Occasionally the sealing is done with a thin slab of sandstone, somewhat larger than the opening, held in place with mud plastering, or propped from the inside after the manner of the “stone close†previously described.
As at Ketchipauan, previously described, the upper portion of the basins merged insensibly into the general drainage and had no definite limit.
The aerodrome frame was then mounted directly on the floor of the launching car, which was placed on a short track laid on the floor of the shop, as previously described.
These creatures produce eggs which yield small ciliated larvae that swim about freely for a time, and then settle down and establish stalked colonies as previously described.
The point of the hook should first be run through this, and then from side to side through the mantle, and finally through the adductor muscle previously described.
As the sections are cut they may be allowed to drop into a shallow vessel of water; and, the thinnest then selected for examination in water as previously described.
He admitted the accuracy of the gesture, previously described, in which the hands are moved toward the ground.
Its usual instrument of musical accompaniment was the ipu, previously described.
The bias, the one-sided slant given the pa-ú by tucking it in at one side, as previously described.
The said boat will then emerge from the cylinder or tube and will rise to the surface, or as near the surface as may be desired, and may then be directed and controlled by the operator at the keyboard, as previously described.
The oxyhydrogen jet differs from those previously described in one important particular, viz.
The wheels can be finished up in the same manner as previously described, so I need not say anything further about them.
Paint it black and gum in the centre of the funnel-box, previously described.
Her sails and spars are made in the ordinary manner, the same as those of other boats as previously described.
The steam, acting as previously described, produces a thrust tending to force the spindle toward the left, as seen in the cut.
In case the shunt to be employed across the series field has not been made up, it is advisable to perform a trial test before taking the readings for the curve as previously described.
Sooner or later such a condition will cause attacks of angina pectoris and more or less pronounced symptoms of chronic myocarditis and fatty degeneration, as previously described.
Other treatment of malignant endocarditis includes treatment of the condition which caused it plus treatment of "mild" endocarditis, as previously described, with meeting of all other indications as they occur.
When compensation fails, there is an occurrence of all the usual symptoms, as previously described.
C, cut off the wider tube at B, and make the bulb, as previously described, from the glass between AA.
The small tube of known capacity is filled with mercury as previously described, and its contents are transferred to the divided tube.
To obtain increased security many railways have adopted the lock and block system previously described, or some adaptation of the same principle, and this method of working will go on extending as the traffic increases.
The regulator bar, after careful filing and dressing up on the edges with an oilstone slip or a narrow emery buff, is finished as previously described.
For defining the locking face of the tooth we draw a line at an angle of twenty-four degrees to the line A g, as previously described.
This is developed by long washing in warm water, the resulting relief being a negative; this is coated with tinfoil of extreme thinness, and used as a mould for printing from with the gelatine ink, as previously described.
The process of transferring to stone is as previously described.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "previously described" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.