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Example sentences for "like every"

  • If he even got as far as the deadening of the earthly sense, which at last admits only the monotonous whisper of the word "Brahm," he nevertheless would not be essentially distinguishable from the sensual man.

  • All parties are shattered not against the State, but against the ego.

  • It it not thinking, but my thoughtlessness, or I the unthinkable, incomprehensible, that frees me from possession.

  • If they recognize in him their papa, they must in his presence put up with the censorship of speech, like every child.

  • Another point I should like to make very briefly: Like every Member of the House and Senate assembled here tonight, I was elected to the office that I hold.

  • Now tomorrow, like every day, 3,000 children will start smoking, and a thousand will die early as a result.

  • Like every taxpayer, I'm outraged by the reports of abuses by the IRS.

  • In his second period, having really penetrated below the surface, he found his own form, like every master, and subdued the internal with the external.

  • For when a country has become strong and rejoices in its strength, it needs, like every plethora, a cry, an exultation.

  • Like every confession of faith, this literature has its saints, its martyrs, and its disciples.

  • The standard of value, like every standard, must be one.

  • Like every phase of Saint Augustine's speculation, it came, as we have said, to buttress or express some religious belief.

  • Every symbol or phrase, like every gesture, throws the observer into an attitude to which a certain idea corresponded in the speaker; to fall exactly into the speaker's attitude is exactly to understand.

  • They have been guilty of arson, I suppose, and must take their chances, like every-day criminals.

  • The laugh of that old negro sounded startling and unnatural, yet there was something of the joyous in it, after all, like every negro's laugh.

  • But this picture, like every other, has its different sides, and occasionally men do certainly enter the church from motives as little as possible connected with those that ought to influence them.

  • Do you not admit that society in its present state, like every man, has in its constitution all kinds of virtues and vices inherited from our ancestors?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "like every" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    east course; help the; like another; like best; like bodies; like creatures; like everybody; like face; like form; like many; like myself; like shape; like sort; like structures; like that; like the; like thee; like them; like thine; like this; like very; like you; like you very much; like your; likes best; rocky point