But, as they were predisposed to find something supernatural in the transaction, their minds seized upon the pretended invisibility of the mouse as conclusive proof of diabolical agency.
Their minds were predisposedto believe in the latter explanation.
Those who drink largely of tea, coffee, diluted acids, bad wines, and indulge in tight lacing; are predisposed to this disease.
Some females are predisposed to uterine hemorrhages, from a relaxed or flabby state of the texture of the uterus.
Many of the recoveries will, however, under the most active and early treatment, be but partial, and in all cases the animals become predisposed to subsequent attacks.
The feet are the organs which are next in frequency predisposed to congestion.
Animals are sometimes predisposed to knuckling, such, for example, as are naturally straight in their pasterns, or animals which are compelled to labor when too young.
A straight leg, sloping croup, and the young are predisposed to this dislocation.
Whatever contributes to strength and vigor is protective; whatever contributes to weakness and poor health is provocative of the disease in the predisposed subject.
Some horses are naturally endowed with weak digestive organs, and such are predisposed to this condition.
Common, heavy-headed draft horses are predisposed to this condition.
Horses of lymphatic or sluggish temperament are predisposed to this affection.
Round-chested horses are said to be predisposed to the disease, and it is certain that in cases of long standing the chest usually becomes rounder than natural.
The hind legs are more predisposed than the fore to this deformity, in consequence of the greater amount of labor they are required to perform as the propelling levers of the body.
Horses with a nervous, excitable disposition are more predisposed than those of a more sluggish nature.
But the poetry which youth usually loves and appreciates the best--the poetry of mere sentiment--does so in minds already over predisposed to the sentimental, and which require bracing to grow into healthful manhood.
A generation sprang up physically predisposed to a sort of morbid exaltation, and powerfully acted on by the revelation of a hitherto unseen, unfelt world of woe.
Because these theories and procedures work successfully as they are applied to the government of each nation, Pan-Angles will be predisposed to believe that they will work when applied to a government of the whole race.
In a member of a family predisposed to consumption a bronchial attack following exposure may be much more dangerous than in others.
Sudden changes in the temperature of the atmosphere or of the surface of the body are therefore dangerous in predisposed persons.
Eclampsia sometimes occurs on the first day, especially in those predisposed to it, even when the subsequent course of the disease is mild and favorable.
The revolutionary strifes had wearied the brain of France and had predisposed it to accept accomplished facts.
The sentimental Liberalism of the young Czar predisposed him towards a French alliance, and his whole disposition inclined him towards the brilliant opportunism of Paris rather than the frigid legitimacy of the Court of St. James.
Hamilton's oft-avowed preference for the English model gave much color to the first part of this conclusion, and the exasperated feelings of our people toward that government predisposed the public mind against the whole policy.
Dropping this prudent and precautionary sentence, in order to guard against anything Violante might say as to that subtle mention of Beatrice which had predisposed her to confide in the marchesa, Randal then hurried on, "But you want repose.
Indeed, it was looked upon not only as a curative, but also as a prophylactic, or preventive, of great service to those predisposed to this disease by reason of narrow chest and weak lungs.
What wonder then, that the words, however silly, of that prediction, should have succeeded in setting and keeping at variance two families already predisposed to quarrel by every instigation of hereditary jealousy?
In taking up the special types predisposed to the nervousness of the housewife it is to be emphasized that conditions may bring about the neurosis in the normal housewife.
It is superfluous to say that we have here briefly considered only a few of the types specially predisposed to difficulty.
This has already been considered under the heading Types Predisposed to the Neurosis.
Though we have discussed the types predisposed to the nervousness of the housewife, it is a cardinal thesis of this book that great forces of society and the nature of her life situation are mainly responsible.
The third type predisposed to the neurosis of the housewife is the overemotional woman.
Predisposed though she is to self-confidence and pride, no one could possibly love more tenderly and humbly.
The Council's most honourable members, amongst whom was Shakespeare's patron, Pembroke, saw with indignation that he predisposed the King in favour of their rivals.
These cases prove that geniality, originality, artistic and æsthetic creation may show themselves in the least predisposed natures, as a consequence of mental alienation.
Thus it seldom happens that great masses of people are equally predisposed towards, and impressed by, the same movement.
We have seen how the thymocentric, especially if he possesses a small bony case for his pituitary, is predisposed to crime.
The thyrocentric is predisposed to heart disease, as well as intestinal disturbances.
We have already seen that the very idea of progress sprang up in recent times in consequence of a few factors which predisposed men's minds to social hopefulness.
If anything, they werepredisposed to believe the defendants guilty and their union an outlaw organization.
Besides this, they were predisposed to sympathize with the ideal of solidarity and Industrial Democracy for which their own union had stood from the beginning.
Even if Paul was constitutionally predisposedto hallucinations, the experience of this particular hallucination must be shown to be possible.
Tender-skinned animals seem to bepredisposed to the disease.
Horses that are fat, or putting on flesh rapidly, seem to bepredisposed to this disorder.
Animals affected with other respiratory diseases are predisposed to pneumonia.
Young colts that have heavy bodies and are fed a fattening ration are predisposed to it.
Young animals that are in high condition are predisposed to the disease.
Animals that are fat or rapidly putting on fat are predisposed to it.
Extremely fat animals and animals that are rapidly putting on fat are predisposed to this disorder.
Animals that have had one attack are predisposed to a second.
Young horses that do not know how to pull, or horses that are tired out by hard work, are predisposed to muscular strain, and are apt to suffer injury if forced to do heavy work.
A banker is never predisposed in favor of any one--not even his own flesh and blood.
And I thought that possibly--just possibly--you might be predisposed in my favor.