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Example sentences for "exultation"

Lexicographically close words:
exul; exult; exultance; exultant; exultantly; exultations; exulted; exulting; exultingly; exults
  1. On the legal principle he had enunciated when Roy's prior engagement was under discussion, we ought to accept his own explanation of his tardiness.

  2. Miss Fanny took me to task for it, an evening or two since, and I was obliged to plead 'Guilty.

  3. But she felt no resentment now, only a fierce exultation at having dared.

  4. And yet a spark of exultation leaped within him at the thought that love had caused this apostasy.

  5. You shall have the chance, at least, sir," I replied, a fiery exultation in my breast.

  6. Mingled with my anxiety, which was real, was an exultation that would not down.

  7. His station in life had been his offence to Eliphalet, who strove now to hide an exultation that made him tremble.

  8. No weakening tremor of exultation softened his face as he looked upon the men by whose endurance he had been able to do this thing.

  9. His passion had overcome his prudence, he had not intended to propose, but any shame she felt on this score was put to flight by a fierce exultation over the fact that she had brought him to her feet, that he wanted her enough to marry her.

  10. A slight exultation in his tone did not escape me.

  11. This a little damps the exultation caused by seeing him so honoured by the Effendina.

  12. I expressed such exultation at the idea of your return that my friends, all but Alick, refused to sympathize.

  13. It was simply to-night his exultation and happiness that impelled him, perhaps also some sense of high adventure that his romantic character would, most inevitably, extract from our expedition and its purposes.

  14. He hated the arrogance of triumph; and even in his cruel death he would have been glad to know that his passage to eternity would prevent too loud an exultation over the vanquished.

  15. With pardonable exultation General Sherman telegraphed to President Lincoln on December 22: "I beg to present to you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah, with one hundred and fifty heavy guns and plenty of ammunition.

  16. There was great local rejoicing over this demonstration that the Sangamon was really navigable, and the "Journal" proclaimed with exultation that Springfield "could no longer be considered an inland town.

  17. You may begin to pack your great baggage," she jested My heart sank within me, but I feigned exultation "Do you deserve it, pious soul that you are?

  18. The woman with the great golden teeth, Meyer Nodelman's cousin, was even more strenuous in her efforts to arouse my exultation than Ray's mother.

  19. Yet there was much exultation at the great victory won, which had struck the Confederacy a death blow and sent rejoicing to every loyal heart in all the Union.

  20. When they reached the huts of the Senecas, and the Indians ascertained who was their prisoner, their exultation was announced in the shouts of triumph which Ichabod had heard.

  21. Scarcely an hour had elapsed, after the flight of the Senecas, when a yell of exultation from beyond the grove, announced the return of the party who had gone in pursuit of them.

  22. When they saw that they were discovered, a wild yell of exultation broke from every throat, and darting from the ravine, they scattered in all directions about the cottage; but at sufficient distance to be out of reach of the rifles.

  23. When compelled to pace the deck for the last morning, as he trusted, with his chained comrades, he barely concealed his exultation at the thought that on the morrow he might be a free man once more.

  24. Winterborne, so disquieted by a gigantic exultation which loomed alternately with fearful doubt that he evaded the full acceptance of Melbury's last statement.

  25. Mr. Melbury's tone evinced a certain exultation in the very sense of that inferiority he affected to deplore; for this advanced and refined being, was she not his own all the time?

  26. Then he held it aloft, and he could not have shown a wilder exultation if he had achieved an immortal miracle.

  27. He even felt a certain exultation in the situation, one that would have appalled an ordinary scout and stalker, but which drew from him only supreme courage and utmost mastery in woodcraft.

  28. The band in the rear gave answer to the cry of their comrades in the west, and Henry and the shiftless one had never before heard a whoop so full of exultation and ferocity.

  29. But to Henry with his sensitive ear attuned to every shade of feeling that night the cry was not so full of exultation and triumph as the one before.

  30. Even as she sped on, full of the exquisite thrill of exultation in her own prowess she heard behind her the sound of a dull, fear-thickened cry.

  31. Instead, she felt a sort of wild exultation in her own daring, and set about doing difficult feats with an added delight in the very risk of the thing.

  32. She knew perfectly well that she was "in for it" now, but, strange to say, she felt no exultation in the prospect.

  33. No wonder Burton felt a marvellous exultation of spirits when he viewed this great expanse of waters.

  34. A different scene this from that night after the dinner party," Dick thought, looking at her downcast eyes and trembling hands with cruel exultation in his face, "If I cared!

  35. That first impulse of human exultation in a brave deed was gone; there was a horror of pity instead.

  36. Yes, my friend, there is a triumph in fortitude, an exultation in heroical resolve, which for a moment at least, sets a man above the most abject and distressing circumstances.

  37. Even in the dusk she could see the smiling, savage exultation in his eyes; the gloating, vindictive triumph, and her soul revolted at the horror in store for her, and the knowledge nerved her to another mighty effort.

  38. Yet the exultation in the big man's heart was dulled with a slight regret for his ruthless attack on Marion Harlan.

  39. He had watched the departure of Keats and his men, a flush of exultation on his face, his eyes alight with fires that reflected the malignant hatred he felt.

  40. He exults as he brings him in, yet mingles his exultation with something of pity as he baits his hook for another.

  41. He turned to give some directions to his coachman; and at the same moment a dead cat was hurled by some one in the crowd and struck him on the breast, a cry of exultation rending the very air in welcome of this ruffian act.

  42. Great as my boyish exultation was at my success, I believe its highest pleasure arose from the anticipation of Marie's delight when she received my letter with the news.

  43. She uttered a little cry that might have been mingled exultation and remorse for her victory and her broken faith.

  44. I had felt the rush of excitement, the old exultation at the prospect of danger, but this time there was something lacking in them.

  45. Exultation would have been involuntary then but for the sudden shock, and then the cold settling of temper, the breathless suspense.

  46. He gave a cry of exultation as, unfolding it, he saw the seal of his Raj.

  47. Then the Gulab drew from his arms and her face was radiant, a soft exultation illumined her eyes.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exultation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    celebration; elation; festivity; gaiety; glee; jubilation; merriment; transport; triumph