They are all variations of the effort of the living being first to preserve itself and then to rise to morecomplicated life by entering into more complex relations and mastering its environment.
Any effort for a remedy was nullified if the minutiae of complicated formulae (largely magical or ritualistic in their origin) were deviated from.
On the other hand, it gives a certain sense of power to control and direct highly complicated machinery.
All over the world his daily life is regulated by a complicated and apparently most inconvenient set of customs (as forcible as laws), of quaint prohibitions and privileges.
Even an abridgment of Mr. Lister's account of his operation must necessarily be long, because the operation itself is so complicated and prolonged, and guided by such precise principles, as to render much abridgment almost impossible.
The operations requisite for the cure of fissures in the soft and hard palates are so complicated in their details, that a small treatise would be required thoroughly to describe the various procedures.
In most cases it is possible, and in nearly all advisable, to excise the joint by means of a lesscomplicated incision.
When the tumour is very large, and the skin has been much stretched and undermined, more complicated incisions may be necessary; these must be governed a good deal by the presence and positions of adhesions or ulcerations of the skin.
The trachea has most important and complicated anatomical relations--some constant, others irregular.
This may vary in extent from a very slight cleft in the middle line behind, up to a complete separation of the two halves of the jaw, including even the alveolar process in front, and sometimes complicated with harelip.
Complicated instruments, such as knives of various strange shapes, have been devised for this purpose; an ordinary cataract knife, very sharp, and set on a long handle is perhaps the best.
Very various operations have been proposed, and exceedingly numerous and complicated instruments invented for this purpose.
The duck mole is said to be fondest of calm spots in rivers filled with aquatic plants and the banks of which are shaded by the dense foliage of trees; and it constructs more or less complicated burrows in the banks.
In order to become an engineer, the first thing necessary is to gain a thorough understanding of the peculiarly complicated machine which it is the duty of engineers to control.
Such is the method of constructing a model locomotive which will run without complicated machinery.
At the last meeting between the men Schloesser showed Beethoven one of his compositions, a somewhat complicated work.
That I did not share common friends with the church youth was complicated further by the fact that my "shyness" grew when ignored.
The mere idea of taking drugs seemed incredibly idiotic and was complicated further by its exorbitant price-tag and illegality; the first element staved my urge to experiment with drugs, while the last two set that feeling in cement.
Doing an honest day's work was less complicated than expending energy to connive a way out of it; he knew that he earned his pay and never had to look over his shoulder in apprehension when the boss strode by.
The performance of these complicated and difficult duties required a man of courage and diplomatic ability, who could take things as they came, and who was always ready to act promptly in sudden emergencies.
In the more serious cases complicated by the collection of blood in the pleura, convalescence was more prolonged, and an average time of six to eight weeks often elapsed before the patients could be safely discharged from hospital.
Case 194 is inserted as an example of the complicated nature of the abdominal injuries not so very unfrequently met with.
The larger question of general nervous breakdown as the result of injuries from bullets of small calibre is at present hardly capable of an answer, and is so complicated by the co-existence of concurrent mental anxiety, exposure, &c.
Abscess of the lung I only saw once, and that in a case in which the injury to the chest was complicated by paraplegia from spinal injury and septicæmia, and it was possibly pyæmic.
It was complicated by a wound of the spleen and an injury to the spinal cord producing incomplete paraplegia accompanied by retention of urine.
It wascomplicated by a severe wound of the liver and also one of the lung.
Again, primary amputation for small-calibre bullet wounds, except when complicated by severe injury to the bones, was so rare as to render more than doubtful the frequent occurrence of severe primary hæmorrhage on the field.
With regard to active treatment, the majority of the cases were complicated by fracture of the roof of the orbit, and in many instances concurrent brain injury was present.
The following cases afford examples of the course followed in a number of injuries to the large intestine, and illustrate both the uncomplicated and the complicated modes of spontaneous recovery.
I saw several such cases, some of the most confirmed being wounds of the knee-joint complicated by injury to the popliteal vessels or nerves.
How can a private secretary, whom every new governor is at present under the necessity of bringing out with him, be capable of entering at once upon the duties of the most complicated and laborious office in the colony?
The more they struggle, the more complicated and firm becomes their entanglement.
But the only parries that would be of any use to him are the comprehensive and rather complicated parries, which sweep through all the lines.
The stop thrust is taken, when your opponent advances incautiously, or when he draws back his arm while executing a complicated attack, whenever in fact he makes a movement which leaves him exposed.
Habitual mistrust is one of the most necessary requirements for this complicated art.
The complicated wickedness of the court seemed now nearly approaching its climax.
The queen's account in the day of retribution must also be rather enormous, for the minister acted in concert with her in this complicated trickery.
The most complicated negotiation of the period, as well as one of the most complicated in our history, concerned the North Atlantic Coast fisheries.
Reconstruction in the world of industry was complicated by the demobilization of several millions of men from the army and navy, as well as the freeing of a still larger number of both men and women from various kinds of war work.
Meanwhile, just as Cleveland was retiring from office for the first time, another conference of the three powers was arranged which provided a somewhat complicated triple protectorate.
The currency question, nevertheless, remained as complicated as ever and the differences of opinion upon it as diverse as before.
The close of the Civil War found the nation as well as the several sections of the country facing a variety of complicated and pressing social, economic and political problems.
Although agitation over the use of silver currency resulted in no further important legislation for the time being, the general financial situation was complicated by a series of important acts.
Many of the dispatches were in a complicated cipher which resisted all attempts at solution.
To no small degree, the settlement of the political and economic issues before the country was complicated by the unmistakable drift toward sectionalism, and by the particular characteristics of the President.
In 1899, the triple protectorate was abandoned, as it had complicated the task of governing the islands.
The heart is the central organ of the entire system and consists of a hollow muscle; by its contraction the blood is pumped to all parts of the body through a complicated series of tubes, termed arteries.
It is double hair-lip in about one-tenth of the cases, and when double it is frequently complicated with cleft palate.
Perforating wounds are accompanied by injury to the lens and other structures; when the cornea is wounded it is often complicated by falling of the lens.
For complicated cases it takes longer, and of course is not without some danger.
Many cases are complicatedwith lithaemia (sand-stone in the urine).
To-day, however, this question is complicated by strategic considerations, due to the creation of the Kiel Canal as an almost impregnable naval base.
The electoral system in use for the Prussian Lower House is too complicated to explain here.
Just because they realised the extraordinarily complicated nature of the racial problems involved, they tended to overlook the steady advance made in recent years by Austria in the conceptions of political and constitutional freedom.
The problem of her future relations with her Balkan neighbours raises an infinitely more complicated issue.
The pronouncedly Italian sympathies of its inhabitants have complicated the problem of government and have been a permanent source of friction between Austria and Italy.
The effects of the war on industry and commerce will becomplicated and far reaching.
I have dwelt at some length upon the Southern Slav problem, because it is as complicated as it is unfamiliar to public opinion in this country.
We now turn to another, and, to say the least, not inferior department of the evidence in this complicated case.
There had always been individuals unrestrained by the complicated oaths of the wedding service--a strictly legal proceeding to which the church had been permitted to add its furbelows--dissatisfied ladies, and gentlemen of the commercial road.
In physiological language this means that all the multifarious andcomplicated activities of man are comprehensible under three categories.
The subject of animal diseases is complicatedand little understood; and to be properly comprehended, requires years close, intelligent study, under every advantage for obtaining the necessary information.
The fetlock-joint is a very complicated one, and from the stress which is laid on it, and its being the principal seat of motion below the knee, it is particularly subject to injury.
Let a dozen boys of ten years get together and you will soon observe two or three are “whittling” out some ingenious device; working with locks or complicated machinery.
I belong to the latter class; I never had the slightest love for mechanism; on the contrary, I have a sort of abhorrence for complicated machinery.
Franklin was invited by the President of the Society of Emulation to decide upon the merits of various works of art submitted for inspection, and he awarded my father, for a complicated lock, the prize of a gold medal.
He was a watchmaker by trade, but very soon displayed a wonderful ability and ingenuity which he devoted with so much assiduity to the construction of a complicated machine, that he lost all mental power for a considerable period.
What can be his object--his motive--for resorting to such tortuous and complicated scheming against us as must be his if he be playing the hypocrite?
Of what avail would then have been all his prodigious anxieties, sacrifices, and exertions, his deep-laid and complicated plans and purposes?
In the course of their inquiries many very difficult and complicated questions arose, which called forth great ability on the part of counsel.
The sudden and unexpected rebuff encountered by Mr. Gammon, in the Vulture Insurance Company's refusal to pay the policy on the late Lady Stratton's life, was calculated seriously to embarrass his complicated movements.
The third which we are now about to consider was much more complicated in its rules than either of the others.
In the more complicated form of the game, this led to giving different values to these numbers, the nine being always supreme and the one on which the highest bets were wagered.
Complicated rules determined when the players won or lost; when the bets were to be doubled and when they were to abide the chance of another count.