It has been presupposed that the war will end decisively before the armies engaged are reduced to inappreciable numbers of able-bodied men.
It has been presupposed that the return of peace will find British industry based upon the old system of private ownership of capital and haphazard production in response to the effective demand of individuals.
Moreover, it is presupposed that religious feeling has been sufficiently awakened long beforehand.
In instruction the presence of interest cannot be simply assumed; just as little can good intentions on the pupil's part always be presupposed in training.
Fortunately it was given in a way which all but presupposed refusal.
To exist is to man the first datum; it constitutes the very idea of the subject; it is presupposed by the predicates.
Thus in the passage above cited from the New Testament, the virgin or rather sexless life is presupposed as the true life, which, however, necessarily becomes a future one, because the actual life contradicts the ideal of the true life.
Does the latter result from, or is it not rather presupposed by, our thought-activity?
But, among finite realities, we see an essential subordination of the extrinsically possible to the intelligible, of this to the intrinsically possible, and of this again to the essential type which is presupposed by our thought.
But this conception of a system of nature is confirmed by experience; and it must even be inevitably presupposed if experience itself is to be possible, that is, a connected knowledge of the objects of sense resting on general laws.
This latter, however, we could not prove to be actually a property of ourselves or of human nature; only we saw that it must be presupposed if we would conceive a being as rational and conscious of its causality in respect of its actions, i.
Freedom must be presupposed as a Property of the Will of all Rational Beings It is not enough to predicate freedom of our own will, from Whatever reason, if we have not sufficient grounds for predicating the same of all rational beings.
It seems then as if the moral law, that is, the principle of autonomy of the will, were properly speaking only presupposed in the idea of freedom, and as if we could not prove its reality and objective necessity independently.
Therefore, geometrical impenetrability is no argument in favor of physical impenetrability; for the former exists only in case it is presupposed or required under pain of contradiction.
The position was one which must have had its impressiveness for all minds that were not of the dullest order, even if they were inclined, as Macchiavelli was, to interpret the Frate's character by a key that presupposedno loftiness.
At that Augusti shook his head still more; for as Sphex had previously jumped at once from the subject of the letter to that of the Prince's death, this leap almost presupposed the reading of the same.
But this conception of a system of nature is confirmed by experience, and it must even be inevitably presupposed if experience itself is to be possible, that is, a connected knowledge of the objects of sense resting on general laws.
Freedom must be presupposedas a Property of the Will of all Rational Beings It is not enough to predicate freedom of our own will, from whatever reason, if we have not sufficient grounds for predicating the same of all rational beings.
It is, in fact, the wish for rational insight, not the ambition to amass a mere heap of acquirements, that should be presupposed in every case as possessing the mind of the learner in the study of science.
This is the consideration of what is presupposed in the human conscience.
In addition to this it will be well to remind the inquirer, that the stedfast conviction of the existence, personality, and moral attributes of God, is presupposed in the acceptance of the Gospel, or required as its indispensable preliminary.
Kosters’ conclusions “appear so inevitable” that he has “constantly presupposed them” in dealing with chaps.
The Ennead was but a multiple of the triad, and presupposed the sacred number.
They display features of greater antiquity, and the animism presupposed by them is but thinly disguised.
Professor Flinders Petrie has shown that it is presupposed by the so-called Banner name of the Egyptian Pharaohs.
The continued existence of the double was dependent on the continued existence of the body, for the one presupposed the other, and it was only the mummified body which could continue to exist.
They enter into the web of the earliest Hebrew thought, and are presupposedby Hebrew literature.
The religious conceptions presupposed by them differ in kind as well as in degree.
The one presupposed the other, for the symbol presented the abstract idea in a material and visible shape, while the materialism of the Egyptian mind demanded something concrete which the senses could apprehend.
The ideas, it is true, were not self-evolved; they presupposed beliefs which had been bequeathed by the past; but their logical development and the forms which they assumed were the work of the Egyptian people.
Although this cannot be strictly proved, it can nevertheless be shown that the apparatus presupposed by such transmission must be so immensely complex, nay!
But in this explanation, as in so many others of the same kind, it has unfortunately been forgotten that the transmission of acquired characters which is presupposed in the explanation is a totally unproved hypothesis.
It shows how our conception of reality and our psychical organisation are inevitably presupposed in the barest function of intelligence, in the abstractest forms of logical law.
But little reflection is needed to discover that this is the presupposed end which lies at the basis of the events themselves, as of the critical examination into their comparative importance, i.
In the full truth of that liberation is given the identification of the three stages--finding a worldpresupposed before us, generating a world as our own creation, and gaining freedom from it and in it.
In the present lecture I shall attempt the analysis of memory-knowledge, both as an introduction to the problem of knowledge in general, and because memory, in some form, is presupposed in almost all other knowledge.
This one is for everyone who has the two essentials, faith and intelligence, presupposed by Anthony in Chapter II.
But this is to acknowledge, you observe, that both thought and feeling are present and presupposed wherever religion exists.
Thus, one owes it in charity to oneself to seek the education and training that are presupposed in one's profession or occupation, and to bestow the necessary study and attention.
This work eschews that method, and is at pains everywhere, first of all, to lay the foundations on which the superstructure is to be built, namely, the definitions and rules that are presupposed to moral judgments and conclusions.
Examples: Infants are not guilty of sin against the Natural Law, when they do not pray; for they lack the use of reason, which is presupposed by the notion of prayer.
The act of faith is virtual, when one elicits the act of some other supernatural virtue without thinking expressly about faith; for faith is presupposedby all other supernatural virtues, since one cannot wish what one does not believe.
The temporal thing is annexed antecedently if it precedes the spiritual thing as its prepared or appointed or presupposed matter or subject.