He dared not attempt to explain Scripture to sustain a preconceived theory or doctrine, but held it his duty to learn what is its direct and obvious teaching.
Endeavoring to lay aside all preconceived opinions, and dispensing with commentaries, he compared scripture with scripture by the aid of the marginal references and the concordance.
Man has made his history not by a metaphorical evolution nor with a view of walking on a line of preconceived progress.
It was easy and convenient for the theologians to carry back the course of human events to a preconceived plan or design, because they passed directly from the facts of experience to an assumed mind which ruled the universe.
Manetho's dates, however, were so inconsistent with preconceived ideas based on the chronology of the Bible, that they were universally thought to be fabulous.
In accepting, however, the evidence for Tertiary man, we must accept with it conclusions which are much opposed to preconceived opinions.
Unfortunately the investigations undertaken for this end have for a long time been fruitless, for the preconceived paludal theory has led investigators to occupy themselves exclusively with the inferior organisms inhabiting marshes.
You will then judge me to be so different from your preconceivedopinion that you will punish me for your own mistake, and allow me no merit at all.
She was not wholly free from a certain egotism and intellectual vanity, without the imagination to comprehend fully an individuality quite remote from all her preconceived ideas.
He preferred them simply tattooed, and this conventional dress jarred on his preconceived notions.
First, forget as much as possible preceding interpretations, and divest your mind of all preconceived notions.
Your personality has upset all my preconceivedideas of the leaders of this woman’s movement.
It was the confusion into which her personality had thrown all his preconceived ideas.
He laughed again at his preconceived ideas of the leader of Amazons and the sweet reasonableness of this gentle, brilliant, exquisite girl on whose words the crowd hung breathless.
The medieval cities were not organized upon some preconceived plan in obedience to the will of an outside legislator.
He was conscious of no premonitory chills and thrills, which, according to his preconceived notions of the "grand passion," ought to be felt even in its incipiency.
The Greek building is comparatively small in scale, symmetrical and balanced in its main design, highly finished in its details in accordance with a preconceived theory.
That, in the choice of Mr. Davis as President, the Congress only responded to the preconceived choice of the Southern people, was attested by the spontaneous acclamation with which the announcement was received.
The same taste for novelty is observable among savages, just in so far as it can be gratified without disturbing their preconceived ideas.
It is necessary to understand the classification of these plants, for the common names are entirely deceptive and utterly opposed to one's preconceived ideas of the species to which they belong.
I had heard so much of it that I had fully expected to be disappointed, but it more than fully realised all my preconceived ideas of its attractions.
No observation could shake his preconceived impression.
A true scientific attitude, however, is nothing more than perfect clearness, and therefore the complete separation of our thinking from any preconceived notion.
After that, when you ask my advice about furnishing the house with more or less liberal constitutional fittings, you may perhaps hear me say, "Ah well, I have no preconceived ideas.
For even on this point we must not admit any preconceived notion, as if these terms were something perfectly well understood--which is by no means the case.
We have been striving to bend him to our preconceived notion instead of finding out who and what he is as a condition precedent to intelligent teaching.
We suspend the sword of Damocles above his head and demand from him such answers as will fill the measure of our preconceived notions.
You appear convinced of my guilt, and wrest every reply I have made to support your own preconceived opinion.
It would seem that no experimental result can be of any value until it is deductively accommodated to some preconceived hypothesis, until it is embodied and under the sway of what is practically scientific dogma.
But aided by speculative methods and the use of preconceived ethereal hypotheses, various elaborate theories have been formulated, explaining matter and its properties entirely in terms of ethereal motions.
The description is based on no theory and obscured by no preconceived ideas, it is founded entirely on direct experimental evidence.
Stiff in opinion; firmly or unduly adhering to one's own opinion or to preconceived notions; obstinate in opinion.
My advice to you is to drop all preconceived theories, to note every circumstance, however remote it may appear in its bearing upon events, and in any case not to act precipitately.
They are so wrapped up in their good work of converting people to Christianity that, outside of that, they occasionally have a tendency to tinge with their own preconceived ideas, facts which to a less biased mind appear simple enough.
The Ainu apparently execute these designs on a preconceived plan, but the results rarely come up to expectation, as no drawing of the design is prepared beforehand.
Like every elderly person, she holds fast to preconceived ideas, however preposterous they may be.
With her preconceived and half-mistaken ideas as to that truth, it remained one-sided.
It pleases you to blind yourself with your preconceived idea of me.
The sham consists in making it appear that the plan proposed expresses the preconceived wish of a large body of people.
The minister on his part seeks the advice of the under-secretary on all questions that arise, making allowance for bias due to preconceived political or personal conviction.