That Poulterer with a swaggering swing Strides to his door, the stock looks "scrumptious" In his eyes; but thrasonic diction To BULL will hardly bring conviction.
The cover was lifted from within, and the pigeons flew away with a clatter that brought the chagrined poulterer cursing and swearing to the door.
The Frau Geheimraetin deigned to superintend, in her own person, the buying of turkeys and ducks and geese," the poulterer had reported at the Minchah service.
The poulterer reported that they were taking out the walls of the house, while "Rebbe on the contrary" declared they weren't tearing down the walls at all, merely a bit of boarding between the rooms.
The decision of the highest authorities in the land was not so important to Arthur as that of the poulterer and the butterman.
As for the audience in general, it showed some signs of weariness as the poulterer stumbled on through his confused speech; and not a restless gesture, not a suppressed yawn in the place, but was apparent to the minister's mother.
The widow looked through her veil at the butterman and the poulterer with one keen pang of resentment, of which she repented instantly.
In shipping poultry the first thing the young poulterer should do is to establish a reputation among the first-class dealers in his vicinity.
The rich men who inhabit them are growing richer and more numerous, and are always ready to pay the poulterer a good round price for a first-class article.
The amateur poulterer should understand in the beginning that it is far easier to anticipate disease in poultry than to cure it.
This is what the poulterer should always cater for, and machinery alone will enable him to do it.
When your butcher or poulterer knows what you will want, he has a better chance of doing his best for you; and never think of ordering beef for roasting except for Sunday.
A poulterer is called upon, under oath, to decide this great theological and philosophical question that has agitated the world for so many hundred centuries.
To make a poulterer a sovereign judge of theology is on a par with making the Archbishop of Canterbury a judge of poultry.
I spoke to the poultereron the subject, sir: he constantly brings me down fowls, and he tells me that they kill each other fighting.
Leadenhall, without any 'denizen' poulterercoming or meddling in sale or purchase with them, or among them.