychoanalytic pronouncement that dreams are the fulfilment of wishes meets with so much hostility.
I have found my task infinitely simpler when the subject had done a good deal of reading along psychoanalytic lines or had attended many lectures on the subject.
While the psychoanalytic treatment is being applied, however, the patient must be made aware of a fact which will comfort him to a certain extent.
According to my psychoanalyticexperience children who cling so to inanimate things see in them either sexual symbols or those things were once objects of their secret sexual enjoyment.
Now psychoanalytic experience teaches that when a woman remains sexually cold toward a sympathetic and potent man, this goes back to an early sealing up of affect with a forbidden, because an incest object.
The similarity here with the phantasies of the psychoanalytic patient at the beginning is indeed unmistakable.
Furthermore it seems possible that sleep walking and moon walking may be permanently cured through Freud's psychoanalytic method.
If we now appeal to our psychoanalytic experience, this teaches us that regularly the sister incest represents a later form of the older and more serious mother incest.
It has been expected that the psychoanalytic method, which casts such light upon the unconscious, might do much to advance the understanding of the problems of sleep walking and moon walking.
The determining factor, to speak in psychoanalytic language, is the struggle between the strong sexual rejection and the equally compelling sexual desire.
It is that of a twenty-eight year old forester, who came under psychoanalytictreatment on account of severe hysterical cardiac distress.
He noted that the psalmists in the Bible sang to relieve themselves of their griefs and he saw that prayer had a psychoanalyticeffect on people.
Aristotle is the founder then of psychoanalytic interpretation of literature and is a forerunner of Freud.
Wittels, in the Tragische Motiv, gave us an interpretation from the psychoanalytic point of view of the nature and sufferings of tragic characters.
Dallas, both now very little read, who left critical works expounding poetry from a psychoanalytic point of view.
Our views of poetry from a psychoanalytic point of view finds confirmation even in the Bible.
It wasn't fair to jeer at thepsychoanalytic unconscious; or perhaps it was fair to jeer at the psychoanalytic unconscious, which is truly a negative quantity and an unpleasant menagerie.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "psychoanalytic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.