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Example sentences for "push forward"

  • The die was now cast; the Germans decided to push forward.

  • On 14th July von Buelow's army in Courland began to push forward, and at the same time another army attacked the Niemen front.

  • During the next ten days we tried to push forward, and the famous 29th Division was brought up; but even it could not snatch victory out of defeat.

  • General McClellan was ordered to push forward at once and meet him.

  • The men were universally eager to push forward, and the necessary delay caused by crossing the men and material of so large an army seemed to them a wearisome expenditure of time.

  • The firing in front indicated a hardly contested battle, and our men, knowing that Pope must be in need of reinforcements, were anxious to push forward rapidly.

  • Three prisoners, however, who were brought in gave such an account of the weak state of the garrison at Fort Duquesne, its want of provisions and the defection of the Indians, that it was determined to push forward.

  • Nearer Warsaw the throng became so dense that it was only possible to push forward at a walk.

  • The pressure became so great that the squadron was barely able to push forward step by step.

  • Realizing this, Gatacre called on the Camerons to push forward, and the battalion, headed by its officers, and with the Union Jack in front, dashed through the openings.

  • To secure the water supply it had become necessary to push forward a force into the Desert nearly twenty miles from the base of operations at Ismailia.

  • Magruder came at once into action, and the infantry attempted to push forward.

  • He was instructed to push forward as far as New Market; he was told that he would be joined by two regiments of cavalry, and that two brigades of Blenker's division were marching to Strasburg.

  • Hasten, expedite, speed, despatch, urge or push forward, urge or press on.

  • Impressed with this idea, he determined to push forward to the capital despite the inclemency of the season and the desertion of his troops.

  • Montgomery, with more impetuosity and less caution than Schuyler, determined to push forward at once, for the season was near when military operations there would be difficult.

  • Becoming weary of the slow travelling of the post, I determined to brave all risk, and to push forward.

  • The cavalry and a company of New Zealand Cyclists were then ordered to push forward 303 and secure the crossings of the River Aunelle.

  • When they had cleared up the first objective, a proportion of them was to push forward a short way, to prearranged positions, and act as strong points.

  • Nevertheless, she tried to keep up a brave heart and to push forward.

  • Crittenden was informed by a despatch from Rosecrans that Chattanooga had been abandoned by the enemy, and that he was to push forward at once with five day's rations and make a vigorous pursuit.

  • I have telegraphed back to obey no orders of Sherman, but to push forward as rapidly as possible.

  • They are directed to push forward, regardless of orders from any one except from General Grant, and cut off Johnston's retreat.

  • These traversed the wood separating us, without escort, and directed him to push forward; but he did not come.

  • Not content with such an experience, in the second march on Fort Duquesne he "prayed" the interest of a friend to have his regiment part of the "light troops" that were to push forward in advance of the main army.

  • These attempts to undermine Washington owed their real vitality to the Continental Congress, and it is safe to say that but for Washington's political enemies no army rival would have ventured to push forward.

  • The resistance they met with delayed them and we in consequence were subjected to much hostile artillery fire from our right flank and unable to push forward.

  • Repeated attempts were made to push forward, but only heavy casualties resulted.

  • It had been impossible for the British forces to push forward before as we had only captured Pips 4 and 5 on the “P” ridge a few days previously.

  • As it was now clear daylight the Germans were alert, and a storm of shrapnel machine-gun and rifle fire assailed the Canadians who continued steadily to push forward.

  • Attempts to push forward to Basseville were, however, stopped by machine-gun fire.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "push forward" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    annual interest; but their; cannot escape; dearly beloved; entirely new; five different; floor space; golf course; great riches; hate them; learn what; little flush; lunar eclipse; peasant girl; push button; push forward; pushed back; pushed forward; pushing forward; roaring lion; said the young doctor; then certainly; three officers; under circumstances; whilst young; young again